v4 Chapter 41: Arrogance: the sign of the Spartan

In general, the most striking of the Greek city-state buildings are temples, arenas, theaters, etc., and at this moment, the big buildings that Fibidas and the followers have not seen yet have been carefully thought-out. Designed and impressed by the clean and tidy cityscape. Fibidas went to Athens. The famous Mediterranean city was flourishing but it was noisy and dirty. Sparta, although quiet, had to say that the whole city was as simple as a country. Only in Turui, simple, generous, elegant, quiet, neat and tidy together, full of charm.

Dorobissis couldn't help but ask: "Who is the designer of this city?"

"Herachid, the disciple of Hippodamus!" Olivers looked at them in amazement, and answered loudly.

"Oh, Hippodamus!" Dorobissis sighed, the name is no stranger to the Spartans, because the port of Piraeus was designed and built by him, how much was created for Athens. Wealth, the Spartans were painstaking to seize it.

Moving further, they saw a huge white arch across the street, and the Spartans never saw such an arch in other city-states.

Dorobissis asked curiously: "What is this arch used for?"

The expression of Captain Olives became solemn. He said in a deep voice: "This is the Arc de Triomphe! The generals and soldiers who will return will pass the gate and accept the tribute and cheers of the consul, the veteran of the Senate and the people of the whole league. I held a triumphal style, because I won Niutum, the scene is really... oh, but our first team can only wait for the next time..."

Fibidas did not go to see Oliver's face with regret. He and several Spartan fighters behind him looked up at the huge Arc de Triomphe. In addition to the shock, he was envious. As a warrior, the biggest wish is not to get the cheers of the city-state people after defeating the enemy! That will make them feel that the blood and sacrifice are sacred and meaningful! But in the Greek city-states where the spirit of democracy is prevalent, it is almost impossible to do so. Democrats believe that this will make the generals too prestige and lead to dictatorship; and even though Sparta is a Utopia, the elderly elders will never allow excessive promotion of victory, so that these young and bloodthirsty Spartan fighters are out of control. Laishande is the best example. Nowadays, there is a colonial city in the remote western Mediterranean outside the Greek mainland. This is done, and it will continue to do it... Fibidas’s mood is very complicated. He didn’t want to talk to the patrol captain before, but he asked at the moment. "How long does your military training take place?"

"Why do you want this!" Captain Olives looked serious. He thought about it and said, "But telling you nothing. Our coalition citizens are busy farming seven days, now it is farming, almost two or three days, once training. day!"

Such frequent military training has surpassed most Greek city-states. It is no wonder that these soldiers seem to be well-trained, and this is also a city-state that respects force! Pfeidas pre-existed with the purpose of coming here, and it would be somewhat difficult to achieve it.

Passing through the wide and flat Victory Square (after the Triumphal style, this new square finally has its own name. Since the main function of this square is to gather troops before the expedition, and hold the triumphal after the war, then the word "victory" is called. In fact, Filipdas entered the large-scale Turin Senate House of the Senate.

This council is very large, and I am afraid that it can accommodate thousands of people. Therefore, dozens of members of the Senate are sitting in the front row, which is very inconspicuous. Seeing that Fibidas came in, all the veterans stood up and applauded and expressed their respect, and respectfully bowed to show respect for Sparta, which finally made Fibidas feel a bit of pleasure.

The young man headed said: "Welcome to you, the Spartan messenger from afar! What prompted you to come to our Dionysian League?"

This must be the military genius of the young governor of the Dionysian Union and the guest Sophos. I am afraid that the Arc de Triomphe is also from his pen.

Phibidas looked at him sharply and aggressively.

Daves did not evade, but also looked back with deep eyes, as if to see through his intentions.

In the eyes of Davers: This Spartan is wearing a bright scarlet scorpion, with long hair that is not common in the Greeks. The rough face is not only scarred, but also arrogant.

At this time, Davis, who has a deeper understanding of this era, feels that the image of the messenger in front of him is the normal form of Spartans facing outsiders.

The two face to face, so coldly watching, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Kunogolata coughed twice and was trying to break this coagulated atmosphere.

Fibidas spoke up, and he said bluntly: "I came to Sparta and asked the Union of Denonia to sin!"

