Chapter 529: Your Own Funeral Should be Even Quieter!

Name:Maybe a Fake Gintama Author:
Chapter 529: Your Own Funeral Should be Even Quieter!

The next day, in the morning.

After completing the discharge procedures and arranging caregivers for his two injured underlings, Katsuo, concerned about his boss, rushed out of the Kabukicho Hospital.

Standing at the gate of his headquarters, Katsuo wiped the sweat from his forehead before pushing open the gate and stepping inside.

However, just as he entered, Katsuo sensed something was amiss because... there was no one in the entire yard.

Sensing that something was wrong, Katsuo hurriedly ran towards the main house, but... after opening the door, he found, to his astonishment, that there was still no one around!

At this moment, Katsuo completely panicked. He discarded his toothpick and, with a serious expression, searched room after room.Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Finally... fortune favors the persistent. In a side room, Katsuo found all his underlings, dressed in black formal kimonos, kneeling on the ground, heads bowed, sobbing.

In front of them was an urn placed on a stand, next to which was a portrait, but due to the reflection, Katsuo couldn't initially see the person in the photo.

Beside it, Kagura and Shinpachi, dressed as monks, pretended to chant sutras while continuously mumbling something. Since they were facing away, Katsuo didn't realize that the chanting monks were Shinpachi and Kagura.

'Could it be... Could it really be...!!' Katsuo was shocked, his eyes widening, 'My boss... my boss...!!'

Before he could finish his thought, Katsuo suddenly saw the photo clearly—it was a picture of himself with a toothpick!

"Big bro! We will never forget you!" a gang member shouted tearfully.

"Even in the other world, we won't forget you! We'll take care of Meru-chan and walk her in the park every day! Don't worry!" another gang member shouted, wiping his tears.

"Big bro! Have a good journey!" All the underlings stood up, bowed deeply to the portrait, and shouted together.

"What the hell are you talking about—I'm not going anywhere!" Katsuo roared in anger as he leaped forward, "Why am I dead?!"

"Big bro?!" One of the underlings exclaimed, "Did you come back from that world because you were lonely?!"

"Idiots! It's obviously because he was worried and came back to check on us!" another underling said, "Big bro, don't worry! The boss and miss have gone back to the countryside! And they've reconciled with Otose! You can rest in peace now! Go on!"

"Go on!" the other underlings echoed.

"Go on your head!" Katsuo, frustrated by his subordinates, exclaimed, "I'm not even dead! Wait, what did you just say? The boss and miss go back to the countryside? They even reconciled with that old bag, Otose? What about the war? How did the war turn out?"

"The war was about to start when that vixen Kada, because of personal vendettas, was taken out by this Yorozuya's little girl's uncle," one underlying explained, pointing at Kagura, sitting on the floor snoring.

"It was you two?!" Katsuo lost it.

"Long time no see, Katsuo-san," Shinpachi stood up and explained with a smile, "As a sign of reconciliation between the two sides, the Dobunezumi gang commissioned us with this task yesterday. But since Gintoki drank too much last night and is still in bed, it's just the two of us."

"You're telling me your job was to hold a funeral for me?!" Katsuo burst out, veins popping in anger, "Even if it's a commission, take it seriously! This girl is still snoring! She's snoring at a funeral, the most solemn occasion!"

"Well, if the person is here, please lie down in this coffin, and we'll complete the commission properly," Shinpachi said, pointing to the empty coffin in front of him.

Later that night, after the mock funeral, Katsuo finally emerged from the partition in the cremation furnace.

Reportedly, several staff members on duty at the crematorium were frightened into fainting.

Walking alone on his way back, Katsuo looked up at the night sky that had fallen unknowingly and couldn't help but chuckle.

"This isn't too bad, boss. I'll take good care of the Dobunezumi gang..."

"Big bro!"

Suddenly, the voices of the Dobunezumi gang members came from ahead.

Seeing his subordinates waving at him in the distance, Katsuo first smiled, then his expression changed dramatically, and with eyes wide and veins popping, he kicked them.

"Don't think I'll let you off so easily, you bastards!"

"Welcome back, big bro!" xN



The next day, as Katsuo proudly led his subordinates down the street, he once again encountered the seemingly trouble-seeking duo from Yorozuya—Kagura and Shinpachi.

"Um, excuse me," Shinpachi said, comparing the image in his hand to Katsuo. He pushed his glasses up and said, "We received a commission from the crematorium about a ghost running out of the cremation furnace. Could you cooperate a little?"

"Hey, hurry up and go back, you bastard," Kagura posed like a full-blown delinquent.

Seeing this, Katsuo couldn't restrain himself and was about to explode, but before he could say a word, an underling whispered in his ear, "Um, big bro, it's not good to not cooperate at this time; it'll look like we're the ones picking a fight. It really could turn into a war..."

Hearing this, several underlings tacitly stepped back a few steps, distancing themselves from Katsuo.

"You bastards did this on purpose, didn't you?!" Katsuo spat furiously.

"Shinpachi, this bastard is intentionally picking a fight, right?" Kagura pointed at Katsuo and asked Shinpachi, "Is he trying to settle scores with our Otose faction-aru?"

"Katsuo-san, may I take that as your intention?" Shinpachi pushed up his glasses again, glancing faintly at Katsuo.

"It's clearly you who started this mess?!" Katsuo retorted without hesitation.

"We're just completing our commission," Shinpachi replied righteously.

"Damn it! I can't stand you guys anymore! If it's war you want, it's war!" Katsuo shouted, veins popping, "Come on! Today, we must settle this with your Otose faction!"

"Little Uncle, this person is picking a fight and wants to start a war-aru," Kagura called out to Kawaki, who was just passing by.