CH 187

Name:Mechanized Storm Author:
Inside the Kepler cave at this moment, a fierce battle was unfolding. Dozens of Giant Insects were engaged in a chaotic fight, and from the distant cave, a roar like that of the abyss echoed.

Damn it, I've been discovered.

Li Hao was speechless. He had encountered a high-ranking Giant Insect that had noticed something unusual about his disguise. He had no choice but to kill it, but apparently, this Giant Insect had somehow managed to send out a message.

The reason he found Kepler so strange was also related to the creatures here. These silicon-based Giant Insects had a unique structure, as if they were born to carry souls, like a very sturdy container.

The requirements for a soul carrier were very strict. Those who met the conditions usually had souls. Forcing entry was very dangerous and required one to be much stronger than the other party. Even if one managed to take over, it would only be temporary as the body would start to reject the soul. But Kepler was different. These Giant Insects were like tailor-made vessels. He was pleasantly surprised when he first arrived, but the surprise soon turned into fear.

Of course, Giant Insects could serve as carriers, but not all Giant Insects could be easily occupied. The higher the rank of the Giant Insect, the more sensitive it was. Moreover, some higher-ranking Giant Insects had very strong consciousness. This meant that the leaders of these insects were not single-celled organisms, but possessed considerable intelligence. According to Li Hao's judgment, the top Giant Insects should have a unique way of communication. Once, he tried to take over a large one. The insect couldn't resist, but he quickly felt an immense pressure. If he wasn't careful, he would be dragged in. It was likely that their souls had some kind of shared or connected method.

Since then, this consciousness had been looking for him. Although it was just a feeling, Li Hao believed it was correct.

Therefore, he was reluctant to approach high-ranking Giant Insects in Kepler. Razor Insects were easier to deal with. These creatures had no consciousness and were completely driven. They were even inferior to worker ants. Killing them seemed meaningless to humans.

After spending some time killing the invading insects, Li Hao lost two important employees, and one of them lost a leg. This would delay a lot of work hours, which was distressing.

But as a boss with a clear goal, as long as there was life, work would not stop. He relocated his base and continued working!


"What, what did you say, the Round Table Knights went to Tianjing?" Robbie stood up abruptly.

Mil Third was startled, "Boss, is there a problem?"

"Of course there's a problem, a big problem. Damn, Offee did what I wanted to do. Women really have thick skin!" Robbie sighed, "Training with Second Brother is too important for us at this stage!"

Anku was a bit confused, "Boss, don't we also have online competitions? If we need help, why not ask him?"

"You don't understand, can online and offline be the same? If it were that simple, it would be great. My and Offee's Z values in the Golden Zone are different from ordinary people. Offee is too cunning. She must have controlled her state and specifically asked Second Brother to help her find the best ability. Wow, wow, this woman, I just bragged a few times in front of her, and she directly came to offer herself, wow, there's no justice!"

Robbie was so angry that he was pacing around. He had said that Offee awakened earlier than him, so why hadn't her ability been discovered? It turned out she was hiding a big move. Second Brother wasn't very expressive and was a bit lazy, but if someone really sought him out, he would definitely have a solution. He understood this very well, and so did Offee. Back in the youth class, this girl was the smartest. Damn it, he was the one who discovered it first, what about first come, first served?

Anku and Mil Third still didn't understand why Robbie was so anxious, "Um, boss, I don't quite understand. If it's so important, why don't we go?"

"Go to hell... Ah, oh, right, damn, Third, you're a genius. Why can she go and I can't? We need to hurry, these bastards have very sensitive noses!" Robbie immediately jumped up and started frantically calling Li Hao on Sky Message, but there was no response.

"Captain, why not ask Zhou Naiyi? It seems that she is in charge of the daily affairs of the Tianjing team?" Mil Third felt that the captain was not quite normal.

"Oh my, Third, you're simply amazing. What would I do without you, wisdom indeed!" Robbie laughed and immediately dialed Zhou Naiyi's Sky Message.

Zhou Naiyi was currently in the combat room watching the replay of the match. The Round Table Knights were very polite in pointing out their combat strategy and the opponent's problems. It was clear that Li Hao had shown some skills to earn their respect.

This was the kind of exchange that Ma Long and the others could only dream of. It was not just about the outcome itself, but also about understanding the thought process from the opponent's perspective.

The Sky Message vibrated. Zhou Naiyi didn't want to answer at first, but when she saw the name, she hesitated, quietly walked out, and as soon as she answered, Robbie's enthusiastic voice came through.

"Naiyi, what's Second Brother doing? I can't reach him on Sky Message?" Robbie's voice was filled with South American warmth.

"Captain Robbie, Li Hao is out. Is there something you need?" Zhou Naiyi wasn't sure what the other party wanted to do.

