Chapter 15: God doctor?

After Athens failed in the Peloponnesian War and experienced the brutal rule of the "Thirty Lords", the people of insight in Athens were more or less aware of the flaws in the system, but the whole democracy was denied like Davers. The system has never been said before. This resounding rhetoric is like a loud noise, so that Xenophon has not returned to God for a long time, and it has been chaotic: "... Is Sparta... the best?"

"Sparta?!" Daves sneered: "When it decided to turn its compatriots into black sergeants (referring to the Messenians), it was doomed to be strong forever! The warriors are very heroic, but thousands of Spartan warriors have to suppress ten times their slaves. Its city-state is like a volcano. Once a major failure occurs, the volcano will erupt."

"Daves, now Sparta is the most powerful city-state in Greece!" Oliver interrupted.

"Then we wait and see how powerful it can last for a few years!" Daves answered confidently. He vaguely remembered that it was not long before Greece had another war, and Sparta was defeated by the rising Thebes and thus declined.

"Is this a god?" Several teammates were surprised.

Davers laughed and didn't answer.

"So, which city-state has the best system?" Xenophon asked unwillingly.

Davers also reported a mysterious smile.

At this time, the surface of Xenophon seems to have recovered calm. In fact, the heart is ups and downs. For decades, the habits and beliefs have been smashed by Dafos. He is not completely out of order and relies on Socrates for many years. The teachings make him more adept at learning and thinking independently than the average person.

He is unable to stay any longer, and he has to go back and think about what Daves said. So, say goodbye to Daves.

When he left, Daves seemed to ask casually: "Xenophon, have you commanded the army before?"

"Served as the cavalry captain." Xenophon replied in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the coloring of Nofonn, Davers's look became dignified: as a student of Socrates, Xenophon's knowledge was significantly better than his teammates; but as a first-time visitor, the reputation was not significant. There is no rich mercenary experience. So far, it is only an adjutant of Prokhsinus leader. How can Xenophon lead the retreat? !

The author of the "Long March" is Xenophon himself. Daphus will inevitably have doubts: Is Xenophon posting other people's credits on himself?

"Daves, is Athens and Sparta really so bad?" Hilos apparently understood and was more confused than other people who heard the clouds.

Daves nodded and sighed: "If it is in a period of peace, both Athens and Sparta will live very well, but this is an era in which we will not perish and die!"

Hiros seemed to understand and couldn't help but asked the same question as Xenophon: "So is there a city in the Mediterranean that has a better system than Athens or Sparta?"

Davers looked at the curious and eager eyes of Hilos and turned his head: the horizon, the sunset exudes its last glory before falling, overlooking the red clouds, remembering the future Mediterranean world, frequent wars Strong states are like a lantern, until the emperor appears, the dazzling light shines on the Western world for more than two thousand years...

Daphus suddenly raised a sense of pride, this time he did not refuse to answer, but said affirmatively: "Now not. If you and I can live, maybe one day you can see!"


In the early morning, Daphus’s mind was in the midst of confusion, and he heard the voices outside the house.

"Wake up! Wake up! My nephew woke up!!" Antonios ecstatically broke into the room and hugged Duffus: "Thank you! Thanks! Assisi he is alive!!"

Davers was still not fully awake, and he asked in a confused way: "Really?"

"It's true!" followed by Hurls excitedly: "Asistics is awake! His body temperature is not as hot as yesterday. Although he is still weak, he can already drink bread." The porridge. Davers, the method you teach really works!"

In the face of the admiration of Hulpus, Davers’s hanging heart finally landed. He was so excited and calmly said: “Although Asistics is out of danger, he can’t relax and continue to follow. Take care of him and let him get back to normal soon!"

"Yes!" Helps replied respectfully.

"Duffus, there are a lot of people outside to see you." Hilos said into the door.

"Oh, it's Capps. They heard that Asistics woke up and was very surprised. I must come over to see you. I might want to get your help." Antonios was a bit shy to answer: Davers was saved. He scorpion, paying so much energy, and may even pray to Hades. If he has not made a return, he may have to bring him new troubles.

"Capps?" Daves had no impression of the name.

"The other heavy infantry squad leader in our camp." Hilos explained.

Daves was a little addicted and immediately stood up: "Let's go out, don't let them wait."

Under the crowd of people, he walked out of the house.

"Look, Daves is out!"

"This is Davers? It's too young!"

"Don't look young, he is the real Hades's caretaker! Otherwise, how can Asistus be rescued by him? Before I was in a coma, I have never seen you."

"Duffus, I have a brother who is also injured like Aristotle, hot and unconscious, I hope I can get your help!"

"I also have one injured under my hand..."

"And I……"

In the small yard, the crowds are desperately waving their arms, shouting like a raging tide, a wave is higher than a wave In the face of some out of control scenes, everyone is a little nervous, only Dave Si's look is unchanged. In the past, as the cadres who were promoted from the bottom, they have seen many people petitioning in towns, counties and cities. Even when he was the village head, he once met in the town to catch up with the peasants to discuss the town government because of the land acquisition problem. The leaders were hiding. Only he stood up and faced the group of peasant hands. The taro sticks tried hard to persuade them. This little scene in front of me is really hard to beat him, not to mention that this is a good thing for him.

He raised his hand and shouted: "Everyone please be quiet!"

"Quiet! Quiet!!..." Antonios also helped shout.

People are gradually calming down.

"I am very grateful to everyone for your trust!" Daves said with excitement: "We are all comrades who fight together and face death! They are good brothers who can give their right shoulders to their teammates to protect!" Any brother is injured, I will take Herppes, do our best to treat, and never abandon any wounded!!"

Herpps was excited to hear his name.

When I heard this, the soldiers in the yard were even more grateful.

"Great! Thanks Haddy!!"

"Thank you, Davers, you are our savior!!"

"Duffus, you are our best brother! What are your requirements in the future, I will do my best to do it for you!!"

In this era, it is very common for soldiers to be injured and infected, and it is also a nightmare that plagues the army. Now, Davers has let them see hope. And this person is so generous and kind, how can you not touch them!

The shouts of "Davers! Davers!..." resounded over the sky over the Menon Barracks.