As her Essence continued to advance, Yun Zihuang's hand speed also increased. Although it didn't increase by much, it was equivalent to saving another person's life in the same amount of time. With a few mechanical medical assistants, the heavily injured guards were quickly cured.

The rest of the personal guards who had been wounded or killed were also found and sent over by the Iron Guards who had cleaned up the battlefield.

Yun Yin's heart was filled with sorrow. Out of the five hundred personal guards, less than half of them were still alive after this accident!

Most of them had been killed when the rebel army suddenly launched a surprise attack. Some were killed when they were injured while trying to break out of the encirclement. Most of the bodies that were sent back were those of personal guards, and only a few were still alive. Even if they were, their injuries were too severe, and they had fainted.

The guards outside bandaged each other's wounds, hot tears welling up in their eyes when they saw this scene.

They immediately went to treat their companions who were still alive, hoping that the wangfei would be able to save the personal guards in the room as soon as possible and save their lives. Yun Yin silently observed his personal guards and the personal guards that he had brought with him from the capital. Once again, he suffered heavy casualties, and even he was severely injured.

Feng Qingxiao sent a secret message to Yun Yin to go over. He hurriedly walked over and knelt on one knee, "This sinful official awaits lord's orders."

"Tell me all the details."

He bowed his head and told the Lord what had happened.

Yun Zihuang pushed open the door and walked out. Seeing the guards that had returned, her eyes couldn't help but moisten. She went over to check on the guards who had died, to see if there was still any chance of saving them. She ordered her janissaries to carry the severely injured janissaries inside and place them on the brick bed. The conditions were simple and crude, leaving her with no choice. If he could open the highest level of authority in the empty space, then there would be the best operating room and ward. He could send her personal guards inside to treat them, and the chances of survival would be much higher than right now.

It was just that right now, she couldn't activate such a high level authority. She could only stabilize the injuries of these people and do her best to prevent their lives from being in danger.

"Maybe I'm just a Heaven Destroyer, Solitary Star?"

She sighed as she spoke. For so many years, her comrades had all left her and died. Only she was still alive. Even though she was caught up in the flow of time and even the spaceship broke down, she was still alive after being sent back to this world.

Regardless of whether it was in the era of planets or in this Tianyuan Kingdom, people she cared about were always in trouble.

First it was Feng Qingxiao, then it was his father, Yun Fei, and finally it was his personal guards. Perhaps, she really wasn't suitable for having any relatives or friends. Anyone she came in contact with would be in trouble. Of the thousand personal guards he had brought from the capital, how many were still alive?

She did not even want to think about the answer. How many of her remaining personal guards would be able to make it back to the capital alive?

War had always been cruel, but after it ended, there was civil strife.

He hastily gathered his thoughts and stopped thinking about these matters. Instead, he focused all of his energy and attention on saving the lives of her personal guards and treating their injuries. Fortunately, when she activated the flight function of the empty storage space, she did her best to transfer all the medicines and medical devices from the other authorities to the first-class authority. He had stuffed quite a number of things into the first level space, and now, it was so full that it was about to overflow.

Fortunately, he had spent a period of time treating the Northern Slaves. He had also accumulated a lot of energy, so he was able to activate the rank 2 authority. Thus, the space was not too tight.

With the help of the most efficient medicines, the most advanced medical instruments and techniques, as well as the medical androids, it was not long before all the personal guards stabilized. Although it couldn't be said that her life was no longer in danger, the most dangerous moment had already passed. She was confident and confident that she could save the lives of these people. As for the maimed limbs, if there was anything that could save the joint, it would be joined directly. If there was nothing that could be done, it would be connected directly, just like the treatment for the disabled Iron Guard back in Black Bear Ditch.

After Yun Yin reported everything that had happened, he pleaded for punishment with his head down, "It is better for this servant to die than to beg for forgiveness. Please bestow punishment upon me."

Feng Qingxiao said coldly, "Go and check the casualties of our personal guards. Report this."


He stood up and retreated. His heart was filled with bitterness and sorrow. He thought of his grandfather and elder brother, but even now, he had not received any news from them. He really wanted to ask his lord, but at this time, how could he ask such a private question? He could only wait until this matter was over before asking his lord.

"Vice Commander, two hundred and seventy-three personal guards died in battle and one hundred and forty-six were seriously injured."

Hearing the guard's report, Yun Yin's body swayed uncontrollably. He pursed his lips and looked around. The remaining people were naturally all injured. They could still stand, they could still walk, and they were still conscious. This was a light injury!

His personal guard had been beaten to a pulp once again!

He silently breathed in deeply, letting his emotions calm down. A guard whispered, "Could the Vice Commander allow this lowly subordinate to treat your wounds?"

At this moment, Yun Yin finally had time to let his subordinates treat his wounds. He turned around and glared at the rebel army.

Some of the Northern Reaches traitors took advantage of the chaos to flee. There were also some who remained kneeling in their original places, not moving an inch. The arrival of the War God King and the Iron Guards caused them to feel even more uneasy. They didn't know how the War God would deal with these traitorous slaves.

Since ancient times, there had never been a good ending to the slave rebellion. Even if they had to die, that was what they wished for. At this moment, some of the Northern Tribe's traitors hated that they hadn't been killed, and some hope remained in their hearts. Even if it was painful to live, there was always a glimmer of hope.

The rebel soldiers were ordered to take off their armor and clothes, leaving only a pair of pants behind. Under the watch of the Iron Guards, they tied their comrades' hands behind their backs with their belts. At this point, they could only obey orders and pray in their hearts that they really wouldn't be killed.

Some of the leaders of the rebel army were called out and interrogated separately.

There was no need for torture. At such a time, how could they not tell him everything? What was there to hide?

Only General He Xianzhi and his trusted aides knew the most confidential information.

Within the room, bright red blood was flowing into the blood vessels of the severely injured guard in vials. Earlier and in this period of time, Yun Zihuang had used all the treatment she could get for the enemy and the Northern Slaves to store a lot of blood types. Finally, it had come in handy in the airlock.

Although the amount of blood used to treat the northern warriors was not enough, it was still more than enough for the personal guards.

Putting away the medical instruments and the other medical instruments, she quietly looked from the window into the distance, and her gaze couldn't help but follow Feng Qingxiao. His heart began to ache again. Would the two of them be able to return to the past?