v2 Chapter 43: Cornelus

When Cornelus was led into the Senate by soldiers, his mood was both excited and embarrassing.

Since the occupation of Amendora by the Lucanias, the life of Cornelus in the past six months has been like hell: during the day, the Lukarias watched the grazing of cattle and sheep, felled trees, and carried supplies. Slack, but insulted, but smashed, not even giving food; at night, with other people in the temple of Zeus, although the temple is large, thousands of people crowded together, eat and drink Lazar, all in Inside, the air is dirty, the space is small, and often the children are troubled, the adults cry, and they can't sleep at night, the environment can be imagined; at the same time, the Lucanias only give them half a full day, making them The body is weak, and people are ill and die.

During the long period of detention, Cornelus, like everyone else, was depleted of both physical and mental resistance. He accepted his life and felt that he would live so numbly until he sneaked into the prison... ...

But yesterday, they were rushed to gather, ready to pick up their cars, load items, and they were busy until the evening, even the fierce Lukarias were hands-on, and from what they panicked, what Cornelus felt.

Sure enough, the people of Lucania would quietly tell them: He overheard what the Lucanias were talking about and said, "...the army of Grummentum was wiped out by what Greek mercenaries," "Those Greeks are murderous beasts, terrible..." and so on.

The news cheered the people of Amendola Lara. They saw the hope of getting out of trouble, so that in the middle of the night, many people tossed and turned, could not fall asleep, and then heard the screaming screams...

What happened? ! ! The sensitive people of Amendola Lama got up and came to the door of the temple and looked out through the door. The guardian of Lucania was stunned and panicked and shouted, letting the people in the temple hear clearly: The Greeks attacked the city!"

The people were so excited that the decisive governor, Grat Buffalo, saw the guards leaving, seemingly to reinforce the enemy forces fighting in the mountains, and immediately organized citizens to fight back. The people of the Amendolara, who were deeply hated by the Lukarias, joined forces to break open the door and swarmed up, using stones and fists to knock down the remaining little and unrelenting Lucania guards.

The people just got out of the temple, but they know that they have met the Lukarias who have returned to help (actually the Lucania fighters can’t resist the mercenary’s attack, and Wesbach thought of being detained in God. The more than a thousand Greeks in the temple may be hostages in exchange for the survival of their own tribes. The unarmed and weak Amenorara people are certainly not opponents of the Lucalia fighters, but they just broke through the cage. There are also reinforcements coming, and the Amendora who are full of anger and hope are unwilling to surrender. As a result, the instructor Glad Buffalo was the first to die, the strong and strong citizens who were in front of the charge were almost lost, and the Lukarias could not control the bloodthirsty impulses, preparing for the remaining embarrassment. The Greek mercenaries arrived when the shivering Amendola people killed the killer.

Just in front of the people of Amendola, these strong and burly soldiers showed their demeanor, and in a flash they surrendered to the murderous enemy who had just died.

When these murderous soldiers headed for the people of Amendola, the Amendola people could not help but tremble. Unexpectedly, these soldiers were full of concern to help the weak, and prepared a clean bed, steamed wheat porridge, and doctors carefully examine the body for them, treat the wounds, and simply entered the Elysian Paradise from hell!

Cornelus not only left grateful tears, but he, like everyone else, began to inquire about the origins of this team that was brave and full of love for his compatriots. And the soldiers, the doctors, the women who bandaged the wounds, the soldiers called them "the nurses", and the slaves did not evade telling the people of Amendolara about everything about themselves, so Cornelus knew : This Greek army came from Asia Minor. Under the leadership of Prince Cyrus of Persia, he went deep into the hinterland of Persia, against the army of the Persian kings, and then moved to a thousand miles, safely returned to Byzantium, accepted the employment of Turui, and came to the big In Greece, after the defeat of the Turri-led war, the mercenaries joined the Tarantum reinforcements to pick up the squadrons and smashed the Lukania tribes. They then did not trim them. They attacked Amendola Lara that night and saved them...

The story of the mercenary is as legendary as the epic Odyssey. What makes Cornelus even more magical is the leader of the mercenary, Davers. According to the soldiers, the young leader was originally an ordinary soldier. There is no specificity. He can be in the army with the Persian king. When he was at war, he woke up and woke up. Not only did his character change greatly, but he also had wisdom and wisdom. He solved many problems. The soldiers thought that he was favored by Hades and became a god, so he became different. So he was elected as the leader, and Davers did not live up to expectations. He created one miracle after another: led the soldiers to break out of the encirclement and returned to Greece; they also stood alone and accepted the invitation of Turui; in the battle failed, everyone When he was pessimistic, he resolutely attacked the powerful Lukania coalition forces, destroying the enemy with disparate forces, and creating an almost impossible miracle. Then he was in need of rest after everyone thought that the mercenary war was over, but he was Within a day, I launched an attack on Amendola.

Therefore, when the mercenary told Cornelus that the leader of Deverus wanted to see him, he was so impatient that he was eager to see the unique army led by the soldiers and respected and admired by the soldiers. Called the young leader of the "God of the Gods", the "son of the miracle", and "our Davers."

When I first entered the hall, I greeted a young man with a smile and shouted: "Corneros!"

Cornelus glanced: "Are you?"

The guards on the road proudly said: "This is our Daves leader!"

Although I learned from the mercenary that Davis’s young man, when I stood in front of me, Cornelus was surprised that he was too young and so easy-going, completely unlike him. The imaginary mercenary leader who has fought in battle has been somewhat ruined.

And Daphus is also looking at the elders of the Amendolara Senate: It is reported that his family was one of the founders of Amendola Lama more than two hundred years ago. It has continued to this day, and has numerous countless governors and veterans. It is a famous door of Amendola Lara, and Cornelus himself is only a veteran, but he is kind and helpful, and has a high reputation among the people. This is why Davers chose him first. Looking at the middle-aged man who was shaped by long-term detention, Davers asked with concern: "I heard that you were injured last night, don't you know better?"

Colperus stroked the bandage on the abdomen and said with gratitude: "Much better! Much better! Your doctor is very medical! Daves leader, thank you for arriving in time last night, or we will be finished." !"

Daves jumped in his heart and looked at Cornelus carefully. The sincere look is not like a fake. Last night, when he learned that the Lucanias had a fierce battle with the people of the Amendolara in the temple, they deliberately slowed down their offensives, causing most of the young citizens of Amendola to die, and they felt a little embarrassed. Hurry and said: "Well... Master Cornelus, please come over today, there is a message to tell you, we will leave soon."

Cornelus was shocked: "Why?"

"Although the Lukarias suffered heavy losses this time, they were a lot of people. After all, I heard that Potentia was preparing to assist Grummentum, so Turui was eager to find us back to help defend their city." Daves’s serious expression seemed like this was true.