v4 Chapter 18: Sensation of the Senate

The wise elders such as Kunogolata and Cornerus are on the sidelines, and others have not stood up to answer.

Daves continued: "Then look at the north side of Niutum, all of the territory of the Lucanias, and several large towns, Grummantum, Pixsis, Botti Asia and Galaguso, it is said that the total population is more than 100,000, which is several times the size of our population. Although they are still fighting each other, when the Greeks occupy their traditional territory and threaten their own security. Will they unite and oppose us together? Even if we defeat them, they will have no way to go to the mountains, but only let the Lucanias hate us more, they are familiar with each one. Mountains, every river, they will change their tactics, quietly attacking the citizens we planted and grazing, attacking our heavy weights and caravans, Niutum’s output cannot support a large population. There we are few, Luca There are so many people in Lia, we can't conquer them, they will swallow us. What should we do?"

When Davers saw someone saying something, he sneered: "Someone might say, 'Is there not Laos? They will help us!' Yes, Laos is our alliance. But when we are the lord Time and time again to ask them for military support and material assistance, it may be okay at the beginning. After a long time, do you think that Raus will look down on our strength and generate other thoughts? I forgot that Avinogis was not a pure Greek. I have never worked with the Greeks before. We can’t hope that he can always keep the covenant!”

Daves paused for a while, giving everyone a time to think, and then continued: "So we can only continue to transport food from Turui, Amendola, and increase soldiers to Niutum, not to mention the mountain road Going, the war is very expensive. Do you think it makes sense to put the valuable human and material resources of the Tua Union into a city without any gains?! Moreover, there is a strong Crotone inside to be ready for revenge. !"

"Then we are still attacking Niutum, what do the Lucanias do?" Burkes heard the words of Davers and began to shrink.

"Everyone here should be impressed. The Lucanias have invaded Turui many times. Although they have suffered this time, they have a large population. If they don't attack it, weaken it, otherwise wait for it. With the strength restored, it will certainly invade us again. Of course we hope to keep them out of the alliance territory, instead of hoping to burn the war to our land and destroy our hard-working farmland and houses!” Alexei Stand up and answer.

"Can the Lukarias help us to stabilize Niutum and solve the difficulties that the consuls said?" At this time, Scommbras stood up and asked.

Dave's mouth showed a slight incomprehensible smile: "First of all, Vesba, they are Lukaria, after defeating Niutum, help us to stabilize the mood of the residents of the city. Lucania There are also rich and poor people. We must arrest those stubborn rich people and soldiers, become slaves, distribute the captured cattle and sheep to the poor, and let the mixed team of Greeks and Lucanias manage the whole seat. At the same time, the Lukania tribes also have powerful tribes and weak tribes. Some tribes, like Weisba, are reluctant to join the city-state, but they are wandering around because of the war. It is difficult to survive. We can Markets are opened on the border of Niutum, and our pottery, iron products and other goods are used to attract the poor little tribes to exchange cattle, sheep, fur, prey, etc., and if necessary, they can give them appropriate help. In the long run, they will be happy to be close to us. In this way, we not only promoted our trade, but also solved the food of the soldiers stationed, and also weakened the power of the Lucanias.

You must ask me why the Lucanias will believe in our Greeks and willing to be close to us? Daves said loudly: "Because Wesba and Bagul are there, they are involved in the management of every matter." In the eyes of the Lucanias, they still worship the gods of Lucania and maintain the traditional customs of the Lucanias. They are still true Lukarias! But they are citizens of the Tua Union, dressed in gorgeous costumes, drinking fine wines, living in comfortable houses... Their lifestyle will surely envy the Lukarias and eventually lead to other Lukarias. Willing to join our alliance! ”

"But they put Bakuule, the Lukanians who have only stayed in the league for half a year, on the land they are familiar with, in case they rebelled?" asked Stron Glass.

