v2 Chapter 33: select

The Lukarias retreated.

In the cheers of the soldiers, Felicius came to the military camp to see Daves, but saw that Daves was drawing on the ground with a wooden stick. He sometimes looked up and meditated, sometimes anxious back and forth. Step by step, unaware of the outside world.

Filipius called a few times, seeing no response, just standing by and watching. He explored his head and wanted to see what Daves was painting: the pattern on the ground was rough and messy, and he could barely distinguish the topographic map around Turai, the Krati River, and its branch of the Cossene River. This square at the intersection of the two rivers should represent the city of Turui... What does this thin line mean? Connected to the Cossene River, is it the Tino River? And what do these points and circles next to the Tino River represent? ......

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard that Davers yelled in a strange and strange language. He looked up and saw that Devers looked very excited and his face turned red.

Did he talk to Pluto just now? Felicius remembered some rumors and moved.

"Firisius, you come right, immediately to inform all the captains, the captains come to me to come to the meeting!" Davers suddenly spoke, the unquestionable tough tone made Felicius a shock.

After Filipius left, Daves took a deep look at the pattern on the ground, and once again said the words in a firm tone: "Become a defeat, it is here! I bet." !!"

He stretched out his foot and wiped out the pattern on the ground, resolutely sitting on the wooden chair in the middle of the big account, waiting for his nervous and excited mood to calm down, waiting for his teammates. arrival.


At the time of the construction of the camp, Davers expanded the big account in consideration of the need for combat. However, dozens of team officers stood in the account and the space was still very compact. But no one is going to care about this. The battle failed, where did the mercenary go? Before I had to fight, I didn’t have time to think about it. Now every team official is uneasy, so their eyes are watching Davers, I hope that this leader who will bring them out of trouble and create miracles again and again can Give them directions.

"Brothers." Davers said: "We were defeated. Although the Lukarias retreated, they will come again tomorrow. The Lukarias have long wanted to occupy this fertile plain of Sebari. They launched two battles against Turui, costing Turui a great price, and it was hard to make Turiyi hit hard and torment in the city. They would never put the fat in the plain of Sobari. Give up! So what should we do?"

Daves looked at everyone with dignity, but did not want them to argue at this time, because time was tight, he went on to say: "Although I have not said publicly, I am afraid you have already known, because you have been working hard for it. Yes, Amendola is my goal! It is the habitat I chose for our mercenaries in Greater Greece! It is our future hometown!!"

Most of the team officers are calm, and only a few people are surprised.

"But if the Lucanias occupied the plains of Sobari, even if we seized Amendola, it would be the target of their attack! Because we are too few, the weakest, and they Even if we are like this, we will repel them once, but as long as they are here, it has always been a huge threat to us! What should we do?” Daphus asked for the second time.

"That's still to say, of course, to defeat them!" Someone shouted in silence, it was the voice of Matones.

"Yes! The Lucanias are far less powerful than the Turifs. As long as we can distract them, we can beat them!" Amintas also said loudly.

These two brave team officers can face the fearless charge even if they face ten times the enemy.

But Capps, Alexis, Felicius and others obviously do not agree with their ideas and are trying to refute.

Daves Haha smiled and said: "Well, we must attack the Lukania tribes, but not to fight them, but to destroy them! Only in this way can we settle in Amendola Lara with peace of mind. Only then can we shake the obstruction of Turui and other forces in order to freely plant wheat on the land of Amendola, and graze cattle and sheep!"

Destroy the Lukania coalition? ! ! Everyone was shocked.

"The leader, we are only two thousand people, even if it is surrounded by, can not do it, and how to annihilate the Lukania coalition with tens of thousands of people?" Filipinos said the questions of all the team officers present.

"Not only us, but also the reinforcements of Tarantum and their mercenaries in Dracos."

"Even if they are added, they only reach 6,000. The Lukania coalition is 15,000 people, more than twice what we are!" Capps shook his head.

"Talantum reinforcements and those mercenaries are willing to attack the Lucanias?" Antonios asked a key question.

"They don't know, but I am confident that I will convince them to agree soon!" Daves looked at the crowd confidently and saw that they were still full of suspicion, so he said loudly: "Brothers, I remember I said, 'The outcome of war is not determined by quantity. It depends on the quality of the soldiers, the morale, the quality of the weapons... The most important thing is to make a viable and prudent plan for us to take the enemy. Let the nose go, suppress the strengths of the enemy, and use our strengths to win the final victory!"

Everyone is thoughtful.

Amintas eagerly urged: "Daves chief, talk about your plan!"

"Aristos, take the map of Turui," Daves shouted.

Assisi immediately excited to take a map that was repeatedly surveyed and carefully drawn on parchment.

Davers laid the map on the wooden table and everyone immediately surrounded it.

"Let's see... here is the camp of the Lucanias, here is the Tino River..." Daves pointed to the points and lines on the map, slow and detailed his own offensive plans. Description.

Everyone listened carefully while thinking.

Waiting for Daves to finish There is silence in the big account.

Then, in twos and threes, they began to whisper.

Daves waited quietly for a while and said, "Brothers, is this plan feasible?"

"The leader." Alexis praised sincerely: "I have never seen such a brilliant idea, it is a genius plan!"

"Alexis is right. According to this plan, not only does the advantage of the enemy number not be able to play out, but it also makes it easier for us to exert our attack power!"

"The leader is our leader, the great commander, the **** of Hades!"


For a time, the eulogy is like a tide.

Dafos solemnly said: "Now is not a good time to talk about the key moments of our lives and deaths! To talk about your views, we need to gather everyone's wisdom to overcome difficulties and win!"

Everyone looks at each other. Alexis coughed a few times and looked very serious. The first one said: "The leader, according to your plan, the first thing we have to solve is how to lure the enemy..."


After intense discussions, the operational plan was finally established, and the atmosphere in the big account became enthusiastic.

Davers said loudly: "Brothers, the war is about to begin! Go back and tell the soldiers, tell them that we have been hiding the facts! This war is not for Turui, nor for our team officers, but for them. Own, for the land that all of us have dreamed of!! Hades will bless us!!!"

"嗬!!!" Daves's spurred words ignited the passion of everyone, even the warm-blooded character like Felicius, the burning flame of hope in the eyes...