Chapter 37: The attack of Altauzus

"Go! Go!!" Hilos pulled him back and ran. He took the lead and the soldiers immediately retraced.

The Persian cavalry held the bow and rushed over again. Several of them lifted the body of Mitradat and the rest chased the Greek soldiers. This time, they learned, split into two, and returned to Davers on both sides.

"Be careful with the bows!" Hilos shouted and waved to let the soldiers spread.

Dave Sloan, who was inexperienced in the middle of the team, was hesitated, and he was thrown down from behind, and then there was a pain.

"Olivers!" Davis was identified from his distorted face, but he didn't have time to think about it. Next to Matonis and Giorgios quickly glared at them, going around the curve, going forward. Sprint.

"Hey! Hey!..." More than a dozen arrows flew again, and there were two screams.

At this time, the matching team has arrived, and the light infantry squad running in front throws a javelin at the Persian cavalry, then holds the leather shield and continues to charge forward. The heavy infants who came later erected shields to form a shield wall, blocking the arrows that came.

The Persian cavalry of just over twenty people did not dare to fight, and with the body of Mitradat, fled quickly.

Davers had the opportunity to check out Oliver's injury.

Oliver saw the arrival of Davers and earned the help of Giorgios.

"The leader... I... I--" Daves gave him a strong hug before he finished, "Good brother, thank you!!"

Upon hearing this, Oliver had recently smiled in the gloomy face, and the whole person slackened, and then the pain came: "Hey!" He called.

Davers thought he touched his wound and hurriedly let go.

"Hey, Olivers, fortunately, you are on the **** in the arrow, if the arrow in front, I don't know what to scream!" Matones sneered.

"Damn Matonis, you are brave, next time you try a shot!" Oliver touched the arrow on his **** and smirked.

The noise returned to the Hilos team.

This time, in addition to Oliver, there was a soldier with a arrow in the thigh and another arrow in the back, but only because of the thick breastplate, but only the skin.

"Gio Gris, you sent Oliver to Hurbus and asked him to treat it!" Davers said, patted Oliver's shoulder: "Take a good treatment, come back and fight with us soon." !"

"Yes, the leader!" Oliver replied loudly.

"A very good raid! I didn't expect you to be really successful. We were worried about you just now!"

"Yeah, you killed Mitradat, and they reported a part of the hatred for Menon. The entire mercenary should thank you!"

"Before Timothy, they said that we were crazy, and we chose the leader. How do they say this time?"

Felicius and the squadrons of Antonios and Capus came over and congratulated Dafos, and Amintas directly gave him a military ceremony.

The clever Asustics brought the horses and let Davers start.

The soldiers consciously let out a passage, shouting victory, welcoming him back to the battle...


"What do you say?! Davers killed Mitradat?!" After listening to the commander, Tima Song had an incredible look: "It is now a war, and the news is punished." !"


"Daves killed Mitradat!" Xenophon exclaimed: "He came up with a bold plan and was successful!"

"Great!" Hieronymus grew a sigh of relief and said with a hate: "This time I see who else wants to run away! The Persians died in Mitradat, and they will definitely take those deserters out!"


Chris Thorpe listened carefully to Tormide's remarks. Although he didn't like the young man very much, he had to admit that he did a good job this time, and even said that he saved the whole army. Because he is very clear, the mercenaries who are dissatisfied with the military and lax management, are not afraid of enemy attacks, the more fierce the enemy's attack, the more united the mercenaries will be. On the other hand, Mitra Dat’s way, after a long time, will dispel the soldiers’ morale and let the whole team collapse.

Thinking of this, he smiled on his face and said to Thormy loudly: "Please tell me on behalf of the Daves leader, thank him for his efforts for the whole army! And remind him that the enemy's attack may soon be Will come."


"What?! Mitra Dart is dead?!" Alijos could not believe his ears.

"Yes, general, his body is out of the account!" said the guard.

Alijos hurried out of the tabernacle, followed by a confidant sent by Artauzus and Tisafunis.

Mitradat’s body has been treated with simplicity, but it’s still terrible. Four or five wounds on his body, a large blood hole in his fist, and blood oozing.

Alijos bent down and was about to look closely. Artauzus couldn’t help but yell at the Persian cavalry who had escaped: "Who did it?! Who did it?!"

"Yes... Menon's soldiers, they..." The Persian cavalry stuttered the whole process.

"A group of idiots! Actually defeated by Menon's waste! You have not protected Mitradat, each person is subject to thirty lashes of military law, and then punishes the servant of the heavy camp." Altazus angry martyrdom .

"The general is forgiving! The general is forgiving!!" The Persian cavalry pleaded for mercy.

Although Alijos unfortunately these Greek-speaking cavalry, he did not intend to change to stop Altauzus. He instructed the guards to put the cavalry down and said, "Bring the Greeks who have escaped a few, I will ask in detail."

"What are you asking! Kill them all! Then lead the army to attack the Greek barbarian!" Altazus shouted impatiently.

"After they were captured by us, the mercenaries must have chosen a new leader. We must first understand who they are in order to take the next step." Alijos persuaded the temper.

"I want to ask you, I will go to avenge Metradat first!" Altazus rushed away.

Ari Russ reluctantly shrugged at the confidant of Tisavnis. In nominal terms, he was the commander of this army after the death of Little Cyrus. In fact, Mitradat and Artauzus each held an army, and the two were friends, and they were against Ali Ari , so that Alijos is often constrained. Today, Mitradat is dead Alijos is actually in the dark, compared with the sleek Mitra Dart, the impetuous Altazus is better to deal with...


Although Altazus is impulsive, it is not confusing to fight. He knew that the Persian infantry could not fight the Greek heavy infantry, so he only selected two hundred cavalrymen and two hundred archers, and hurriedly led them to catch up with the march of the Greek army.

Because the army of Altazus is not a light cavalry or a bowman, it is very mobile. In the afternoon, the huge queue of Greeks entered his field of vision.

"Command the troops, they are in the shape of an geese, and they are forced to go up quickly!" Altauzus's eyes braved the bloodthirsty and the orders were excited.

The Persian army was right against Kryano’s guards. They had anticipated the arrival of the Persians. They did not see many enemies. They thought they were ready to call again as they did last time, so there was no warning. Too much in my heart.

However, when the Persians quickly spread out, they quickly approached, and the distance between them was less than 100 meters.

Kryan Norton was not feeling well, yelling: "Prepare for defense!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Persian arrows had already hit, and most of them fell on the soldiers' round shields like raindrops. Due to the tight queue of Greek soldiers and the closeness of the light and heavy infantry, some people were injured, mainly light infantry.

"Distribute the formation, heavy infantry rushed up!" Kerryno anxiously conveyed the order.

The arrow hit again, and someone screamed and fell. At this point, the team was a little confused, especially after the heavy camp behind him. The guards and servants hurriedly screamed the roaring horses to the north side, farther away from the guards, and avoided the fish.

The three heavy infantry squadrons were armed with round shields and rushed past the arrows.

The Persians immediately withdrew.