v4 Chapter 23: Killing and appeasement (2)

In the midst of an uproar, a voice screamed: "Dila's husband?! Urazza, you have no chance!"

For the first time, this sentence caused the guests to laugh.

"I thought you were dead in the killing of Grummantum..." Ulaza said bitterly: "So, I already have a wife."

"At that time, we couldn't make sure that we could live to this day!" Bagul's words resonated with the guests. He continued: "So we will be together tonight, don't talk about other things, just drink! Celebrate that we are alive today! ”

“That's right!” Kexi took a bottle of wine filled with ears and took a sip. He shouted: “Good wine! I am drinking this good wine for the first time! I don’t take Bagu tonight. Le's good wine can't be drunk!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Bachule secretly thanked Maxima for his help. He raised his glass and shouted: "Come, let us thank the **** of Asinu!"

Bagur took the lead to lead everyone. After a few drinks and a few drinks, the atmosphere of the banquet was lively, and they were intertwined and pushed for a cup. In the noise, Bagul stood up and said to Assisi: "Come, My brother-in-law, I will introduce you to these guests!"

Assisi held the wine can in one hand and the glass in the other.

"This is Ke Xima, my childhood friend and wrestling opponent, but he always fights me!"

"Don't listen to him nonsense!"

"Do not believe, we will fight again in another day!"

"Don't change the day, the end of the banquet will be more than dare?!"

"Beyond, I am afraid that you will not be able to!" Bakuule readily agreed.

When you hear that there will be wrestling, other guests are also excited.

Assisi followed the Lucanian etiquette and sima marsh, clinking, and drinking.

"Good!" Someone shouted. Apparently, Asistus, as a Greek, began to attract the attention of the guests with the etiquette and refreshment of the Lucanias.

"This is Urazza, my good friend, and was the pursuer of Tina!"

"I am very happy to meet you!" Asistics went to the front of the cup and said: "You can rest assured that Tina lives very well, I will always treat her well!"

Urazza glared at Assisi and spit out: "I will wrestle with you in a while, dare not?!"

"Yes!" Asistics simply replied, raised his glass and drank it.

“Good!!” There were also lively and welcoming guests screaming, and they began to think that this Greek was very appetizing.

"This is Uncle Hermon. When I was a child, I often took us to fish. His fishing skills are the most powerful among the Lukarias!..."


After this lap came down, a can of wine was finished, and Asistics felt that he was walking a little, but the guests looked at his eyes but they did not have the initial alert.

"Sister-in-law, you have to know..." Baqil, who returned to his seat, said to Asiasts loudly: "We used to live in the mountains between the upper reaches of the La River and the upper reaches of the Agri River. The tribes often have exchanges with each other. In the face of foreign enemies, they often unite to confront each other. But after Grummentum and Niutumm formed alliances, we were unable to confront them with their strong strength, and some were forced to join. Grummentum, some like Ksima, Urazza, they were forced to join Niutum, some escaped from the mountains like us... I didn't expect we to get together..." Bakule emotional Said: "My father wants to know, he will not sleep all night!"

The words of Bachule also touched the memory of the guests present, and most of them were embarrassed.

At this time, Bagul took the shoulder of Assisi and said aloud: "My brother-in-law has another identity. He is the deputy of the Tua Union consul, Davers, this time by Daphus. Sent to help manage Niutum!"

When the words came out, the guests were all amazed.

"Duffus? Are you saying that the Greeks who killed more than 10,000 people in Akpior with only a few thousand people?!"

"Asistics, I heard that this Daphus later defeated the Crotons of tens of thousands of people with thousands of people. Is it true?"

"I heard that he is still the son of the Greek gods?!"


No wonder the guests were so astonished that although Niutum and Turui were cut off because of the war, there are ports in Raos, and as long as there is foreign trade, the outside news will soon be transmitted to Niutum. The Lucanias are amazed at why the powerful Lukania coalition failed, and the name of Daphus was first introduced into their ears, and as long as they pay attention, they will come from the exotic merchant ships in the port of Laos. I heard more rumors about Daves...

For the Lucias who are more superstitious and more admired, the Greeks who have achieved so many achievements, strong and mysterious people are awe, so when Bagul learned this from the prisoners, immediately Realizing that this is available, he did not say the position of Assisi, but said that he was the confidant of Davis, and immediately put a layer of aura for Assisi.

