Chapter 18: Demigod

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 18: Demigod


Puente Antiguo, New Mexico

Isabela's Diner

One day later

(Omniscient POV)

Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, and Thor sat at a table in the local diner. Erik and Darcy watch as Thor eats ravenously from a huge mound of steak and eggs. A couple of other full plates of pancakes, biscuits, and gravy are piled high before him. Jane was eager to question the strange man, her notebook at the ready.

"Now tell us exactly what happened to you last night." She ordered.

Thor looks her in the eyes, staring, intrigued. Jane gets flustered and looks away.

"Maybe start with how you fell out of the sky." Jane tried to continue.

"And how you could eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry," Darcy added.

Jane shoots her a withering look as Thor downs a cup of coffee.

"This drink. I like it. " Thor's resounding voice called out after gulping down the coffee. He hurls the empty mug at the ground, shattering it.

"Another!" Thor demands.

"What was that?" Jane asks.

Thor, not understanding the woman, looks around as the other patrons stare at him.

"That drink was delicious. I want another." He stated simply

"Then you should just say so!" Jane explains.

"I just did."

"I mean ask for it. Nicely."

"I meant no disrespect." Thor apologizes.

"All right, then no more smashing, deal?" Jane purposes as Thor nods his head in agreement.

"You have my word."


A few Townies, looking unkempt, enter the diner and take a seat at the counter.

"The usual, please, Izzy." One of them calls out as the owner Isabela pours them a couple of cups of coffee.

"You missed all the excitement out at the crater last night." One of the townies informs Isabela.

"What crater?" The woman asks.

"They're saying some kind of satellite crashed in the desert." The townie explains.

Jane and Erick overhearing this, exchange a look and turn to the Townies with interest.

"We were having a good time with it till these Feds and Soldiers showed up and chased us out." The townie continues.

"Excuse me, did you say there was a satellite crash?" Jane asks.

"Yep. They said it was radioactive and I had my hands all over it. I'm probably super sterile now." One townie exclaims while laughing.

"What did the satellite look like?" Erick asks.

"I don't know anything about satellites. But it was heavy. Really heavy. Nobody could even lift the damn thing."

This gets Thor's attention as he springs to his feet, and heads over to the Townie. Pulling the Townie around to face him.

"Where?!" Thor asks eagerly as the townie struggles in his grasp.

"About twelve miles east of here!?"

Thor grins at this, his spirits soaring, as he quickly strides out of the diner.

Jane, Darcy, and Erick run to catch up to him.

"Where are you going?" Jane asks.

"Twelve miles east of here." He states while starting to stride determinedly down the street.

Jane moves to walk beside him.

"Why?" She asks.

"To get what belongs to me."


Puente Antiguo, New Mexico


Puente Antiguo, New Mexico

S.H.I.E.L.D. Crater Investigation Site

(Omniscient POV)

Raindrops pound against the ground as a military jeep pulls up, and a pair of S.H.E.I.L.D Agents scan along the fence with a flashlight but see nothing unusual.

"Looks like we're good here sir. Must have been another coyote." One of them calls out over the radio.

Just then, the other Agent notices a section of the fence has been bent up from the ground, leaving a gap.

Before either of them can call it in, a massive crack of lightning illuminates the night sky, revealing the silhouette of a large man standing outside the driver's side of the jeep.

The Agents reach for their weapons as Thor elbows the driver across the jaw, causing him to drop his weapon. One of them slumps over the steering wheel, as the other starts to raise a shotgun at Thor.

Thor grabs the barrel, yanks it out of his hands, and thrusts the hilt back, smashing the Agent's jaw.

The two agents taken care of, Thor reaches into the jeep to grab a raincoat as a young voice sounds over the radio.

"DeLancey, Jack, report."

The voice goes unanswered as Thor, now wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D raincoat, makes his way across the base.

As he moves away from the scene, another S.H.I.E.L.D Agent approaches the jeep and spots the unconscious DeLancey and Jack. He quickly calls into his radio.

"Agents down! We've got a perimeter breach!"

As Thor makes his way towards the center of the crater, an alarm sounds, and security lights explode to life.

A S.H.I.E.L.D Agent moves through the base, rifle in hand. From the shadows behind a trailer, Thor looks out at him. As the agent raises his radio to check in, Thor quickly rushes toward him and chokes him out. He falls unconscious to the ground.

Thor notices the AR-15 rifle lying on the ground beside the fallen agent. He stares down at the weapon quizzically but as more agents approach, he quickly snatches up the weapon and takes cover in the shadows of the trailers.

The Agents pass by as Thor peers around the corner and sees the well-guarded main entrance tube to the center of the site.

A bright light suddenly illuminates his face. He looks over to see an ATV moving across the site, shining its spotlight right on him. Thor sees that the ATV Driver has spotted him.

The Driver raises his radio to report it and Thor knows he has to act fast. He raises the rifle then flips it over in the air and catches it by the barrel before rearing the weapon back and hurling it like a hammer.

The rifle flies through the air, smashing the ATV's spotlight. Glass and debris shower the driver, who takes his hands off the wheel to protect himself.

The ATV roars out of control past the Agents near the tube entrance. Thor emerges from the shadows and watches as the other Agents begin abandoning the site entrance.

As S.H.I.E.L.D Agents pull the ATV driver from the wreckage, Thor races towards the unguarded entrance to the tunnels and heads inside.

Sprinting up the entrance ramp, Thor stops as before him, two more Agents round the corner.

Thor knocks out the first Agent, then tackles the second.

He hurries around the corner as more start coming up a ladder ahead. Thor punches the closest Agent, sending him tumbling backward, toppling the others on the ladder behind him and he takes off running, as the Agents regroup and give chase.

Thor spots the glow of Mjolnir in the central cube, through the translucent walls of the tunnels. He hurries through the tunnels to find a way towards it.

As Thor races through the underpass he spots another Agent running right at him, on a collision course. He noticed that, unlike the others, this Agent wore a weird skull mask.

Thor ignored the oddity and moves to try and take him out with a punch to the gut but is surprised when pain rushes to his hand as it connects with the Agent's stomach.

"Aaaarrrgh!" Thor exclaims in pain as the mask-wearing Agent quickly grabs him by the throat and easily lifts him into the air with one hand.

Thor tries to free himself from the man's vice-like grip but fails.

"Wh-what are you?" Thor squeezes out as he tries to get air into his lungs.

The masked man doesn't answer him as he slams Thor's head into the mud.

Thor gasps as mud fill his eyes and mouth. He quickly tries to get back to his feet before feeling a hand grab him by his head and start to drown him in the mud.

Thor struggles for air. Wishing that he had his powers back.

Just as he was about to lose consciousness the hand lifts him up again and he began taking in deep drawn-out breaths.

Thor looks at the man in the mask and sees a pair of cold emotionless hazel eyes staring back at him.

Covered head to toe in mud, Thor tries to regain whatever was left of his dignity and glared at the masked man.

His hand reached back for the hammer, which was only a few inches away.

"You..You may be strong but you are nothing compared to the God o-" He stops talking as the hammer doesn't budge from the ground.

Thor looks down, confused but the masked man interrupts his inner turmoil, as he pushes his face back down into the mud.

Thor, gagging again for air, begins feeling the world fade around him as he hears a cold young voice call out a single word to him before losing consciousness.



A/N: Hey guys, so I was experimenting a little bit with Omniscient povs in this chapter. Let me know what you think and as always thanks for reading!!