Chapter 84: Revenge Tour (pt.1)

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 84: Revenge Tour (pt.1)


Washington D.C

The Triskelion (S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters)

Few Hours After the Compound Escape

(Alexander Pierce POV)

As the dust settled within the charred and blood-soaked grounds of the Triskelion, I stood amidst the wreckage, my authoritative gaze sweeping over the desolate scene with a volatile mix of seething anger and deep-seated resentment.

The air was heavy with the acrid scent of smoke, a tangible reminder of the chaos that had unfolded, as the bitter taste of defeat lingered on my lips, fueling the flames of my frustration.

The aftermath of Captain America's and Crossbones' audacious escape had left a trail of destruction, a visceral testament to their abilities and our own shortcomings.

"Get me a damage assessment, now!" I barked, my voice slicing through the pandemonium like a whip. "I want a full report on the status of our systems, personnel, and the whereabouts of Captain Rogers and that interfering bastard, Crossbones!"

The agents around me moved swiftly, carrying out my orders as the tension in the air thickened with my growing anger. Every step they took, and every report they provided, only fueled my frustration further.

We were on the cusp of a glorious moment, ready to tighten our grip on power and unleash Hydra's true strength upon the unsuspecting world. The culmination of years of careful planning and manipulation was finally within our reach.

But then, in an instant, everything unraveled.

An unaccounted-for variable appeared out of nowhere, shattering the delicate web of MY meticulously crafted plans.

Why the hell did this have to happen now?

How did they manage to infiltrate our defenses?

And why, in the name of all that is unholy, was an unaffiliated third party interfering in business that was none of their concern?

Questions swirled in my mind, igniting the fires of frustration as I tried to make sense of the trail of events. The chaos had erupted with savage ferocity, catching us off guard and mercilessly exploiting the weaknesses of our defenses.

The cracks in our once-impregnable stronghold had been laid bare, threatening to undermine the foundations of our power.

As thoughts of the valuable assets I had lost, like Major Rumlow and his men, flooded my mind, I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning pale from the pressure.

Despite our reserve of agents remaining, the toll on the specially trained S.T.R.I.K.E task force was undeniable. The battle had taken a heavy toll, leaving the task force severely depleted, and the loss of skilled and experienced personnel was a setback that would require considerable effort to overcome.

Crossbones and Captain America had slipped through our grasp, their swift escape leaving behind a sprawling mess that now fell on me to clean up.

My gaze gravitated towards the gaping hole where the once formidable gate had stood, now reduced to nothing more than twisted metal and smoldering remnants.

Once a symbol of strength and authority, the sight now stood as a somber allegory, a stark reflection of the fracture in our carefully constructed facade, and it stoked the flames of my anger.

Amidst the chaos, agents scrambled to clean up the aftermath, but I could sense the whispers of doubt among my subordinates, their loyalty teetering on the edge of disillusionment.

After the battle, doubt began to seep into the minds of the Hydra agents. The overwhelming display of power from just one man had shaken their confidence, exposing the frailty of their own abilities in the face of true might.

But I would not falter.

The setback would not break me, it would only serve to strengthen my resolve.

I had devoted my life to the cause, orchestrating Hydra's rise to power with meticulous precision. Our vision would not be derailed by a momentary defeat. No, it would be through adversity that we would emerge stronger, more resolute than ever before.

Hydra's grip on authority was slipping, and it was my responsibility to tighten the noose.

Turning my attention back to the ruins that lay before me, the shattered remains of our once-proud fortress, I acknowledged the steep price we had paid. It was time to rebuild and adapt to the changing landscape.

Hydra's influence would extend like a shadow, enveloping the world in our grasp, ensuring our dominance. The setback would only be a brief interlude in our inexorable march towards a new world order.

With unyielding determination, I stepped forward, striding through the debris with purpose. My mind raced with strategies and contingencies, a storm of thoughts and calculations.nove(l)bi(n.)com

The hunt for Crossbones and Captain America would not end until they were brought to justice, and Hydra's supremacy was firmly reestablished.

I am Alexander Pierce, the architect of Hydra's future, and I would stop at nothing to ensure our ascension. The world may have witnessed a momentary setback, but in the end, we would be victorious.

Hydra would rise again, stronger and more determined than ever before, and ready to unleash its true power upon the world and any that dared to defy its authority.


