v3 Chapter 20: Alliance with Turui (1)

In the afternoon, at the meeting of the Senate, Daves’ proposal to contact Tuli and improve diplomatic relations was strongly opposed by the old citizen veterans such as Stromboli.

Daves did not immediately vote, but said with a strong heart: "You adults, I urge you to consider this proposal calmly and seriously, not to be blinded by hatred! You are the elite of the city, to be the whole The people of the city-states created more lives and pointed out the right direction for the prosperity of the city-states. Have you improved the security of the city-states with Turui?! Have you made a good relationship with Turri, and have you improved the trade of the city-states?! Is there a good interest in the war between the city-state and Lucania?! Good or bad with Turui, it is clearly placed in front of you, as long as you are really for the city, for us. Thinking of future generations, I believe that you will make the right choice! Remember, individuals can have grievances, but there are only eternal interests between city-states!"

The words of Daves apparently had a certain touch on Cornelus. Most of them bowed their heads and meditated and did not speak.

At this time, Scommbras stood up and said with a sigh of relief: "Don't we forget what Turlie has done to us, but instead smile at them?! Davers, you are not us. You have not tasted the tragic experience of the death of your wife, and of course you can easily talk about what to do with Turui here!..."

"I just said that I have improved relations with Turui. I didn't say that I want to forget hatred. There is a saying in the East called 'Citizen Revenge, ten years is not too late.' We use Turui to strengthen ourselves, until one day we are strong. Will make the Turifs swallow the bitter fruit we made with hatred!" Daves argued.

"That doesn't know when to wait..." Scamblas groaned, his dissatisfaction on his face dissipated.

The result of the final vote: In addition to the opposition of Stromboli, Scombrus and Rafaas abstained, and the remaining veterans voted in favor, and Daves’ proposal was passed.

Davers immediately began to act. He asked Asistus to send people into the port of Turui and send a message to Burks: Amendola is willing to rebuild with Turi.

General Turri, who had been in a stalemate in diplomacy, was overjoyed. In order to show their sincerity, they sent a messenger group led by the three generals of Kuno Gorata, Neonsis and Ansitanos.

Out of diplomatic etiquette, Amendola Lara also sent the consul, Davers, the city's chief executive, Cornelus, the ombudsman Antonios, and the commercial officer, Mariji, who is already a veteran of the Senate, Stromboli. The messenger group headed by himself (strongly asked to participate) also put forward a special request: the Turui ambassadors must not cross the Saraceno River, and the two sides can hold talks on the south bank of the Saraceno River.

The Turui ambassadors who had just left the city received news from the north, as if they were a good one, so that their happy mood was suddenly halved. In desperation, they agreed to the proposal.

In the morning, the two sides met on the Saracen River.

In addition to Kunogora, the other Turais were the first to see Davis. As a hero to annihilate the Lukaria tribe coalition, the great benefactor who saved Turui is now the lifelong consul of Amendola. Although Dave is still young, no one dares to swear at him. In addition, there are a few taboos.

Kuno Gorata’s feelings are deeper. After all, when he met for the first time, he used to meet the juniors like the elders, patted his shoulders and said something to encourage and encourage. At that time, Davers looked like a temper and even awkward. Kuno Gorata certainly did not In the eyes, even inside the suspicion of the expeditionary army is not exaggerated. At this time, Davers was as gentle and friendly as the first time he met, but Kunogolata felt a guilty conscience: nearly one thousand Lukalians were annihilated in one gesture, and the people of Amendola It is not terrible to be willing to choose him as a lifelong consul, and to control the power of the Amendora Lara to maintain such a humble attitude.

Anthanos did not think so much, he only thought: Wait until the end of the talks, must ask Dafos to talk about their experience in Persia.

Under the shade of a large cowhide set up by the soldiers, the main representatives of the two sides sat down on both sides.

"Before the talks, please allow me to say a few words first." Kunogora Tower stood up and said emotionally: "This time the Lukania invasion caused huge damage to Turui and Amendola. The disaster! The city of Amendola Lara was occupied, the people were captured, most of them died in ill-treatment; and there were nearly 13,000 citizens in Turai who died in this war, and all the families in the city were mourned daily. The whole city of Turui was surrounded by crying... Here, on behalf of the generals of Turui and the council, I expressed deep condolences to the people who died in the two cities..." After that, his eyes shed tears, Tuli The Iraqi messengers also showed sorrow and lowered their heads.

