v5 Chapter 24: Daves Croto Katex

"I saw it, he is very beautiful, like you!"

"I haven't named my child yet, just wait for you to come back and take it."

Regarding the child's name, on the way back, Davers had thought about it. He held his wife's shoulder in one hand and held his chin in one hand, thinking and saying: "I remember the first time I learned that you were pregnant, just defeated the Crotones... and this time he was born, we defeated again. Rotonet, the war with Crotone is just over. This child has such a relationship with Crotone. This is the will of Hades! I can’t see the name of our child... Croto Katak Si, what do you think?"

"Croto Kataks... Croto Kataks..." Cristoya whispered a few times, slightly, worried about looking up at her husband: "Is this name too arrogant (card Tucks is the meaning of conquest, is Croto Katax the meaning of the conqueror of Crotone?"

Daves smiled and said: "My child has this name. When he grows up, the people of Dionia shouting his name, they will think about the hardships of the founding of the country and what his father did to the alliance. The contribution will be tolerant to him! At the same time, if my child has the ambition, he will create his own glory under the encouragement of this name!..."

Christoa, who was not too satisfied with the name, thought about it and finally nodded: "Well, it's called Croto Katex."

The voice just fell, and the crying of the outhouse children stopped short.

Christopher pouted and looked at Daves with surprise: "Oh my God, this name is blessed by Hera! The children themselves accepted it!"

At this time, Asuna came in with her child.

Christopher took him and whispered: "Small... little baby, this is your father! Call Dad!"

The child "haha" shouted and danced.

"Hey, he called you!" Christoa smiled softly, then carefully placed the child in front of Davis.

Davers carefully put him in his arms, lest he would hurt the little guy when he tried hard.

This time, the child did not cry, he stared at the sparkling eyes, curiously watching Davers, two fleshy little hands scratching his face.

Daves let him play, and at this moment he felt the **** connection between his heart. He said excitedly: "Christoya, I want to pass my name to my family name and pass it on to me. Children, and then they pass on to future generations, I believe that the Duffus family will become the most dazzling family in the Mediterranean!"

Davers’s words made Christo’s eyes shine. Most Greeks have only names and no surnames. In order to distinguish between duplicate names, they often add a place of origin or other notes in front of the name to distinguish them, such as: Socrates in Athens, Socrates in Assidas, etc. However, the aristocrats of Persian, the great country of the East, have famous names. As Christopher of the Minor of Minor Asia, it is clear that she heard the ambition of her husband from the words of Daphus, and she recited her son’s future name with great interest: “Davers Croto Kataks..."

At this time, Dafoss saw a small head in the bedroom door.

"Cynthia, come in!" he waved.

Seven-year-old Cynthia took the five-year-old Adoris to hesitantly and came to the bed.

"Come and see your brother!" Daphus said happily to the two brothers and sisters.

"You have children... would you like us?" Cynthia asked aloud.

Daves glanced, he did not expect this foster daughter to be so sensitive, when the baby was handed to Christoya, one hand and one on the chest, said loudly: "You will always be my Daves child, how Will not want you!"

Cristoya also said softly: "And my mother still wants you to grow up and take good care of and protect your brother!"

The two children were comforted by the couple, and immediately there was no melancholy, curiously watching the baby in Cristoya's arms.

"Can I touch him?" Cynthia whispered.

"Of course." Cristoya smiled softly.

Cynthia carefully touched the little face of the baby: "What is the name of the younger brother?"

"Crotok Katex, his nickname is... um... called Crowe."

"He is so small." Adoris also curiously held the baby's little hand and said like a little adult: "Brother, I will protect you."


"Hey, wake up! Wake up!!..." The sleeping Klebus was awake. He licked his sleepy eyes and still felt sleepy. He turned and prepared to continue his dreams.

Immediately, the water-sucking whip was pumping on the body, and the burning pain, he immediately jumped up, and the demon-like voice of the supervisor was heard in the ear: "Give me the ice on the quarry, and Lucy Mennis will talk!"

