v4 Chapter 54: The trouble brought by the mercenary

Crotone mobilized the army to reinforce Crimissa, and such a large movement was known to the spies who were placed at the Crotone inner pier by Aristilas.

The next morning, when the mercenary messenger rushed to the Duffus House, Daves had received the news of the Crotone reinforcement from Aristilas. He immediately judged the Tama Song mercenary this time. It is fierce.

Therefore, when the mercenary's messenger Piquels asked Daphus: "Daves, the mercenary of Tima's first tie has captured the Crimea, we hope to join the Dionysian League, and I hope to get the talent of Dionia immediately!"

Daves said with a heavy expression to the former comrade who had served as an interpreter in the Menon Barracks and later his own, but chose to leave in Byzantium: "Pearls, you are late, I just got the news, 'At noon yesterday, nearly 10,000 troops from Crotone took the boat from the port. 'They should arrive in Crimea in the afternoon. I don't think Tima Song can hold the Crimea..."

"One thousand?!" Pickles heard the news and was sluggish on the spot.

"I have sent people to inquire about the news, I believe that at noon I can get the specific situation of Crimea." Davers continued.

"Maybe... maybe Timothy, they are still sticking to it..." Pickls returned, and he pleaded with enthusiasm: "Daves is big... the leader looks at the parts we have fought side by side. I beg you... I beg you to send an army, and immediately rush to Crimea to rescue them!! Otherwise, if you get the news, I am afraid it will be too late!!..."

Picols’s “head” made Daves’s mind slightly move, but he still shook his head and said, “Hey... I don’t want to send troops to send troops immediately. This requires the approval of the majority of the Senate. Without exact information, they will not agree! Because if the Crimea regains the city and the Dionynian army enters the Crimea territory, it is a violation of the agreement, which means war! Tone's war!!"

Daves's patient explanation was obviously not heard by the eager Piquels. He almost madly shouted: "If you want to rescue the brothers anyway, you will definitely fight with Crotone! What are you afraid of!" You are the only lifelong governor of Dionia. Here you have the final say! Send troops, please, Daves leader! Timothy, Kryano, and the lives of all our mercenary brothers. Waiting for your rescue!!..."

Davers shook his head and felt unclear to him: "You should go to rest first, and I will inform you when there is news." Then he told the slave to take him down.

Piquers pushed it away and shouted: "Daves, if you didn't help Ma Song and the brothers, you died in Persia! But you see how you treated your former comrades! When we arrived here, not only did we provide any help, but we were subjected to a lot of grievances. Now Tamar’s life is threatened and I ask for help. You don’t even lend a helping hand, but also find a reason to say 'requires the Senate’ Approve '...'

Piquels yelled at Devs's ungratefulness, and Daves was very angry. He thought: You nicknamed Syracuse, actually went to capture the Crimea, and when I talked frankly with me! I still don't want to use me and Agarcia to let Dionia confess to you, but never thought about doing this, how much passive Dioria and myself are! Now that I have failed, I have to ask myself, but I have not even apologized. Who is ungrateful, is it really that I am so good!

In his current capacity, he does not need to argue with a simple-minded mercenary, simply let the guards drive Pecors out of the house.

There was a lot of noise in the living room. Christovia, with the help of Asuna, took her big belly down from the second floor. She asked with concern: "I heard a quarrel downstairs, what happened?"

"Nothing." Daphus squeezed a smile and whispered: "You are all born, you don't have a good rest, and you go around."

Christo’s interest no longer asks, whispering the belly: “The child just kicked me and woke me up.”

"Baby, you are so embarrassed, let your mother rest!" Daves put his face on Cristobal's stomach and whispered.

"Oh, he kicked me again!" said Christovia with surprise.

"Madam, he is so naughty, he must be a boy!" Azna said with a smile.

"Naughty little guy!" Daves patted his belly and said softly: "Christoya, I will accompany you to the yard and take a walk."

At this moment, he and Christoya are both happy smiles.


Pickles was driven out of the Duffus House and immediately regretted it. Davers’s door was closed, and he couldn’t knock on it. He had to go to Filipinos.

