Chapter 408: The Dead Cannot Be Resurrected!

Name:Maybe a Fake Gintama Author:
Chapter 408: The Dead Cannot Be Resurrected!

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 408 The Dead Cannot Be Resurrected!

"So... so painful. My head feels like it's about to explode... Give me the porridge." Kagura, who was wearing a mask, shouted weakly, "Cough cough... It seems like I can get better after eating a rice porridge... Cough cough..."

"No, you gotta add egg," the sluggish Gintoki corrected in a very weak voice, "Pretty sure I won't get better without rice porridge with egg and takuan...Cough cough..."

"That... I already know what I need," Kawaki took over and said, "Well, a cold towel that has been soaked in cold water. If I put it on my forehead, I will definitely get better... Cough cough..."

Shinpachi, who was kneeling beside Otae, unconsciously had a vein popping out on his face because of Gintoki and Kagura's words. At the same time, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

"I say, you guys, why did you especially come to my house?" Shinpachi frowned and said with a look of disdain, "If you are not in good health, you can sleep at your own home, right? What are you here for?"

"Don't be so heartless. The two of us can't move." Gintoki turned his head to look at Shinpachi and complained, "Like, you known, in DQ when a party of jesters has been paralyzed.."

(Jester: A profession that began to appear in Dragon Quest 3. Apart from being relatively lucky, it has no abilities at all.)

"Although it's a good thing that you can understand your own situation. But when you choose a jester to play the game, your head is already filled with water, right?" Shinpachi ridiculed expressionlessly.

"I used the last of my strength to come here," Gintoki continued, "There can't be much difference between looking after one person or two or three, right? I leave the rest to you, Mecha Doc."

"My home is neither a church nor a hotel," Shinpachi complained helplessly, "You won't restore HP or recover from status effects by staying in a commoner's house."

"My body is burning... I am about to die," Kagura raised her hand out of the blanket and continued with a pained expression, "So... so painful... ice cream. I think I can recover after eating ice cream... Cough cough..."

"All you've been thinking about is food!" Shinpachi pointed at Kagura and spat loudly. "Moreover, haven't you already eaten ice cream?! Didn't you already eat all the Baagen-Dazs that Kawaki-san bought over there?! If eating ice cream could heal you, wouldn't you be fine by now?! If you're healed, then hurry up and leave!"

"I feel like I'm still a little short..." Kagura shook her head and replied weakly.

"How rude, Kagura! You should have a better attitude at this time!" Kawaki raised his hand and knocked on Kagura's head, "Under the current circumstances, we can only entrust everything we have to Shinpachi-kun. Shinpachi-kun is working very hard. Shinpachi-kun, come on... Cough cough, by the way, I need a cool towel, the kind you put on your forehead, please..."

"Porridge with egg and takuan... please, Shinpachi... cough, cough, cough..."

"A big bowl of beef rice bowl with ice cream for ten people-aru...please, Shinpachi...cough, cough, cough..."

"Hey-----! That's enough, you bastards! Why do you think that I will do it just because you add 'please'?" Shinpachi roared with blue veins popping out, "Speaking of which, the three of you are asking for too much! Kagura-chan just wants to eat! If you have an appetite, go back! If you can eat ten portions of a big bowl of beef rice bowl with ice cream, it means that your cold has recovered! Go back!"

At this moment, Otae struggled to sit up and kindly suggested, "Shin-chan, I'm here to help too. Let's make everyone's porridge together."

Hearing this, the faces of Kawaki, Gintoki, and Kagura instantly changed.

Yes, it has been confirmed. The blush on Sacchan's face should not be because of influenza, but because of excitement.

"What are you talking about This virus is Miss Otae's virus!" Kondo retorted, "Violate me, Taefluenza!"

"Harder! Ginfluenza!"

"Squeal!! Taefluenza!"

"Indulged yourself! Ginfluenza!"

"Suck me dry! Taefluenza!"

Shinpachi, who could no longer stand the two of them arguing, picked up the hot porridge on the side and poured it all over their heads.

"You're too damn loud!" Shinpachi stood on the floor and pointed at the two people in front of him who were burned by the porridge, "How am I going to take care of this? You two perverts are just stalkers! Why do I have to take care of the stalkers as well!"

"Calm down! Shinpachi-kun!" Kondo got up and explained, "According to the ancient saying, a cold can be cured as long as it is passed on to others."

As he spoke, Kondo looked at Otae, who was coughing continuously while Kagura was rubbing her back, and continued, "I just want to use my body to save Miss Otae..."

"Big Sister, are you alright-aru?" Kagura asked with concern.

"She isn't any better!" In an instant, Shinpachi smashed the empty iron pot directly into Kondo's face, knocking the latter over. Then, he pointed at his sister and shouted a little crazily, "The lack of air circulation makes the condition more serious! Why do these guys gather at my house? With so many virus carriers gathering together, even those who could have recovered will not be able to recover!"

"It's fine, Shin-chan." Otae sat up and slowly said, "Everybody feels lonely when they're sick like they're the only one suffering in the world. It feels reassuring to have so many sick people in the same room."

"What are you talking about, sister?" Shinpachi pointed at Kondo and Sacchan and retorted, "These two people have different diseases! Their way of life is fundamentally sick!!"

"Yes! What I have is a disease called [Gin-san]!" Sacchan looked at Gintoki with affection and shouted proudly, "Only death can separate the two of us!"

Gintoki, who could not stand the noise, could only silently turn his face away and bury his head in the quilt.

"What! Then I am suffering from a terminal illness called [Otae]!" Kondo clenched his fists and said angrily. Then he hugged himself and said with self-awareness, "Even if we die, we can't be separate!"

"At least deny it for me, you guys." Shinpachi lowered his head heavily and complained.

"Shin-chan, although we usually quarrel, today we are both patients. Isn't it like we are together linked by fate? Let's work together to defeat the cold."

Kondo was moved by Otae's words and cried, "Ah... Miss Otae! Let's work hard together! Miss Otae! Everyone, cheer up and go back to the time when we ran together in the wilderness!"

"I don't remember when that kind of thing happened." Otae said with a smile, and then looked at the green onion in his hand with gentle eyes, "But there's a folk remedy I'd like to try. It involves this green onion."