Chapter 1339

"Yes, sister Wen Wen doesn't come out to talk these two days? Are you in Wen? "

A group of people began to call Jiang Wenwen. Now Jiang Wenwen wants to take the heart of the front desk. It is clearly that she picked up the incident in the group, and now how to push the matter to her head.

Because someone else had her, Jiang Wenwen could not pretend to be dead any more. He went out to respond after a few minutes.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little busy at work. I haven't paid much attention to what you said recently."

"Sister Wen Wen, we are on the same boat. Why don't you pay attention to it? Isn't she in your hands? Just call and ask. "

Jiang Wenwen felt more uncomfortable when he saw this.

What does she mean to know by phone?

Even if she really wanted to call, she couldn't be asked to do it!

Jiang Wenwen was dissatisfied with the tone of being told and instructed, so she said a word in the group.

"If you want to know, fight by yourself, don't just bother others."

After this sentence came out, the group became a little quiet.

Maybe I didn't expect Jiang Wenwen to say that all of a sudden. After all, when we were chatting together, we were really gossipy, but she suddenly refused.

Seeing this sentence, the receptionist was not happy. He just wanted to say something to hate Jiang Wenwen, but he walked through a familiar figure in front of him.

She looked up and found that the protagonist who had just been discussed in the group was right in front of her. What was she still asking in the group? Why don't you just go up and ask me?

Thinking of this, the front desk quickly put down the mobile phone and walked towards Xu Yanwan.

When Xu Yanwan saw the person who stopped her way, she felt more cold in her eyes. Then she stopped to look at the front desk.


The front desk was surprised by her look, because Xu Yanwan was not the same look when she was looking for her. Now she gives people a feeling of indifference and not easy to get close to.

So she was stunned for a while, and after a long time of reaction, she said, "it's OK. It's OK. I saw you fainted before. I didn't come to the company for several days. Everyone was in the same company. So I was a little worried about you. I want to see what your condition is now. Is your health OK?"

Hearing this, Xu Yanwan wanted to laugh.

Clearly concerned about her relationship with Han Qing, whether her fiancee's identity is true, but she said so many hypocritical words tactfully.

She didn't say anything. Xu Yanwan also planned to pretend to be stupid and looked at her with a faint smile.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm in good health. There's no big problem. I can work well next time."

With that, Xu Yanwan turned around and wanted to leave. The front desk was worried, so she went to stop her.

"Anything else?" Xu Yanwan looked at her, her eyes seemed to be able to see through her thoughts. The front desk didn't know why she couldn't speak and could only stare at her.

After a long time, he said, "that day I saw Mr. Han leave the company with you in his arms, and then his girlfriend is still with him. "

Xu Yanwan blinked her eyes and finally couldn't help saying it?


"Er..." She asked the front desk at a loss. She asked herself why?

So what? What would she say?

"It seems that you haven't figured out what to say. I have to go to work, so I won't chat with you and leave first."

The front desk saw that she was going again, and knew that if she didn't ask her clearly this time, maybe she would really ignore her. So the front desk quickly stepped forward and seized her hand.

"Well, I actually want to ask you, is your fiancee's identity true? If it's a real fiancee, what do you think of the girlfriend around president Han? Aren't you angry that she robbed your fiancee? Shouldn't it be taken back? "

Grab it back?

Xu Yanwan thought about these three words in her heart, and her expression gradually began to ponder.

From the beginning to the present, she has never thought of snatching these three words.

"You are the fiancee. The girlfriend of general manager Han is a later one, so she is a third party. You can reprimand her."

Xu Yanwan looked at the front desk and suddenly looked at her curiously.

"So why do you tell me that?"

The front desk was stunned by her question, but she didn't think about how to answer it. Xu Yanwan chased after her and asked, "even if all I said is true, what's the relationship between these things and you? You're just the front desk of a company, aren't you? When did the front desk work include caring about other people's personal feelings? "


The front desk didn't expect that Xu Yanwan didn't give her face, so she met her face to face.

She had never thought that there would be such a scene, so she could not resist for a moment and could not answer her questions.

"Since then, you have been asking me about this matter. I don't think you have the right to interfere. I hope you can understand that this is not something you want to participate in. But it seems that you don't understand what I've conveyed to you, and you are still asking me this question. As a front desk worker, with such a long hand, is there really no problem? "At the end of the sentence, Xu Yanwan's tone suddenly became fierce, just like a senior person's momentum, which scared the front desk, but did not respond for a long time.

For a long time, her momentum completely weakened, stuttered: "I, I have no other meaning, you are not angry, I don't mean to stretch my hand intentionally, I just I just heard you said it was Mr. Han's fiancee, so I just

Don't know why, Xu Yanwan's breath at this time has become gentle and gentle, asked the other party gently: "you are because the road is not fair, so pull the knife to get along?"

Listen, the front desk quickly nodded: "yes, yes, that's it."

"Oh, that's a pity." Xu Yanwan took a step forward and approached the front desk: "I still remember the day when I came to find Han Qing. You stopped me outside and asked me if it was president Han's fiancee. After that, he laughed at me endlessly."

The front desk turned pale. I didn't expect that Xu Yanwan would suddenly mention it.

She argued for herself in confusion.

"Xu, Miss Xu I've apologized to you for this. I didn't mean to do it, and you told me that you didn't mind. "

Xu Yanwan is still smiling.

"Yes, I don't mind. But I haven't forgotten it for a while. I don't have the option to delete the memory, do you think? "

Looking at Xu Yanwan in front of her, the front desk felt a chill on her back. She was smiling in front of her, but she felt endless coldness through this smile.

"Well, I'll go to work first, and you'll work hard."

Xu Yanwan patted her on the shoulder and walked away.

This time, the front desk didn't catch up.

She stood there, thinking about what Xu Yanwan had just said to her. The more she thought about it, the more afraid she was.