As soon as this statement came out, the veterans were in vain.

"In order to protect the Greek city-states in Asia Minor, we also want to protect the interests of Greece. We send troops to cross the Aegean Sea and go to Asia Minor to fight the Persians. But at the crucial time, some soldiers of our troops However, because of your temptation to escape the battlefield of Asia Minor, the war against the Persians was frustrated, and even the Governor Tiburon was exiled by the Presbyterian Council! Therefore, the Presbyterian Church sent me to blame your betrayal behavior!"

Is it so serious? ! The elders face each other and are slightly nervous.

"I don't understand." Kunogolata asked in confusion: "You said that we are tempting your soldiers. The Dionysian Union is thousands of miles away from Asia Minor. We rarely come to you with Sparta. How could you possibly lure your soldiers to escape?!"

"That's right! As a newly established alliance, we not only have no contact with Sparta, we don't even know where Asia Minor is!" Plesinus said exaggeratedly.

Pfeidas was unheard of, just watching Daves, sneer: "The soldiers are mercenaries who have participated in the Persian expedition! And your governors and some of you have been fighting in Persia for a year. There are many, deep relationships. Our officers in Asia Minor have witnessed the frequent presence of Gentiles in these mercenary camps..."

Agarcia saw Antonios and Capus quietly screaming at him, and he shook his head gently.

"Are you sure these Gentiles are our Union citizens?!" asked Antonios.

"I can be sure that the passenger ships that these deserters are riding are heading for the big Greece!" said Fibidas. "Therefore, the Spartan Elders Council will make a decision, 'The Dionysian Union must hand over to escape here. All the mercenaries, and --" he raised the volume: "As the Dionysian League destroyed Sparta's punishment for the Persian war, asked your governor to lead 5,000 soldiers to Asia Minor to join us in Sparta In the ranks of the team, participate in the battle against the Persians'"

"What?!!" The veterans were shocked and screamed: "What is the truth!! Our Dionysian Union has no diplomatic relationship with Sparta. Why do the Spartans use them to give orders to us?!! ”

"Just as you as a Greek, it destroyed the sacred war of Sparta on behalf of the Greeks against Persia! Just because we Sparta is the ally of all Greece!!" Fibidas said proudly.

Davers laughed.

Hearing the deep contempt in his laughter, the sensational veterans calmed down.

Melsis also asked: "Daveus, what are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at the Spartans really, I don't know how to be ashamed!" Daves stunned Feidas: "Sparta is not collusion with Persian, who has always been a Greek enemy, killing his own compatriots and defeating Athens." Is it?!! Why is Sparta now playing with Pers, who was once an ally?"

"Why?" Melsis quickly said.

"I heard that Sparta had signed an agreement with Persia in order to let the Persians finance it. He agreed to give up the protection of the city-states of Asia Minor and give it to Persia. After the victory of the war, Sparta repented, so The war between Sparta and Persia will happen..." Daphus looked at some unnatural Fhibidas and said bluntly: "This kind of traitor who sells the interests of the Greek city-states, the city-states who repeatedly violated their promises actually said I represent all of Greece, and the sacred war with Persia! Do you say that I can't laugh?!"

"Yes, it's ridiculous! Actually there is such a shameless city-state existence, it is a shame of the Greeks!" The elders headed by Anton Rios and Amintas deliberately laughed loudly.

Pfeidas face rose red a roar: "Do you dare to insult Sparta, not afraid of the spartan anger?!"

The laughter is still non-stop.

Amintas said excitedly: "Rage? Are you talking about war? That's great, I am waiting for the next triumph!"

"Daveus, the next battle should let the first team go up, the soldiers are broken!" Capps, who has always been at the meeting, did not talk much, but it was obviously known as the Spartans. The unreasonable hegemony is ruined.

"Yeah, the first team has been following the old team of you Davers, and have not yet participated in the triumphal, the soldiers have some opinions." Antonios also followed.

Fibidas was dumbfounded, and his anger had been subtly transformed by these Dionyns to fight.

"Dyonia Union is ready to fight with Sparta?!" he asked sharply. () "Greek Hegemony of Ancient Greece" only represents the author's point of view. If it finds that its content is inconsistent with the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only devoted to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!