Washington D.C

City Streets


Few Miles Outside Virginia

(Omniscient POV)

Meanwhile, in the airspace above the rural expanse of Virginia, the sleek hovercar sliced through the open skies, its engines humming with power. The wind whipped through its aerodynamic design, creating a symphony of whistling gusts.

Inside the vehicle, Brock confidently occupied the pilot's seat, his hands steady on the controls as he deftly maneuvered through the billowing clouds. Ava sat beside him, her eyes flickering with dark excitement, while Zeru, his youthful enthusiasm uncontainable, occupied the backseat.

As the hovercar continued its seamless journey, the trio enveloped themselves in silence, the hum of the engines providing a rhythmic backdrop.

Unable to contain his bubbling excitement any longer, Zeru leaned forward, his voice brimming with anticipation, his voice laced with eagerness.

"Boss, where exactly are we headed?" he asked, unable to conceal his curiosity.

Brock glanced at Zeru through the rearview mirror, a faint smile dancing at the corners of his lips. His eyes, focused on the expansive horizon, held a sense of purpose.

"We're headed for Canada," he replied casually, his voice carrying a hint of mystery.

Zeru's eyes widened with intrigue, his interest piqued. "Why Canada? What's so important there?" he inquired, his voice tinged with excitement.

Brock's expression turned contemplative as he pondered his response.

"Before I joined S.H.I.E.L.D or started my involvement with Hydra, I underwent their merciless training at the academy," He began, his voice laced with a casual tone that belied the brutal nature of his past. "It was a place where they molded impressionable minds to serve their cause."

Brock delved into the memories of his rigorous training, recounting the brutal challenges he enduredthe relentless drills, the physical and mental tests of endurance.

He spoke of the sacrifices he made and the obstacles he faced, all in the pursuit of becoming a weapon, a pawn for Hydra's schemes.

Ava and Zeru listened intently, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding.

Each of them had faced their own trials, their own battles against a world that had cast them aside. Brock's tale resonated with their own experiences of overcoming adversity.

Silence enveloped the hovercar, a shared understanding settling upon the trio like a shroud. In that moment, a sense of kinship formedan unspoken camaraderie forged through resilience and survival.

Beyond the panoramic windows, the landscape underwent a gradual transformation. The familiar sights of Virginia yielded to sprawling forests and glistening bodies of water. The changing scenery whispered that they were now traversing Minnesota, drawing ever closer to the Canadian border.

A surge of excitement surged through their veins, intertwining with their growing camaraderie. The hovercar glided closer to the border, inching with each passing mile, anticipation building like a coiled spring.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the land, the atmosphere within the vehicle shifted.

The thrill of the journey merged with an intensified sense of unity. Brock's story had illuminated the common thread that bound thema shared resilience, a collective strength forged in the crucible of hardship.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the landscape, the hovercar crossed into Canadian airspace. Below, the dim lights of towns and cities twinkled like small stars in the dusk sky.

Ava's eyes sparked with a wicked glimmer as she turned to Brock, her voice laced with dark amusement.

"So, this little expedition of ours... I'm guessing it's more than a sightseeing trip?" She remarked, a hint of mischief evident in her tone.

Brock's lips curled into a sly grin, his gaze revealing a mischievous intent.

"You catch on fast, Ava," he replied, his voice dripping with a sarcastic undertone. "We're going to settle some unfinished business."

Ava's excitement morphed into a playful smirk, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Ah, murder and mayhem. Sounds like my kind of family trip."

Ava's words hung in the air, their weight sinking into the minds of those present.

They were a unique family, forged not by blood or friendship, but by their shared desires and their willingness to embrace their darkest impulses. The realization settled within them, strengthening the bond that held them together.

Ava and Zeru exchanged glances, their silent understanding reverberating between them.

They knew this journey wasn't about redemption or new beginningsit was about Brock exacting his vengeance upon his old enemies.

The road ahead shrouded in darkness only stoked their hunger for power and control. They were a band of misfits, united by their wickedness, prepared to unleash their wrath upon an unsuspecting world.

As the hovercar continued its relentless trajectory, the trio embraced the sinister thrill of their mission. The landscape blurred beneath them, and they reveled in the knowledge that their actions would send shockwaves through the world.

Together, they formed an unstoppable force, propelled by their shared pasts and their twisted sense of kinship.

Canada awaited their arrival, blissfully unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon its peaceful lands.


A/n: Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and as always, thanks for reading!

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