“If we give them citizenship and are qualified for the veterans of Wesbach and Bhagler, we treat them as if we were ourselves, so that they live far from a Lucanian. In civilization, this is the splendid culture that our ancestors created with generations of hard work and wisdom for generations! I firmly believe that they will be assimilated by us, not that we are assimilated by their ignorant backwards! Of course there are also betrayed. Tiny is possible, but I think this risk is worth the risk! Because if it fails, we just lose more than a thousand slaves and postpone the plan to attack Lukania; but once successful, we will get the vast land of Lucania And the population of more than 100,000 Lucania. With these, we still worry about Crotone?! No, Crotone is just a small stone on the way forward in our alliance, we can kick him off easily. , greet us will be a broader world!"

The final passionate speech of Daves made the veterans feel overwhelmed, and they began to whisper each other with excitement.

Dafoss announced that he will temporarily suspend the meeting.

He then found the two city chiefs of Kuno Gorata and Cornelus, hoping they would take the lead in supporting his proposal.

"I listened carefully to the plan of the stable Niutum that you let Wesbach and the Baqule group of Lucanias participate in. I think it is worth trying." Cornelus put aside his personal feelings. Agree with it.

"Daveus, are you in front of the situation that you are so dangerous and difficult without the help of the Lucanias with Vesba?" Kunogolata asked a little doubt.

"Those things go to the worst, you can work hard at the best place." Davers returned.

Kunogolata thought for a moment and nodded.

Once again, the veterans of the Senate, under the guidance of Kunogora and Cornelus, most agreed, and Davers’ proposal was passed: let Bagul lead nearly a thousand Lucania After the soldiers joined the army and captured Niutum, they were all eligible for Alliance citizenship, and Vesba and Bagul entered the Senate.

Although a few veterans headed by Polluxs lamented: This is an unprecedented shame in the Greek city-state! The sacred councilhouse will be tarnished by the dirty smell of the indigenous people!

But most of the veterans have ignored their shackles and are still squatting in the huge gains that will be won by Lucania...


As soon as Felicius stepped into the house, he heard the courtyard was very lively.

Originally assigned to the courtyard of Felizius, his wife Delia was preparing to plant some apples and fig trees in the atrium. Felicius had no opinion but was opposed by the adopted son Melishanda: he wanted to bring the atrium Transformed into a training ground, so you can exercise and train your fighting skills at any time. In the end, the wife who loved her son expressed her consent.

Upon hearing this voice, Felicius knew that it was Melishanda who was looking for someone to practice.

He followed the cloister and walked closer to seeing Melishanda’s friend Arsenis. This young man from Amendora Lara can appear here, apparently because of tomorrow’s expedition.

Felicius remembered the appointment that Daves had given him today, and there was a burst of tension in his heart. He never thought that Daves would let him be the commander of this trip to Niutum. Mercenaries have so far been a few of the time when he alone commanded the battle, and he felt more pressure under the dazzling aura of Dave.

He leaned on the pillars and thought about his thoughts, while his eyes fluttered and looked at the fights of the two young people on the field.

"You are back!" behind him, his wife Delia's gentle voice: "This is the pulp that I just made today. Add some dates, it should be sweeter, you should solve the thirst first."

Filipinos has a warm slurry in the middle (because it is almost early winter Delia smiled and said: "Today's dinner, I made your favorite grilled squid and stewed. Lamb, smashed porridge, and bread... Because Alcínis will stay at home tonight, dinner is more abundant than usual."

Felicius took a sip of water and said, "It’s rare for us to have a guest in our house. It’s good to be a bit more lively."

Delia was busy going to the kitchen for dinner, and at the same time directing the female slave to the table. Felicius looked at her busy back and couldn’t help but sigh that her choice was correct: Delia was a little older, but she It is a diligent and virtuous good Greek woman who arranges the things at home well.

The training on the field was finally over. Melishanda said that he was not convinced: "Alsini, you are just two years older than me, and I am more powerful than me. I have defeated me. When I am an adult, I will Will not lose to you again!"

"When you are an adult, I don't know how many real battles I have participated in!" Alcini did not show a weak rebuttal. As soon as he turned around, he saw Felicius outside the atrium and shouted with respect and respect: "The ancient Greek Mediterranean hegemon" only represents the author's point of view. If it finds that its content is inconsistent with the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only devoted to providing healthy green. Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!