Collebs had been scared by the prisoner's whip, dragging his sore legs, enduring hunger, swaying out of the cave, accidentally knocking down his companion, he subconsciously reached out and pulled, As a result, he was taken to the ground with his body weak, and he took it up for a while before he got up. In the meantime, he was arrested for several times.

The Crotone captives seem to be entangled from the various quarry caves and gathered in this circular quarry square.

Here, there are piles of marble materials that have just been dug up. At the entrance of the sentry tower, the head of the Turui stone mine, Lucien Mennis, looked impatiently down to the scene below: "It’s too slow, you go to remind me, let the Croton’s soft eggs fast. A little!" he ordered the next man.

As a result, the Crotones were driven by the supervisors with their sticks and whip to the front of the tower.

This similar scene was also staged in front of the Turui copper mine and the Hadis temple site.

"Crotone, just because of the sins you have committed to Turui, I hate to keep you here for a hundred years! Let your dirty flesh and blood be turned into sewage, and your fragile bones become powder! ..." Lucien Mennis viciously shouted: "But the great Hades down the mercy, let us the Dionysian Union and the **** Crotone have signed a truce, and ... became ... League, now You... can... go home..."

Lucien Mennis reluctantly said this, and suddenly fell into a dead silence on the field, the captives could not believe their ears.

"He... what did he say?" the companion next to him shook his voice and asked.

"He said...he said that we can go home..." Kolbus murmured, then he seemed to react and grabbed the companion's shoulder: "Have you heard it?! We can go home." We are free!..."

After countless people confirmed that the news was true, they were so excited that they shed tears. They embraced each other, cheered, kissed the land under their feet, and closed their eyes to feel the sunshine. In these few days, they were like slaves in the dark caves. Mining, but also have to endure the beatings of the supervisors, can not eat enough, sleep well ... let these pampered Crotone citizens almost collapsed, they have never felt as free as today is so precious.

Lucien Mennes snorted a few times and didn't want to look again: "Move the bread and cheese over and let them eat."

"They are full, what if they resist?! So many prisoners, we can't deal with it!" he said hesitantly.

"That's not right!" Lucien Mennes sneered: "They first destroyed the contract they just signed, and we just destroyed them all!"


"When they finish eating, let them go to the river to take a shower and change their clothes, lest the people from Crotoli say that we abuse prisoners."

This is not called abuse! His hands are in his heart.

With the arrival of the messenger of Crotone, the prisoners completely believed in the fact that "Diaonia and Crotone are allied and they want to go home", and under the protection of fully armed Diony soldiers, they marched in line. Port of Turui...

Why protect? Because the fearful radical Turais hurt these unarmed and weak Capone Crotones prisoners This happened half a year ago in Krebs, but this time the Turais did not He was worried that it would cause any trouble for the huge team that was going to return to Crotone, even to the port, and they saw very few Turais.

Where did the Turui people go? This thought only flashed in the heart of Kolbus, and now his heart is completely occupied by joy: you can go home smoothly!

When the troop carrier left the port of Turui, the captives were completely relieved.

"This place, I will never come again!" A captive vented screaming, and most of the soldiers, including Kolbus, nodded in agreement: two wars, two times captured, especially the second time, It’s a nightmare day, they don’t even want to remember. Each of them has more or less fear of the Dionysian League in their hearts!

In fact, in the second Crotone war, Diaonia treated Crotone prisoners in this way, because it was a last resort. After all, the management of tens of thousands of prisoners was very difficult. Most of them are fighting outside. At the same time, Crotone's fleet also raided the coast of Turic from time to time. Once the prisoners were rioted, the consequences would be unimaginable. Therefore, the Senate decided to hold them in the mountainous mining areas far from the coast like slaves, and crush them with harsh environment, hunger and heavy labor...


The people of Dionia did not care about the Crotone captives who left Turui because their heroes are coming back!

The Third Army left 3,000 people under the leadership of Assisi, temporarily guarding the city of Asprostum. The first legion left 2,000 people led by Hilos and temporarily managed Crimea. All other troops returned.