Who knows that Felicius, Capus, Antonios, either they are hiding or seeing them, are sorry for Picols and can't help him.

In the end, Agarcia told him: "Because the mercenaries were in the league during this time, Daevers and them both suffered a lot of pressure in the Senate, especially this time, they were squatting at Dior. Nia, rushing to attack the Crimea, caused some of the Turuis, such as Pollux, to directly criticize Daves at the meeting, saying that he used the Dionysian Union to seek personal gain for the mercenary! For the first time since Mr. Foss became the consul, he faced such a strong criticism and humiliation! In this case, Davers could not use the soldiers without authorization!"

Pickles seemed to understand and understand, and realized that they thought things too simple.


At noon, the news of the Crimea came back: the mercenaries were wiped out.

Daves sat alone, and after a long time, he sighed.

It seems to have come to an end, but Davers realized that things are far from over.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, a passenger ship from Crotone entered the pier in the city of Turui. Two people came down on the passenger ship: General Crotone and Lucias and the chief general of Crimea, Anta Reese.

what does this mean? The veterans who were in charge of the meeting were all slightly changed.

The body also carried two bodies: Tima Song and Kriano.

This made the mercenary veterans such as Felicius and Agacia sad.

So today's Senate meeting was very tense and dignified at the beginning.

The chief general of Crimea, Anta Orris, spoke first, and he screamed in tears about the misdeeds committed by the mercenaries in Crimea yesterday and the suffering of the people of Crimea, and then he burst into tears: "Why did the Crimea people live peacefully for decades, but recently they have been robbed of wars in succession?! Is it because we inadvertently offended Ares and let him vent their anger to the head of the people of Crimea?! ......"

Lucias looked around at the venue and found that some of the Dionysian elders looked unnatural, and the front row of the consul, Davers, listened intently, occasionally nodding, a feeling of empathy. He sneered in his heart, stood up, walked to the center of the venue, embraced Anta Orris, and then saluted the elders of Dionya: "The distinguished consuls and the adults of the Dionysian Senate, as grams Rotorney’s messenger, I want to say that Crotone’s timely dispatch of reinforcements yesterday made Krimisa free from being destroyed by a group of robbers! In the post-war interrogation trial, we learned that the robbers were The mercenaries from Asia Minor had fought together with Pervez and some of the veterans present in Persia for more than a year. They were invited by you to come to the Great Greece, and registered in your alliance to become a Dior. Nigerian citizen, is this the truth?!"

"Yes." Daphus nodded without hesitation.

Lucias didn’t expect him to answer so simply, a slight glimpse, then aggravated the volume and said loudly: “According to the prisoner’s confession they were instructed by the Dionysian Union to raid the Crimea Ready to turn the Crimea into a Confederate alliance -"



"This is a fall!"


Amintas, Dracos, and Agarcia all rose up.

"No matter whether you admit it or not, the facts are facts! The bodies of the two robber leaders are still on the dock. Some of you have just shed tears." Lucy's finger was in front of her fingers, looking serious and shouting: "Daily Onion, you broke the armistice agreement with Crotone, and you want to deny it!"

Anta Orris was stunned and pointed to Davers. They roared: "Since you Gentiles came to the Great Greece, there was no peace in the big Greece! No, not Crimea angered Ares. It is your expansion and aggression that has brought war to the various Greek city-states! The grievances of thousands of dead people in Crimea must be appealed, and Diaonia must be punished!"

There was an uproar in the venue.

Davers stood up and walked to Anta Orris, sneered and said: "I would have liked to express Dai Agna's apology to Crimea, and even willing to make some compensation, although Daionia and This matter has nothing to do with it."

Anta Orris opened his mouth and wanted to refute. Davers looked at him and shouted: "You shut up!"

Scared him.

"But I can see it now. The two generals of the city-states came here together, not to find out the truth of the matter, but to join forces to suppress our Dionia! Let's talk about the conditions you have already prepared. Let us hear how harsh it is!” Daves saw through the two of them, and the anti-customer-speaking words made Lucias stunned, and reminded some veterans who could not figure out.