Assisi took the opportunity to say: "Daveus said, 'In Lukaria, the big tribe bullies the little tribe, annexes its people, plunders its cattle and sheep, and finally the chief of the big tribe is like a king. The people from the small tribe are not slaves and are better than slaves.'"

"Yes, that's it!"

"That's right!"

The words of Assisi stirred up the resonance of the guests.

"And our Tua League will never oppress you!" Asistics said with affirmative affirmation: "Before, Darius adults repeatedly yelled at me, 'to treat the Lukarias as their own people!' Said, 'Under the rule of the Tua League, the Greeks, Lucanias, Egyptians and other races will be the same, regardless of status, regardless of status, enjoy the same rights and obligations!'"

“It’s true!” Bagul immediately took the words and proved it: “The chief business officer of the Tua Union, the veteran of the Senate, Maricji is an Egyptian, but he is also a citizen of the Tua Union! And I am Luca. The Nea, now the fourth brigade of the First Army of the Tua League, is also the veteran of the Senate! My father, Vesba, is also a veteran of the Senate!"

The guests made an incredible exclamation. The Luccalia region is surrounded by Greek city-states. The long-term contacts and contacts have made them generally aware of the Greek city-state system. The veteran of the Senate is the leader of a large tribal union in Lucania. It can participate in discussions and decide on the affairs of the tribal alliance, encounter powerful leaders, and even decide the big leader.

"How can I become a citizen of the Tua League?!" Many people feel so hot that they can't help but ask aloud.

"As long as you are willing to join the Tua League, you can now be a reserve citizen of the Tua League. As long as you abide by the laws of the Union and perform well, you can become a full citizen in five years. (The Tua Union Senate considers the Lucanias. The special circumstances, so as long as he is willing to return, he can become a reserve citizen. But for the sake of fairness, it is only like a Greek to become a full citizen after five years." Asistus explained.

"This preparation... What is the difference between preparing a citizen and a formal citizen?" Some careful people noticed that the two words are different.

“Preparation citizens do not have some rights to formal citizens, such as alliances to allocate land, to be able to serve as public officials, etc. But prepare citizens to enjoy the protection of the alliance and receive assistance from the alliance, for example, if you become a reserve citizen, if you are willing to plant Land, the Union will rent the land of Niutum for you, the tax rate is only 5% (this is a new policy to encourage the preparation of citizens to move to Niutumm); if you are willing to graze, you will rent cattle and sheep to You graze, the tax rate is also 5 percent. You have to know that many Greek freemen in Turai want to be ready citizens of the league is not so easy, they have to go through at least two years of investigation after the alliance application~ Www.novelhall.com~ can become a reserve citizen."

“This is indeed the case. The Tua Union Senate has considered the Lukania’s alert to the Greeks and, in order to demonstrate the sincerity of the alliance, has relaxed the conditions for the Lucania to become a reserve citizen of the Union. It has been criticized by many citizens!” Bagul once again endorsed the alliance.

In fact, the two are too careless. Most of the guests don't care about this. Compared to the small tribal leaders who usually pay half of their income every year to the city of Niutum, they can only go out to fight and capture the strength of the day. The Tua League gives this tax rate a good rate. Can't be better! The guests exchanged eagerly with each other.

"You are not afraid that we have taken the cattle and sheep you gave, have you run away?" Someone joked.

"We are not afraid!" said Asistics confidently: "We have only used a few cows and sheep to recognize a person who is not suitable to become a coalition citizen. Where can anyone who steals cattle and sheep go? In other Lukaria tribes, they were then taken away from cattle and sheep and continued to be oppressed by strange leaders. Or did they become slaves in other Greek city-states, or wandered alone in the wild until they died of freezing, dying, starving? It’s better to stay in a friendly and peaceful alliance. Isn’t life better? The Alliance respects the culture and customs of Lukaria, allowing you to have your own temple, to worship freely, to have your own customs and festivals. As long as it does not violate the laws of the Union and disrupt the public order..."

After listening to these words, every guest is thinking about it.

At this time, someone shouted: "How can I become a veteran of the Tua Union Senate?!"

Bagul recognized that the person who spoke was Hemon and smiled in his heart. The Hormon tribe was second only to the Vesba tribe, and the tribe in the area between the Lahe and the Agri River was large, but now there are only a few hundred soldiers left.