Chapter 54: Crossing the river (below)

Arriving at the center of the river, the depth of the water was as far as the spurs of the squad, so that some of the restless soldiers in the heart were completely relieved and the pace was even faster.

The Persian army was originally some distance from the river bank, and in a hurry, because of the reefs on the banks of the river, their speed was affected. The slingers behind the mercenaries used their ultra-long range to disturb the array of Persian troops, so the chaotic Persian army had not fully reached the shore, and the archers had not yet fired two rounds of arrows. The mercenaries Rushed to the shore.

Oritas, the Persian aristocrat who spent more time in the camp to drink wine and play the dance, never had a detailed investigation and understanding of the battlefield, so the mercenary was so easy and fast. When he crossed the river, he approached him like a hungry wolf. He panicked.

Fortunately, his adjutant was calmer and urged the infantry to quickly block.

After the mercenaries’ first soldiers rushed ashore, they had to slow down because of the reefs on the shore. This gave the Persian army a breathing time. They finally surrounded the tide and gradually wrapped the mercenaries on the shore. Strictly...

For close combat, mercenaries are never afraid. Their left-handed round shield protects themselves and their teammates' body, and the right hand raises the lanced gun, over the round shield, and slams at the opposite enemy. The soldiers in the next row will also try to reach forward and protect the front battle. At the same time, his teammates also detered the enemy. Although the soldiers behind the array could not participate in the killing, they did not stand by and watched. They tried their best to push forward with the soldiers ahead, hoping to use force to push the opponent's front backwards and even squeeze it...

The awkward Kardans directly faced the fierce impact of the mercenary, and did not show a weak spear, but the Persians' more troops and higher terrain also offset the impact of some Greek heavy infantry. The bowmen behind the Persian army and the rear archers did not dare to show weakness, desperately shooting a round of round arrows to counter the long-range strikes of the Greek archers and archers.

The two sides launched a **** killing on the north bank of the Kentlite River. If the mercenary wins, it will set foot on the land of Armenia and smash the land of Armenia, which is what the Ortas and its men of Armenia are not willing to see; and the mercenary fails and faces the destruction. So both sides are doing their best.

The mercenaries standing in the river faced the greatest dilemma: on the one hand, the bitter river was gradually taking their physical strength; on the other hand, most of the Persian arrows fell on them. So that they will protect themselves while protecting them from being washed away by the river.

Davers saw with his own eyes that a soldier had slipped, and the soldiers around him went to save. They were shielded from the shield. They were shot by the arrow and poured into the water. It was not a serious injury but because of the heavy armor. Hard to climb...

How did the Spartan soldiers still not appear? Davers looked anxiously in his heart.

Standing on the top of a large rock, Oritas stabilized his mind because of the balance of the battle. When he saw the Kent River, there were mercenaries struggling to get downstream by the river, and his heart began to have a heart. Of course, the soldiers he can't see, nor will he go to see his men are constantly falling down...

Suddenly, a huge noise came from the right wing of the military array.

"What is Atukas doing?" Ortas looked angrily to the right, and he saw an amazing scene: the light infantry and the archers behind the right wing were fleeing, and there were hundreds behind them. A heavily armed Greek soldier formed a thin infantry front, driving away the defeated soldiers and rushing to the middle...

"Greek! It's Greek!! Fast! Fast!..." Ortas panicked again, shouting in her mouth.

The adjutant hurriedly led the governor's guards to meet, trying to stop the squadron and prevent them from rushing through the middle road. Who knows that the Greek soldiers are completely different from the ordinary Greek heavy infantry, they run fast, chasing the squadrons falling behind, one The Shield stuns one, and when it shoots out, it stabs one. It is an efficient killing tool. The Persians rushed away from the **** demon. The Guards couldn’t stop it. They were instantly escaping to the left and fleeing, Persian. The formation of the right and middle roads is completely fragmented...

The mercenaries who were blocked on the river bank easily broke through the panicked Kardan front, and they began to kill...

It has to be said that the Spartan fighters who have been engaged in military training since childhood have strong tactical literacy. According to the prior rough plan, they began to consciously drive the squadron to the river bank. Except for a few awake Persians, most of the soldiers did not distinguish. The direction, just as the people fled, when they saw the wide Kent River, they were desperately crying...

After the guards guarded Ortas to escape to a safe place, Ortas saw that the mighty 20,000-strong army now only has a few hundred people, and can't help but cry. He knew that with his power he could not stop the Greek mercenaries from embarking on the territory of Armenia.

The mercenary leaders were excited. In the face of the massive surrender of the Polish soldiers, they quickly made the decision: to release soldiers of other ethnic groups in Armenia, such as the Kardans, and to express to them the goodwill of the Greek mercenaries; and to the Persians, The leaders, including Davis's choice, are slaughter!

The Greek heavy infantry lined up in a dense array ignored the painstaking demands of thousands of unarmed Persian soldiers, using shield walls and stab guns to drive them to the Kentret River, slashing them, using stones and arrows to cause them in the river. Chaos pushes, people who fall into the water will pull down other people around them for survival, just like the crabs in the cans are pulling each other, no one can escape...

Not long after, Davers looked at the river and was full of floating bodies. He sighed and took his eyes off and cast it on the other side: Du Ke Ya people could not see a trace, obviously after they saw the great defeat of the wave army. , scared to win.

The mercenary guards and the squadrons were able to easily cross the Kentret River, and then the whole army, under the leadership of the lords, occupied the deserted camp of Ortas, and the Persians who fled the emperor left behind The material and the support, so the whole army began a sacrifice after the victory after Zeus and Oscars sacrificed.

Because everyone knows that after the arrest of Ortas, no one in front of Armenia can stop them from moving forward, they are more confident about whether they can return to Greece!

First volume ending

After writing the first volume, Davers’s adventure in Persia has come to an end. In fact, the content I wrote is only a small part of Xenophon’s Long March, and the mercenaries have experienced many difficulties. And frustration, but there is no need to waste ink on this, because that is not the focus of the book, and it is not that I boast, I do not like to write water in the book (in fact, the author is poorly written, will not pile up gorgeous rhetoric... laugh !).

Davers reborn in this era Adapted to this era, and through his own wisdom and efforts, as a mercenary leader, gradually mastered military skills, won the military, and stood firm, has reached The purpose of this volume. Next, he should fight for his own ideals, instead of endless battles on the way back to his hometown...

For me, it is also a relief, because this volume limits my imagination and thinking. After all, the concept of the novel cannot deviate from the time, characters, events and other clues in the Long March. More than 80% of the original book, based on the story of about 20% of the original book.

The next place where the story takes place is a place where readers are unfamiliar and scholars are not too familiar. The history of this area is only in Herodotus' History, Thucydides' Peloponnese. The history of war, as well as the remnants of the works left by scholars of other eras, have only a few words, combined with historical evidences such as ruins inscriptions and cultural relics discovered by the later generations, scholars have a general understanding of the history of the region. However, there is no detailed record of its history. Therefore, the recorded history of each city-state is intermittent. Not only are the political systems and diplomatic relations of the city-states ambiguous, but also the characters, events, and time of occurrence are not specific.

Based on the information collected (there is less information about it in China), I combined my own inference and imagination to conceive a story clue that I feel more reasonable. As Davers advances, Unveil its mystery. I hope that you can be satisfied.

The journey of Dafos's life is still very long, and this is just the beginning. Let us accompany him, encourage him, and experience his legendary journey together...

Please start to enjoy the second volume tomorrow: ####