Chapter 1336

But she was embarrassed to ask directly, so she could only go from the side.

"Just tell me, am I so drunk? Or Have I ever talked or done something strange? "

After that sentence, Jiang Xiaobai asked very clearly, she thought Xiao Su should be able to make it clear.

And Xiao Su did not expect that she came to ask himself at the beginning, thinking that she was embarrassed and wanted to come to him to apologize, but now?

Xiao Su stopped eating and took a deep look at her.

"It seems that you have forgotten everything about last night?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and then retorted with a smile: "no, I didn't forget it. I didn't want to ask your opinion, so I asked."

Oh Xiao Su gave a low smile and continued to eat. She did not answer her question at all.

"You talk."

"Hello Say it Jiang Xiaobai reached out to push his arm: "can't you just eat breakfast? I'm asking you something. Give me some reaction

Xiao Su looked up at her and said, "Jiang Xiaobai, I think You'd better not drink broken pieces in the future

With that, he tilted his head as if he were thinking seriously. After thinking, he added: "ordinary people can't accept it."


Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Can't ordinary people accept it?

What do you mean by this sentence? Did she look ugly last night? What did she look like last night?

Vomit? Or are you crazy? sing? Or holding Xiao Su and pulling his clothes?

Jiang Xiaobai can't accept any of the above.

She held on to Xiao Su's sleeve tightly and didn't want to loosen it.

"What do you mean Can't ordinary people accept it? What did I do last night? "

Xiao Su looked at her, her eyes and expression were very cramped. It seemed that she really didn't know what had happened last night. It seems that she really forgot everything about last night.

Xiao Su was very surprised at this. It was clearly her own thing. How could she forget it all and forget it at all?

"What do you say?" Jiang Xiaobai saw that he was only staring at himself, but he didn't say a word. He was more worried and shook Xiao Su's arm all the time.

"Don't you really remember?" Xiao Su asked.

Jiang Xiaobai shakes his head, "really can't remember, if I can remember, I still want to ask you?"

"Can't you remember?" Xiao Su's thin lip micro hook hook, "if you can't think of it, then don't think about it. It's not good for you."

With that, Xiao Su stood up and patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder in a comforting way: "it's OK. No one else saw your appearance last night, and I didn't record it, so don't worry about it."

Then, in Jiang Xiaobai's dismay, he left.

Jiang Xiaobai stayed for a long time to react. When she wanted to ask Xiao Su again, she found that Xiao Su had gone to work!

"Ah! Dog man Jiang Xiaobai was angry and scolded Xiao Su, "I asked you for a long time that you didn't say a word. Would you die? I'm so angry

She angrily rushed back to her room to find her mobile phone. When she got the mobile phone, she found that her mobile phone had no power. Jiang Xiaobai had to plug in the charger, charged it for a while and then turned on the phone directly to fangtangtang.

When the phone was connected, Fang Tangtang's bad laughter came from the mobile phone.

"When Dangdang ~ Jiang Xiaobai, how did you feel last night? Have you played with your fake boyfriend? Did you turn him into a real boyfriend today

Hearing this joke, Jiang Xiaobai immediately guessed what happened after she was drunk last night.

"Fangtangtang, to be honest with you, are you tired of your life?" Jiang Xiaobai gnashed his teeth and said, "you called Xiao Su here last night?"

"Sister, will you listen to my explanation? I see you are dejected by love and drunk like this. I'll call him over for you. What's wrong with that? "

"Ha ha, then you really do good things."

"Of course, we are good sisters after all. I must think for you."

After excited, Fang Tangtang complained: "besides, you were so drunk last night that I couldn't manage you by myself alone. What's more How can I go after my God when you are drunk like that? I'll have to call Xiao Su over and help you

“…… What did I get drunk last night? Do you know? " Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to talk to her about anything else. She just wants to know what she did after getting drunk.

Fangtangtang was a little confused by this question, and answered the question honestly.

"I know. I'm red all over my body, and then I'm so stupid that I can't stand still and I'm very obedient. I'll let you sit on the bar and you'll just sit there."Listen to a friend's description, Jiang Xiaobai thinks it sounds quite normal?

But when I saw Xiao Su's reaction, I didn't think it was so simple.

"No, are you lying to me?" Jiang Xiaobai's tone was fierce: "you can tell me directly, what do I look like when I'm drunk?"

"As I said just now, there is nothing else. What's the matter, Xiaobai? What else have you done in the dark? "

"If I had known, I would not have asked you!" Jiang Xiaobai scratched his ears and scratched his cheek: "is everything you just said true? How good am I when I'm drunk? How do I feel like a crazy woman? "

"I think too much, Xiaobai. It's all on TV. How can it be in reality? Don't worry. I see you are very normal. You will not... " When it comes to caramel, I think of something like this

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai clenched the mobile phone for a few minutes, frowned and asked cautiously.

"After Xiao Su came, I left, but later I was still a little worried, so I came back to have a look at you. When I came over, I just saw you holding a chair and I didn't know what to say to Xiao su. Then Xiao Su squatted down, and then you jumped on his back like a tiger, not me Xiaobai, you are too rude. At that time, I saw Xiao Su almost knocked down by you. Do you regard yourself as an ox with this strength? "

Jiang Xiaobai:

On her back? Almost knocked down Xiao Su?

"By the way, when you were talking to Xiao Su, your expression was called a coquettish one, which I had never seen before. I felt that you were playing coquettish with Xiao Su?"

"Me? I'm acting like a coquette with Xiao Su

Jiang Xiaobai felt unrealistic and sneered: "how can this be possible? How can I be coquettish to him? "