Davers didn't expect the Turifs to have this move, and couldn't help but stunned. Hesitated whether he had to show a sad expression, and there was a sneer behind him: "If it wasn't for your unreasonable demands from Turui, Do we have such suffering in the people of Amendora? Don't play here, hurry and say good things!"

The voice of Stromboli broke the sad atmosphere created by Kunogora, and the Turifs at the venue looked a bit awkward. However, Kuno Gorata was unheard of and continued to look at Davis, thankful. Say: "Fortunately, Master Davers, you led the heroic mercenaries to repel the powerful Lucanias and saved Turui and Amendola! You are the hero of the Turifs! I have not been able to invite you to Turui to participate in the victory celebration, to accept the people of Turui who are grateful to you, and I and other generals and the council have been protested and criticized by the people!" He said here, Niang Both Sith and Ansitanos nodded in agreement.

"I hope that the talks will end and I can invite you to visit Turui! This is the expectation of the people of Turi throughout the city!" Kunogora Tower sent a sincere invitation.

In the face of such enthusiasm, Daves is really not good to refuse immediately, but behind him, Stromboli once again made a sneer: "Daves is now the lifelong consul of Amendola, he visited other city-states. It’s not a personal matter for him alone, he needs the Senate to discuss the decision!”

"Well, we are waiting for the decision of the Amendra Lara Senate, but the Turui people have to blame us again." Kunogora, a disappointing expression, then he said: "Now Turui and Amen Doral is actively engaged in post-war reconstruction. As long as there is any need in Amendola, Tuli is willing to help!"

When the voice of Kunogolata just fell, Stromboli stood up and said loudly: "Amendo Lara does not need any help from Turui, because once accepted, the next time it may pay for Turui. Big price!"

Kunogora Tower did not look at it, and did not look at Stromboli, but said to Davers: "Who is the owner of Amendola?"

Davers smiled and said, "Let's start talking."

The members of the Amendo La Lac Ambassadors immediately corrected their bodies.

Kunogolata looked in his eyes and looked at it.

Ansitanos first said: "You all know that Turui and Amendola have a 41-year alliance. The last alliance agreement has not yet expired. Of course, Turui and Amendola should Continue to maintain our previous alliance."

Stromboli wanted to talk again, and Cornelus immediately held him and shook his head seriously.

Stromboli sighed and screamed at the ground.

"Amendora Lara also agreed to renew the alliance with Turui -" Antonios said, the Turais are all happy: "But there is a condition that does not harm the interests of Tarantum. That is to say, if there is a war between Tarantum and Turui, Amendola will stand on the side of Tarantum."

As soon as the words of Antonios were finished, the Turui messenger group was in vain.

"You are against the vows made to God! Please remember The alliance agreement between Turui and Amendola has not been terminated, so you privately contacted and signed with Tarantum. The agreement is already a violation of the alliance agreement. We have considered the friendship with Amendola Lama for a long time and we do not intend to present it at this meeting. You actually think that we are weak and can be bullied, and even put forward such shameless demands!" Si stood up and shouted.

"Please also remember Turiy. When Turui violated the oath, he did not send reinforcements to save the fallen Amendo Lara. The former Amendola Lama had already died on the day of being occupied by the Lucanias! The newly-born Amendola Lara in front of you, if you said that you had lost money to Turui, I believe that the people of Amendola Lara had paid off in the prisoner’s life of more than half a year, but Turui owed to Amendola, Have you paid off?! In the most difficult time of Amendola, Tarantum gave the biggest help to Amendola! So, Amendo Lara has no intention to report and can only offer our greatest sincerity! What did Iraq give to Amendola? In addition to letting the city of Amendola Lara fall, the people are imprisoned!!" Daphus's words were like a sharp dagger, and Neonsis was speechless.

Stromboli said: "I have said long ago, don't form alliances with these selfish Turifs. They just think about themselves and never think about others! If you don't want Davers, you insist that I don't. I will meet these bastards. They are not satisfied, I am the most happy! They are going to teach us, I am more happy, the spears of the Amendolara citizens have already been ready!"