v4 Chapter 13: The original beer was invented by the Egyptians.

Speaking of this, Soricos increased the volume: "Like now, with the governor Daves as the mainstay, the other veterans of the Senate are assisting in the work, the efficiency of the alliance is much higher, and the citizens have land, Life is not awkward, not to worry about enemies, but also free to take public office, get paid, isn’t it better than before! So even if Tua Union really changed into Wang Zheng system, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as The king can be like Daphus, I think the Alliance will support them!"

Tios listened to his words and fell into meditation: the Greeks were born to love politics. From the ancient times to the present, every citizen of the city-state is seeking a perfect system to make the city more prosperous and citizens more free. A few decades ago, Athens became an example for the city-states to follow suit, but the failure of the Peloponnesian War allowed many people of insight to see the drawbacks of the Athenian democracy, and some aristocrats, including philosophers, began to promote This is also the half-government and semi-democratic system of the ancient Greek winds, but the hegemony of the Spartans, especially the neighbors of the Peloponnese peninsula. The system of the Tua Union seems to have some meaning... Tios thought in his heart.

The carriage continued to gallop, and when he ran across the wooden bridge, he let him look back and observe for a while.

There are many pedestrians on the boulevard, but they are very orderly and do not interfere with each other.

Tios looked at him and found some clues: "On this road, you seem to be walking right!!" he said indefinitely.

"Yes, you watched it very carefully!" Sorikos said with delight: "That was after the completion of the avenue. Davers adults erected at the crossings of Amendola, Turi, and Heraclea. A road monument, it is recommended that people walk on the right. In the first few days, many people do not listen, often cross the road. Because this road is good, the speed of the carriage and the brakes are relatively fast, so there have been several The wounding accident caused the road to be blocked. Everyone realized that the advice of Master Davers was right! You see that our governor is like this. Although he has a lot of power, he does not use compulsory means to let The people obey, but try to convince each other, which is one of the reasons why he is the only lifelong governor and we are not worried!"

"The Tua League does have a good consul!" Tios said with a deep sigh: "And I noticed that every other way, there is a stone monument on the side of the road, engraved with Amendora, Herakly. How far is Asia, managing a road will be so careful, and thinking about the governance of the city state will also consider the feelings of the people."

"Yes! Hey!" Soricos raised his whip and was proud of his chest.

“How much do you earn every day when you drive a horse-drawn carriage?” Tios asked.

Sorry, who is happy, said: "At the beginning of the day, there were ten Opels, and most of them were given by the fresh Tua Union people. Now it is busy from morning to night, and there is almost no rest. I can earn up to forty-six Opal, and go out like this. After deducting the cost of horse fodder and care, I can earn about 600 Opal in January, nearly 100 drachmas. In four months, I will be able to pay off my loan and interest!"

The two were happy to talk, because the road was not much, the road was very smooth, and arrived in the warehouse hotel area under the city of Amendola in less than two hours. In fact, it's not as quiet as the market administrator said, the same people come and go, just not so noisy.

Soricos and other Tios got out of the car and said to him: "I suggest you go to the restaurant opened by Christoa for dinner. The soup and beef belly in her shop are very delicious, and the price is not expensive. I go to eat every few days. I really didn't think of the internal organs of the animals that people usually don't want, they will do so deliciously, and I have spent a small amount of money on it."

“Is it so delicious?” Tios was dubious.

"You will know if you try." Soriks said, another customer got in the car, and he waved and said goodbye.

"May Hermes bless you to realize your wishes as soon as possible!" Tios also sent a blessing.

Watching Sorikos drive away, Tios was told by him that the hungry stomach began to scream, and he decided to go to the restaurant recommended by Soricos.


Compared with Amendola, Tuli has far more land, population, affairs, etc., so the office of the Senate will be moved to Turui, although the council has not yet been repaired. Since most of the veteran's homes are in Amendola, for the convenience and speed of future negotiations, the Turui Reconstruction Commission has assigned the homes to the veterans in Tuli, and because Daves is busy, often at home and constantly The visiting veterans and public officials discussed the political affairs, so they were assigned a new house that was twice as large as the home of Amen Doral. Daves wanted to refuse, but Cristoya liked the house very much and had to accept it.

This house is located on a hillside on the upper bank of the river in Turui. It stands at the entrance of the courtyard and offers a panoramic view of the Krati River and the Cosseney River. On the other side of the hill not far from the north is the original Apo The Luo Temple (now the Hades Temple is being built on the site) and the location of the Acropolis are in a very good position.

