Chapter 25: Blood Eagle

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 25: Blood Eagle


Solenski Plaza, Russia

S.H.I.E.L.D Jump Jet

Six Months Later

(Brock POV)

"Our target is Colonel General Georgi Luchkov, a high-ranking officer of the Russian Armed Forces and alleged weapons dealer who has organized an illegal trafficking operation here in Russia." I debriefed my small unit as the jet landed on top of the target location.

"Our mission is to find proof that Luchkov established an illegal weapons business using General Solohob as a front and bring down the operation. I want this quiet and lethal. No stray shots, understood?"

Each member of the small unit nodded their head at my orders.

"Why don't I just go in under the guise of being captured and extract the info that way?" A soft voice asked.

Turning my head, I met the green eyes of the beautiful redheaded woman next to me. Staring into Natasha's eyes, I quickly had to catch myself before saying or doing anything stupid.

Over the past few months, I found it difficult to get used to the fact that one of my top celebrity crushes was in such close proximity.

But recalling the fact that she was only here to spy on me and that she would quickly try to take me out if Fury gave her the command, was enough to make me sober up.

"Agent Romanoff, are you asking me to send in one lone soldier into a base with an unknown number of hostiles inside?" I questioned the woman.

She gave me a challenging look.

"I can handle whatever's in that warehouse myself."

"I never said you couldn't. But while you're here in my unit, you're one of my soldiers and I won't just send one of my own into an unknown situation where there is the chance that they won't come back." I lied.

The real reason I had to go in there was that Geogori was a Hydra contact before he defected and struck out on his own. Sitwell gave me orders to eliminate him before he could say anything about the organization.

Natasha gave me another look, but this one I couldn't read, and nodded her head.

"Yes sir."


Solenski Plaza, Russia

(Omniscient POV)

In a manufacturing area of an assembly-line production warehouse. It's a big room full of intricate machines, huge vats of different colored extract and other food flavoring products, conveyor belts and bottling machines line the floor of the building.

It has a high ceiling with offices on the second floor that have big windows overlooking the manufacturing area.

Men with guns patrol both floors of the warehouse as the others load large metal crates into the trailers of two waiting semi-trucks.

Two armed men enter one of the second-floor offices, each on high alert, their silenced weapons at the ready. The lead among them opens the office door and is immediately shot twice, once in the chest and once in the head.

As he goes down, Brock and his team move past the doorway, killing the other guard quickly and silently.

"Widow you're with me. Bravo team, secure the first floor and make sure those crates don't leave this warehouse." Brock calls out orders over the radio as his men spread out towards their positions.

Natasha and Brock break away from the unit and move further down the hallway of the second floor toward the main office where their target was supposedly held up.


I grabbed both the man's legs, using his crotch as a foothold, I pressed down and pulled them both from their sockets. I heard the crunch of his genitals as blood continued to pour out of him.

"Please! Just kill me!!" The fat man cried as he was reduced to nothing but a torso.

I ignored him and kicked him onto his back.

Bending down, I dug my fingers into the middle of his back and grabbed hold of both sides of his ribcage. Pulling them apart till his insides were completely open for viewing.


Looking at the large open flaps of skin and muscle from my living victim's back, I then severed the ribs from the spine, opening them out to the sides to form the image of grotesque 'wings'.

Not stopping there, I dug into his back and pulled out the man's intact lungs, and lay them over the extended ribs.

Done with my work, I move around and watch as the light fades from the disgusting pig's eyes.

My markings flashed with crimson energy but I didn't care. This kill wasn't for power or growth.

This was purely for my own enjoyment of watching the creep suffer.


Solenski Plaza, Russia

S.H.I.E.L.D Jump Jet

One Hour Later

(Black Widow POV)

I stood by and watched as the field medics checked over the little girl.

The mission was complete but I still felt like total shit. I thought I was done with this kind of stuff when I escaped the red room but looks like evil pieces of shit weren't in short supply in this shitty world.



My phone went off, and I picked it up to decline the call but saw it was Coulson. He wouldn't call me while I was on a mission unless it was important.

"Sir?" I said, answering the phone.

"We need you to come in."

Confusion came to my face at his words.

"Are you kidding? I'm working and we still need to go through the weaponry we confiscated."

"This takes precedence." Coulson's voice was serious and I knew something bad had happened.

"What's the situation?"

The phone went silent for a short moment before Coulson finally answered.

"Natasha...Barton's been compromised."


A/n: Hey guys! So this is probably the darkest chapter I wrote so far. When I first had the idea of this AU fanfic I wanted it to be a much darker world than the movies. If some of you guys felt uncomfortable with the scenes let me know below and as always thanks for reading.