Chapter 1319 Smell Of Love

1319 Smell Of Love

"Where are we going?" asked Xiang Wai nth time.

"If you don't shut up, Major, I'm not sharing my food with you," said Hyson.

"It's okay. I know how to steal," she replied.


"Learning it from you!"

Hyson rolled his eyes at her and observed everything around him. Suddenly, with his keen eyes, he saw a basket tied up to the branch of a tall tree. "Found it!"


Hyson pointed towards the basket and said, "Our dinner!"

Xiang Wai looked at this and her lips twitched. No wonder it was a treasure hunt trip. "Who came up with this idea?"

"Who do you think?" asked Hyson in response rather than answering her question.

"It must be my dearest aunt who is up to no good ever!"

"I'll convey your words to my godmother faithfully!"

Xiang Wai gave him a glare, "Tattletale!"

Hyson stuck his tongue at her and said, "Now, climb."


"What?" asked Hyson. "You have to climb up to get that basket. Or are you expecting to shoot it down? Well, do you have a bow or an arrow to shoot it down? Guns are illegal anyway."

"Can't you tell?" she asked.

"You look over the moon to me," he replied honestly. "It's like a lifelong dream of yours is coming true."

"Actually, you aren't all that wrong," said Xiang Wai. "Jun had been my dream for a very long time. So, it is indeed like a dream coming true. You won't understand this even if I explain it to you in detail."

Hyson nodded in response, "Indeed, I really don't understand this at all. I won't even say I'm looking forward to understanding it. But slowly, I'm becoming quite interested in knowing what this feeling even is that you all speak of."

"It's the most addictive and the most dangerous drug in the world," replied Xiang Wai. "That's what this feeling is. Love. You know even if you know it's not good for your health, you still wanna have a taste of it at least once in your life unless you're heartless. And I don't think you're that callous. So, I'd say your time hasn't come yet. You haven't met that special someone who could make your heart feel like... Like... How should I explain it? Well, anyway, it's just different. When you'd feel it, you'd realize it immediately because it's like no other feeling you have ever felt."

"I'll wait for my time then," said Hyson. He laughed to himself, "You know once upon a time, I used to try to convince Ellie that love is a good thing. She needed to open her heart and understand it. She was nice enough not to slap me in the face for saying crazy words when I didn't even understand anything myself. At least, she could explain the phenomena of love through science. You know all those chemical reactions of dopamine and serotonin or whatever. But I couldn't even understand that. Yet I always criticized her."

"I'd say, Raelle made you courageous enough to talk nonsense with her," was Xiang Wai's view on this.

"I know," replied Hyson.

"Do you have a favorite smell?" asked Xiang Wai.

"Huh? No. Why?"

"Did Raelle have a favorite smell before marrying Xian?"


"Then ask her now. I assure you, she'll have a favorite smell now."

"And what is that?"

"I don't know. But I know one thing. Whatever it is, that's her smell of love."

"I don't get it," Hyson looked very confused but his confused look was so cute that Xiang Wai ended up pinching his cheeks making his swat her hands away.