It is already at the end of September, and it is in the early autumn, but the climate in the southern part of the Apennines is still hot. Fortunately, the river wind that is blowing from time to time makes the Christoya, who is raising a baby at home, feel a little cool.

The atrium of the new house is large in size and rectangular. Some time ago, Clithista invited the masons to fix a wall in the middle, leaving a door, which separated the middle hall into a front and a back yard: the front yard had slaves and the living room, and the backyard was Dave. The couple's bedroom, the room for the foster daughter, and the place where the slaves live.

Christoa has been in the backyard for a long time, quiet and privacy. At this time, she was wearing a thin linen dress, with the female slave Asuna in the backyard atrium planting her favorite flowers and plants, moving and quiet, the clothes were swaying, the white chest was looming and fascinating.

Andrea got permission from the female slave of the gatekeeper and entered the backyard. She was seeing Christoya put down the crossbow, took the sweat towel from Asuna and wiped the sweat.

Andria was busy walking over and reminded: "Mrs., the doctor is not saying it. You should be quietly recuperating during the time of pregnancy to ensure the smooth growth of the fetus. You should not exercise vigorously!"

"I haven't vomited now. Davers said, 'The proper exercise helps me and my child's health.'" Klystoa said, caressing the belly that is not obvious, and the face It is filled with tenderness.

"Daves is so busy, still cares about you and your children! Madame, Hera has given you a good husband!" Andrea's timely compliment, let Christoya look even more Happy smile: "Andreia, don't envy me, you can be with Bagul in a year! I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

"This is all the Archon's adults are doing their best to help, Bachule and his people are very grateful to adults!" Andrea said sincerely.

"When they wait for the labor, they are willing to stay and become citizens of the Tua League?" Christoya handed the sweat towel to Asuna, seemingly unintentionally asked.

“Bagule said to me, 'Most of his young people are willing to stay, because although they are tired here, they are very happy and safe. They are not willing to go back to the mountains and live a life of fear. Only a few old people have some Hesitant, including his father..." When it comes to this, Andrea is slightly worried, and of course she is willing to stay in Lucania, so that her marriage will be much smoother.

"Don't worry, Davers will find a way to keep them all!" Christopher comforted her, picking up a pottery jar from the table next to it, pouring a glass of water and handing it to Andrea: "You came over from the market, thirsty, drink this."

Andrea took the cup and hurriedly swept his eyes. I saw a golden liquid in the cup, floating some debris, and a little white sloshing. She didn't dare to ask immediately, first took a sip, and there was a bit of sweetness in the bitterness, and some cold.

She couldn't help but drink a big mouth. A lot of foam wrapped in liquid, very lubricated into the stomach, forcing her to even have a few fullness, and suddenly the hot body suddenly refreshed a lot.

"What is this slurry?" she asked in amazement It tastes good, I used to put it in the well water for a long time. "Christo's self-satisfied smile said: "As for what it is, let Asuna tell you. ”

Asuna, who was slightly dark and pretty, said: "It's called beer. It's a kind of syrup that we Egyptians love to drink. A few months ago, Daves said with his wife, 'He is thinking about As a formal competitive game, rugby games will be very popular for the public to watch, but there is still a lack of a good slurry for people to sit in the arena and watch the game under the scorching sun, both to quench their thirst and to help ...... '. I heard it on the side, could not help but say, 'Egyptian beer can try.'"

After hearing this, Cestoya laughed and giggled and said, "You didn't see the expression of Daves at the time. He was very surprised to see Asuna, and repeatedly asked her several times," she said. What is the name of the pulp?', and then asked about the color, taste and production process of the pulp. Later, he sang a question, 'De German...the Germans lied, the original beer was invented by the Egyptians', Then I was urging me to find someone to make beer. I had to send someone to the slave market in Tarantum, and I bought the Egyptian slave who would make the beer at a high price and tried to make it."

Note: Every civilization has left its own unique mark on the world. Egyptian civilization also has many interesting inventions. Here I will only pay attention to ladies: eye shadow, wig, nail dyeing, various accessories, rose bath Milk bath, hair care, essential oils... and perfumes were not invented by the French. Three thousand years ago, there was a rule in Egypt: It is illegal to not apply perfume in public. The interesting life of the Egyptians will be described in detail in the second half of the novel. Here is a small introduction!