v2 Chapter 11: Building camp

Ktipps left to look at it, right to see, and want to say something in his mouth, but look at the face of Matones, immediately close his mouth, knowing that the team leader Matones is in a hurry, he However, I really took my fist and tried my best. Of course, his short-term protection is also famous for the whole army. Klipps’s shackled tools slammed into the ground...

Matones was too lazy to take care of him. He raised the wooden basket filled with soil, stepped on the wooden ladder, went up to the ground, and poured the soil on the dirt barrier to be built in the trench. He observed that the progress of his team was not bad. You can look at the situation of the Oliver squad next to him. He was a little anxious at once. He stood in the ditch and shouted: "Brothers are working hard, let's fight for the first time. Completed, get the reward promised by the leader! If anyone does not work seriously, dragging his legs, I will never let him go, know?!"

"Hey!" the veterans screamed, and the recruits mostly responded with anger...


"The leader, our construction camp, not only to dig trenches, base walls, build whistle buildings, but also to build wooden fences on the earth wall, after the wooden gates to build a walkway, before the trenches, also to dig pits, buried The wooden piles... The requirements of this camp are too complicated! And the amount of labor is much larger than before. The soldiers are complaining, is this necessary?!” Asked by Assisi.

While watching the progress of the camp construction, Davers answered with affirmative answer: "Of course it is necessary! Burkes said that Lukanias attacked Turui last year with at least 10,000 soldiers! We are not like Turui. There is a strong and strong wall protection. If you don't build a defensive camp, can you resist the attack of the Lukarias?! When we are besieged by the Lucanias, will the Turifs come to rescue us mercenaries? ?!"

Assisi shook his head.

"So it's a little tired to build such a complicated camp, but with it, the soldiers will feel at ease when they rest and sleep, and the enemy will take us no way! And this camp is not to let them finish the day, can It’s done in a few days.” Daves saw Astrass’s clear look and went on to say, “Before, I didn’t let you gather the soldiers who had worked on the carpentry in the team and set up an engineering camp. Let They led the soldiers and fumbled to build the wooden fence, the whistle, and the walkway. With this experience, the camp can be built later."

Yasisters said sincerely: "The leader, you are thinking too thoughtful!"

Davers smiled: This is just an effective way that the Roman army summed up through centuries of war in history. He directly borrowed it and pushed it strongly. It is hoped that the military tradition of the Roman legion, "whoever builds a strong camp, no matter where it goes," can also become a habit of its own army.

"The leader, Felicius is back." Assisi saw Felicius coming from the north.

Davers was busy welcoming and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Burkes is right. Going north for about a dozen miles, there is a small river on the other side of the river."

“Is it easy to cross the river?”

"The river is very shallow, but we found the Lukaria spies. According to the guide, it may have come from the city of Amendola."

The news made Daves sink for a while, and he decisively said: "Bourkes said that the only Lukana force that remains in the north of Turai is not many. I will give you 500 soldiers and One hundred strong slaves, you lead them to the forest, let some of them cut down the timber, and the other part is responsible for the warning. If possible, go north and explore the situation around the city of Amendola. ”



"On a large rock 100 meters away from the Daves camp, Dracos and the other two leaders are standing on the lookout.

"What do you guys want to do? A camp, do you need to make it so complicated?! This is in the camp, which is clearly built in the city! Do the Turifs allow them to do this?!" said a sarcasm. .

"Adrians, you must admit that if such a complicated camp is built, the Lukarias want to attack, I am afraid it will be very difficult! On the contrary, look at our camp, the contrast is much simpler! Listening to the Turifians, the Lukarias are gathering strengths in Raos. Once they are going south, I am afraid that the first thing that will suffer will be us! Should we consider re-strengthening our camp?" Another leader made a suggestion.

"Sesta, you don't know the virtues of our soldiers. When you ask for money, you are active. Once you let them work, they all sneak into sneak!" Adrians said helplessly.

"Yeah, this is exactly what I find strange. They-" Seta pointed to the soldiers who were doing their best in the distance, curiously said: "It's not like a mercenary, even some city-state citizens. They did not do well, but it was a bit like Spartan's style! But just listen to their accent, Cesarly, Rhode Island, Thrace, Crete, Chernes, and Russia... The accent of the place is the same as ours! But why is the difference so big?!"

"Don't think too much, although they have a fight with them, but they are not malicious to us, but also take the initiative to ask us to help the wounded, we will not provoke them in the future. It is good to say that they are strong, they are by our side. Also peace of mind!" Adrians said with emotion, jumped off the stone: "Go, don't stand here for a long time, let them think we have any other intentions!"

Adrians felt the terrible of this mercenary couldn't help but want to stay away from them.

"I think we should still try, let the soldiers re-enforce the defense of the camp!" Stasta also jumped.

"Well, go back and discuss with the soldiers." Adrians shrugged helplessly, took a few steps, thought of something, and shouted back: "Dracos, go!"

Dracos grinned, and the red and swollen chin hurts. He looked at the Duffs camp deeply and went with the two.

Soon after returning to the camp, the wounded who were healed came back. From their mouths, these mercenaries, mainly from Ionia and Asia Minor (because Burgos was recruited in Miley), learned that they had been fighting with them. It is a Greek mercenary with the small Cyrus expedition to Boss! To know that after Daves arrived at the Xingxinghai Sea, the merchant ships of the Zhuchenghai Zhuchengbang went to the Greek mainland to do business with Asia Minor and Ionia, the merchants and sailors in the chat of the pubs in the Greek mercenaries in Persia. The fragments of the battle were exaggerated and rendered and spread, making Dafos's reputation in the Ionian when they marched along the coast of the Xingxing Sea. After many mercenaries learned about their plight, they envied their experiences and regarded them as heroes. After all, there have never been Greek troops reaching the Persian hinterland so far.

Now that the group of people who are violent are part of the Persian Expeditionary Force, the grievances of the mercenaries have not only disappeared, but also sincerely lamented: It’s no wonder that the fight is so powerful that it was the Greek mercenary that the expedition came back to Perse, and they are now Just beside us!

The soldiers who couldn’t help but surprise, despite the blockade of the leaders, rushed out of the camp and ran to the Duffs camp, wanting to hear their heroes tell the story in Persia...