In the thick fog, there was a strange smell. The fog was the best cover, and it was also the best time to bury the pot and make rice every day. Borrowing the fog and the surrounding dense forest, as well as the hidden caves, it was the busiest time of the day. The broth was brewed at this time, providing enough for one day. It would be rare for them to heat it up again in the afternoon and evening.

The fragrance of breakfast today was especially different.

It was unknown what was cooking in the pot, but it was definitely not the horse meat that made the Iron Guards want to vomit just by smelling it.

The horse meat was coarse and sour, but the taste was not that great. Occasionally, he would eat it twice, which could be considered a change of taste. These days, he would eat the horse meat and drink the horse meat soup every day. Especially the cold horse meat soup, it was even harder to swallow. It would be better to gnaw on the grass. However, they could not vomit. No matter how bad the horse meat was, they had to eat it.

Today, what was the taste?

An Iron Guard took a deep breath and smelled this strange yet fragrant scent. "Don't we need to eat horse meat today?"

Another Iron Guard laughed and said, "Yes, eating human meat, Northern Territory human meat and wild human meat, which one do you want to eat today?"

Stop dreaming, it's good as long as there is horse meat to eat. I don't think the horse meat will be full anymore.

"I feel that the Northern Reaches people's meat might be a bit more tender, making soup and stewing the meat is pretty good."

"That makes sense. Wild people's meat is suitable for roasting. It must be quite delicious."

"The princess once said that she wanted to feast on the barbarian's blood, and wanted to drink it. How bold!"

"Otherwise, how could she be someone my lord has taken a fancy to?"

The laughter of the Iron Guards drifted into Yun Zihuang's ears amidst the fog. She smiled, there were less than five thousand of them, and facing two hundred thousand men, they were still able to talk calmly. These warriors made her feel like she was back in her own world, seeing her close comrades once again. No matter what difficulties and dangers they faced, even if they were on the verge of death, they were not fearless. Instead, they would joke around and laugh at life and death!

Perhaps it was for this reason that she had taken the risk of using the airlock.

In the time of the planets, high energy food concentrate was the most important thing. A piece of food the size of half a palm was enough to support a person's battle and consume a lot of energy." If some medicine was added, not only would a warrior not feel hungry for a whole day, he would also be able to unleash his enormous potential and support a massive consumption.

There were a lot of such items in the storage space. However, if five thousand men were to use them, they would appear to be lacking.

Before coming to the northern border, Yun Zihuang had bought a lot of supplies from the capital and stored them in an empty storage cabin. According to her knowledge of the history of Tianyuan City, once a war broke out, especially a large-scale war that lasted a long time, the materials that were the most lacking were the food and medicine. The reason why they were hoarding it was purely because she was going to the northern border. They didn't fear having too much military reserves, they feared that it wouldn't be enough.

She had kept a low profile and concealed this matter. Even if someone from the Residence of Crown Prince knew that the princess had purchased many things, they wouldn't know what she had bought.

These things were lying quietly in her empty storage cabin.

The originally spacious room was now filled to the brim. At the time, she had thought she had stocked up too much. But now, it seemed that there were too few of them!

After a few days of hard work, the head of the empty storage room gave a great deal of face as he opened it up to the third level. Fortunately, this was the case, he was able to purify and concentrate the food ingredients, mix them with the high-energy food in the storage room, and then make a new high-energy concentrated food.

Yun Zihuang did not directly take out these concentrated high-energy food and gave it to the Iron Guards to eat. That was too obvious.

Currently, the soup in the pot was made from this concentrated high-energy food. There were also some wild vegetables and mushrooms that had been picked from nearby, thrown inside to confuse the crowd. Although it would still arouse suspicion, there was no better way. Since she insisted that it was vegetable soup, the Iron Guards didn't dare to ask her about it.

Wild vegetables, wild fruits, various kinds of mushrooms, aquatic wild vegetables, fish, shrimp, medicinal herbs. Regarding these soups, this was what Princess Pingping had said.

Of course, none of the Iron Guards would ask the princess what her future mistress said, so it went without saying that she was fortunate enough to be able to change the taste of the soup. When they heard that the princess had brought his personal guards to make the soup for them in the early morning, the Iron Guards couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude.

"Da Da Da …"

The heavy sound of the horse's hooves broke the silence of the forest early in the morning. "The Lord has returned," the wind said in a low voice.

Yun Zihuang sat on a piece of wood and was currently drinking soup. This bowl of soup was brought over by the Iron Guards and was the same as yesterday's soup. Inside the bowl were fat and tender wild chickens and wild herbs and mushrooms. Her eyes were somewhat moist. She had never enjoyed this kind of warmth and love from an ancient times. During the time of the planet, she had never lacked food, and this was the first time in her two lifetimes someone had ever eaten bad food, so she quietly left a delicacy for her.

It was just a bowl of wild chicken soup, but at this moment, it was extremely rare!

"My lord."

The Iron Guards kneeled on one knee, respectfully bowing their heads. Feng Qingxiao led a group of people and slowly entered the military camp. Some of the Iron Guards rushed forward and knelt down on one knee under the saddle. They reached out their hands to hold the reins, then bent down to wait for their lord to dismount.

Their gazes met. She was still sitting in front of the fire, staring at him with her bright eyes.

Feng Qingxiao turned around and stepped on the Iron Guard's back. As he dismounted, his body swayed a few times, and he smiled at her.

He walked over to her, carrying a bag in his hand. It was hard to tell what he was carrying.

He placed the package beside her and sat down beside her. "Bring me a bowl of soup. It seems to taste good."

Only then did she come to her senses. She wanted to bow, but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Serve the soup."

Yun Zihuang frowned: "What kind of soup would you like to drink? Go back to the main tent first, I'll leave a bowl for you."

As she spoke, she stood up and pulled him straight towards the tent. The faint scent of blood had already entered her nostrils as he approached. He really thought that he was made of steel. With how severely injured he was, not only did he personally lead the troops out to torture, his wounds must have been lacerated. Who knew how much blood he had lost.

Feng Qingxiao smiled as he stood up and followed her into the tent. The surrounding Iron Guards all looked at each other and exchanged meaningful glances. Only their future matriarch would dare to be angry at their lord like this.

The wound burst open, blood seeping through her clothes. She pursed her lips, using the fastest speed to treat the wound, her heart throbbed with pain. This was the first time she realized that her heart was actually in pain, so much so that she couldn't breathe!

After the last bandage was wrapped around her, she knelt on one knee and said, "My lord, this general invites you to battle!"