The next day, the day was just bright, and the army was urged to hurry.

Menon bid farewell to Alijos and rushed back to lead his troops. He rode his horse to the tail of the "long dragon" of the Greek mercenary, cursing them in their hearts. He believes that his troops are guards because the mercenary leaders hate his intimate relationship with the Persians and persecute him.

At the same time, he noticed that the marching soldiers were tired and complained. It turned out that because of the march last night, the rest time was too short, and it was necessary to guard against the Persian sneak attack, basically lying on the ground. When it was early in the morning, and they had to hurry, the soldiers soon became tired and hungry. However, the squadrons did not have more food, which made the morale of the soldiers low.

Menon thought: The food situation in other military camps is so bad. It’s not even worse for the subordinates who are being oppressed because they are not there for the past two days! He was afraid that the soldiers would make trouble and rushed all the way until he saw many familiar faces, and he slowed down.

As a result, he was surprised to find that, unlike his imagination, the soldiers were in a good state of mind, and many soldiers walked along and chewed a string of dark things hanging on their chests. So, he was curious to ask a team officer to ask.

"This is called bacon sausage, you can fill your stomach, and it will not be bad for a few days." The team officer pointed at the things on his chest.

Mei Nong cut a small piece and tasted it. Although it was a bit dry, the taste was OK. Seeing that the soldiers of other military camps were hungry and their soldiers were able to eat, his mood became pleasant: "This...smoke... is the meat sausage made by Melsis?"

"No. It's Daves - a ‘God'!'

“The oracle?” Menon curiously asked about the situation. After listening to the team officer, his face began to become gloomy, and he immediately noticed that some soldiers actually took two javelins.

"Where is this Davers?"

"The company he was in was sent to defend the squad." The team officer obviously won't look at it, and asked with a little excitement: "Would you like to see him?"

The appearance of the team officer let Menon dispel the idea: a small kid from the small village of Thessaly, is it worth making a fuss? It’s totally inconsistent to see a soldier in a hurry, and now he is marching. Later, there is time for him to come and see himself.


From early morning to morning, and then to the afternoon, the troops have been marching without rest.

Davers felt that his legs were filled with lead. Every step was difficult, and the scorpion was too hot. Shields, stab guns and javelins were all cumbersome. In the morning, I can still talk and laugh with my companions. Now I feel that my mouth is wasting my own physical strength, but he insists on sticking his teeth because the surrounding companions are also marching silently.

Finally, the troops stopped. The news from the front made them nervous again: find the Persian cavalry!

Soon after, there was news: it was not a cavalry, but the beast of the Persian army was grazing.

The team continues to march.

The sky was getting darker, and it was not long before Daves saw a dense smoke rising in the distance.

Hilos told him: "That must be the camp of the Persian army."

However, the team is still moving forward, without the slightest defense and avoidance.

It’s late, there is no moonlight. Soldiers rely on torches to march and become more difficult.

Finally, there was an order from the front: camping on the ground.

The terrain is flat, the trees are scarce, and the camp cannot be built in the dark. At the same time, because of the Persian army nearby, I was worried about being attacked. The soldiers shouted each other's names, and each group gathered to find a way to camp. The same exhausted team officers couldn't control the order, and the entire guards screamed and screamed like a boiling cauldron, making a huge noise. Many of the beasts of the heavy camp were frightened, panicked and stunned, and injured many people. The screams made the troops even more fearful and at risk of collapse.

At the critical moment, Clairkus sent the only cavalry squad of the Greek mercenaries, each armed with a torch, rushed to the guards, loudly announcing the order of Clairkus, demanding that the soldiers remain quiet, and ordered the squad to be optimistic. Livestock, punish anyone who runs the beast. After grabbing a few soldiers who had been troubled by fear, the troops gradually returned to silence.

Menon found the leader of the cavalry, Tolmid, known as the "best commander."

"How did Clairkus command the troops to march! Almost a squadron happened! I was not in a day, things became so bad! He didn't deserve to command the whole army!..." Menon took the opportunity to devalue Lierkus .

The words of Tolmid's interest are not made.

"Where is he now?"

Tolmid was a little hesitant: " the avant-garde."

When Menon noticed his hesitation, he immediately asked: "Is it also like us, no camp?"

Tolmid had to tell the truth: "The avant-garde lives in the village... Menon, now is a special period -"

Menon sneered and interrupted him: "This is the so-called fair and honest Clairkus?! I live in a warm house, let us sleep on the cold and wet ground!!" Menon also understands that it is not appropriate to stimulate at this moment. Soldier, but he still couldn't help but roar.

Fortunately, the soldiers around the place had been exhausted after the previous toss. After a few words, they fell asleep.

"Menon! Menon!..." At this moment, someone shouted.

It is Melsis! Menon hurriedly brought him over: "How is yours? Is there any loss?" The heavy camp is the place he cares most, because his belongings are placed there, and there are soldiers with money.

"No!" Melsi's fat face showed a smug smile: "We will make a heavy car into a big circle, the scorpion is tied in the car, everyone sleeps inside, very safe!"

"Which animals don't scream?" Tormid asked curiously, and the heavy camps he had seen before were mostly confusing.

"It was Davers who told me to blind up the eyes of these animals, and they were really obedient!" Melsis said excitedly.

It is the Davers! Menon frowned.

"Minnon, this little guy is very smart! Simply assign him to the camp, then I will be much easier." Melsis asked.

"I will talk about it later." Menon said a faint sentence. The heavy camp is his foundation. Melsis has a close relationship with him, and he is good at financial management and management. He has no ambitions, and he dares to use it with confidence. Let a stranger enter the camp, and be a smart stranger, what if he finds his secret?


On the second morning, the commander woke up Menon and informed him that the king's messenger had come, and the leaders asked him to discuss it in the past.

Menon rode on the horse and went to the mercenary army camp in the forefront. He never saw the shadow of the Persian military camp within his vision. It turned out that the huge noise of the mercenaries last night shocked the Persians. They even evacuated the camp for ten miles overnight. When the military was on the big account, Menon saw four heavy weights before the camp. The infantry brigade is fully loaded and waiting. He walked into the big account with suspicion and saw that Clairkus, Prokhsinus, Achilles, Socrates (not the philosopher of Athens), Sossi and other chiefs had already waited in the account, the same Each is fully armed.

When I saw Clearus, Menon snorted and sneered: "It seems that you had a good night last night, and my soldiers were poor, sleeping on the wet ground for one night!"

As a Spartan, Clearus is straightforward and stubborn. He also can't understand Menon and doesn't want to talk to him.

Achilles smiled and said: "Hey, when did Menon begin to care about the soldiers?!"

Prokhsinus was busy coming out of the round: "Mayon, listening to Tolmide, said that there was no accident in your camp last night. It’s amazing! Let us teach you a little experience."

"Why don't you fight again! Menon's soldiers also did something... called bacon. So everyone was starving, only his soldiers filled their stomachs with this stuff!" Socrates to the other People said. His troops are right in front of the Meron team in the march, so I know the situation better.

"Menon, tell us about these experiences in your camp." Sossi and several other leaders’ requests made Mellon feel a little fluttering. He couldn’t help but say: "Even if the environment for me is difficult, I can still figure out a solution. So it’s not a good leader to fight."

"Well... let the messenger of the Persian king come in. Let's listen together, what new proposal does the king have?" Clearus interrupted Menon's show.

The leaders began to shake their spirits, and Menon closed his mouth helplessly.