"Haha, it's nothing big. I heard that Offee took the main force to your place, is that true?"Zhou Naiyi thought for a moment, feeling there was nothing to hide, "Yes, we just finished a round of exchange matches."

"Oh, well, we, the American Lions, also want to go. I wonder if it's convenient. You see, there's still some time before the mid-season competition. Having one more team together will definitely make a difference. Besides, we are old friends, and the Round Table Knights are the third party intruding!"

Robbie gritted his teeth, he was really one step behind. He hesitated for a long time and didn't have the courage to ask, but they just went straight ahead.

Zhou Naiyi was utterly confused. These people's thinking was a bit problematic. Of course, this was a great thing for Tianjing, but the Round Table Knights were also guests. This matter should be informed, Li Hao would definitely have no problem.

"We are certainly very welcome. Offee is still in meditation. I'll ask her when she comes out later." Zhou Naiyi didn't feel the need to pretend. This was an opportunity for Tianjing Mech, but they also had to respect Offee.

"What is she thinking about? What does she have to think about?" Robbie asked.

"She just had a discussion with Li Hao, she probably had some insights."

On the other end of the Sky Message, Robbie swung his fists a few times, damn it, he knew it, "Haha, what does it have to do with her? She's just a guest, the guest follows the host's lead. Our two teams are old friends, we can't favor one over the other. You have to give me this face. Second Brother said that you can make decisions for the Tianjing team!"

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

Once Offee was asked, who knows what kind of moth she would stir up.

Zhou Naiyi couldn't help but want to laugh. Thinking about it, there should be no problem. When did Tianjing become so popular, "Alright, but Captain Robbie, our budget is not very sufficient..."

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? We will take care of ourselves, charge as much as we should. Even close brothers should settle accounts clearly. Don't be polite with me. We will arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest. If we can make it, we will arrive tomorrow. Let's settle it like this. I'll go and hand over with the school."

Then Robbie hung up the Sky Message in a hurry, leaving Zhou Naiyi both laughing and crying. Was he in a hurry to get married? He was so anxious.

But, the American Lions coming, that's a good thing!

The online effect was too poor. Offline training, three academies together, it was something they didn't even dare to think about. Being with high-level opponents, whether it was training or observation, was an opportunity to gain experience and improve their level!

The previous Tianjing team was seriously troubled in this regard. They could only find teams with poor rankings or similar rankings. Such high-level teams were the most effective. Where did Li Hao go again? He couldn't really be sleeping, could he?

Looking out the window, Zhou Naiyi smiled. Just as he was about to go back, the Sky Message rang again... It was Tita. What was going on today.

"Captain Tita, what can I do for you?"

"Naiyi, I heard that you guys are doing special training. We are planning to do the same. Do you want to do it together?" Tita's gentle voice sounded.

Li Hao couldn't be reached, so she could only find Zhou Naiyi. She could feel that in the Tianjing team, Li Hao was just a figurehead. The real manager was Zhou Naiyi. Li Hao also listened to her quite a bit. On one hand, she wanted to know what Offee was doing. On the other hand, she also wanted to learn sword drawing from Li Hao. She couldn't do anything about him from a distance, even threats were not good threats. But as long as they met, there were n ways to deal with him. At the same time, she could also help Ayouyou supervise him. During this period, Tianxing was also greatly disturbed. It would be good to take the team out to cool down. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

"Special training?"

"Yes, I heard that Offee went. We, Tianxing, also lack offline opponents. If it's convenient, we can go together. This will benefit everyone's mid-season competition. You also understand the level of our Tianxing, we have a lot of room to learn from each other." Tita's words were watertight.

"But the American Lions just said they were coming."

"That's even better. We and the American Lions are regular training match opponents. Four teams can rotate in pairs of two. The important thing is, you guys need a reference for the nup style." Tita had a firm grip on this point.

Zhou Naiyi knew that Tita's intention was not in the wine, but she really hit the nail on the head. In their matches with Tianxing, Zuo Xiaotang and the others made great progress. But the other side was not very interested. Every time they quickly finished the match in a hasty manner. They didn't even dare to think about offline matches. What was going on? Was it because of Offee or... Bringing out the real stuff was also a good thing for them. Relying solely on Tianjing Mech couldn't bring out all of these people's strength.

"Captain Tita, you also know our situation. Three teams are a bit stretched, and the equipment and accommodation may not be enough."

"It's a small matter. As long as you have a venue, I can solve the rest. Let's settle it like this. We will arrive in about two days. Tell Li Hao, don't run around!"

When Zhou Naiyi returned to the tactical room, he was still a little dazed. There was a heated debate going on in the tactical room. After all, Offee had instructed them, and Greg and the others were willing to explain.

"Class leader, what took you so long? You missed a round." Ma Long said.

Zhou Naiyi spread his hands, "In a couple of days, the American Lions team and the Tianxing Mech team will also come to Tianjing."