Chapter 519: There are Similarities Everywhere

Name:Maybe a Fake Gintama Author:
Chapter 519: There are Similarities Everywhere

"Calm... calm down!" Gintoki's voice trembled as he consoled himself, and then he buried his head into a nearby shop's cash register. "First of all, let's calm down and go find Doraemon..."

"You calm down first!" Shinpachi yelled, spitting as he spoke, "As it stands, only a few of us can turn this situation around. We must settle these guys down before the ambulance arrives!"

"How about using plaster?" Chin Pirako suggested with a smile, raising a finger, "If it's a fracture, how about we stabilize it with plaster first?"

After speaking, Chin Pirako thought about the man who, despite always smiling with narrowed eyes, emitted a very dangerous aura.

"Is that man... helping me?" Chin Pirako wondered in her heart, "Or is he one of that woman's people?"

"Nice idea!" Gintoki raised his head and praised, then shouted to Shinpachi, "Hey! Shinpachi, go find some plaster! If we can find that, it might clear me of suspicion! Then you can apologize after you've suffered comminuted fractures all over your body and been patched up with plaster!"

"Nothing has changed at all! Am I still doomed to suffer a full-body comminuted fracture?!" Shinpachi retorted with all his might.

"Although I didn't find plaster, I found this," Kagura said, approaching with a large bucket of cement.

"Nicely done, Kagura!" Gintoki complimented her, "Cement is not so different from plaster after all, both just need a little time to harden and stabilize! Hey, give me a hand, let's throw these two guys in! This way, they'll get proper treatment, and everyone but Shinpachi can clear their suspicions!"

"What do you mean, 'everyone but Shinpachi'?!" Shinpachi widened his eyes and yelled furiously.

"Oh! I'll help too, bro!" Chin Pirako said as she dragged the bald man over and threw him into the bucket filled with cement.

"Kagura, there's another one, hurry up!" Gintoki called out again.

"Oh! Here it comes!" Kagura yelled as she kicked the man in sunglasses into the cement bucket.

"Alright, with this, these two will receive good treatment, and our suspicion will probably be cleared. Even if the other side sees us now, we can explain it well," Gintoki observed the two men in the cement bucket, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't you think... your actions just now..." Shinpachi pushed his glasses up on his face and commented emotionlessly, "Seems more like a gang-style silencing than treatment?"

"Ah, indeed..." Gintoki nodded, whispering in agreement.

"In this situation, if the other side's people see this..." Shinpachi muttered, "basically... we can't clear it."

"Yes, indeed..." Cold sweat gradually appeared on Gintoki's face, and his eyes began to tremble in all directions, "Hey... Shinpachi, about this situation..."

"Boss, I'll have the usual dog food I always buy..." Kurogoma Katsuo's voice suddenly came from one side.

But just after he spoke, Katsuo noticed Gintoki and the others standing around a bucket of cement, and the two people in the bucket looked very much like his subordinates...

"But you repeatedly ignored Jirochou's demands for protection money," Kada quietly interrupted Saigou, "There's been a dispute with him, right?"

Saigou's expression changed at these words.

"And... Otose," Kada glanced at Otose.

"I have no interest in these boring conflicts," Otose stated unequivocally, "I don't remember participating."

"Even if you're uninterested, you've always been a prominent figure on this street. You're closely connected to the residents, giving them advice and solutions. And... using those suspicious folks from Yorozuya as pawns, you're quite brazen no matter whose territory you're in."

"I didn't know I had such convenient pawns," Otose put out her cigarette in the ashtray, then picked up her teacup and gently sipped, "Also, no one can arbitrarily claim this street as their territory. I and that guy are just living here according to our principles, that's all."

"But others are displeased," Kada replied, "Speaking of which, I don't know when we started being called the Four Devas, becoming entangled in this way, all because some gang leader disliked someone gaining power. We really don't need to be enemies. Shouldn't our enemy be... Jirochou?"

"That makes sense," Jirochou's voice suddenly came from the door, "Are the three of you teaming up to get rid of the troublesome Jirochou?"


As Jirochou leaned against the door, holding a cat and gently stroking its back, Otose spoke, "You..."


Meanwhile, on the main street of Kabukicho, Shinpachi and Kagura were desperately fleeing, followed by countless members of the Dobunezumi gang.

"It's over! It's a war! It's completely a war!" Shinpachi ran and screamed in terror, "Gin-san! It's terrible! Because of Kawaki-san, we're completely caught up in some kind of war!"

"Ginta-kun is off on a rendezvous with Lady Shizuka," Kagura replied in a subdued voice while running.

"Huh?!" Shinpachi cursed through clenched teeth, "Damn it! To think he used us as bait, remember this!!"

Neither Shinpachi nor Kagura nor the members of the Gutter Rat Gang noticed that a very unnatural blue trash can was placed in the alley they had just passed.

Listening to the Gutter Rat Gang's shouts of attack fading away, Chin Pirako opened the trash can lid with both hands, "It seems they've all gone far, bro. Hehehe~ Things are getting more interesting~ No matter what, there will be a big battle with Jirochou now~ Let's decorate bright red flowers and become the number one boss in Edo~"

"Shut up! Who wants to fight with Jirochou?!" Gintoki, also curled up in the barrel, yelled with bulging veins, then gritted his teeth and whispered fiercely, "That bastard! To think he put us in this situation! I must kill him! No matter what, I have to kill that sadistic freak! This is beyond ordinary sadism, this is ultra-sadism!"

[It seems that man really did help a lot,] Chin Pirako thought in her heart, [It was so lucky that bro and Jirochou had such a conflict without using my plan...]