v5 Chapter 26: King


Metrofonis believes that the Diaonian Senate deliberately delayed the time and fooled himself. In fact, he had already prepared a peace talk with Crotone, and he spent all his hard time rushing to Turui... O'Neill's established alliance dared to fool and despise Rocky!

Therefore, he dragged the sickly body into the triumphal style. Because he is the messenger of Locke, he was arranged by the Senate to live in a hotel not far from the Senate's Senate. He lived in the city and was a VIP. He was naturally allowed to watch the Triumphal. Originally, he also wanted to meet the Daonian consul at the end and vent his dissatisfaction. At the same time, on behalf of Lockley, he expressed appropriate threats to Dionia, who had just formed an alliance with Crotone, forcing them to do Some changes have been made to Locke. But after watching this magnificent and lively military triumphant ritual that he had never seen before, he was shocked by the huge strength of Dionia, high morale and the enthusiasm of the people, making him realize this. It is a coalition from the veteran to the civilians who advocate heroes, good warfare and good warfare. They can't be neglected by others. I am afraid that they will not easily compromise, so they set off the retreat...

Sending away the last free-kick team, the people poured into the square, and Dave's speech ended the triumphant painting: "The people of the Dionysian Union, I thank you on behalf of the Senate!

When a strong enemy invades, you are not afraid, do not back down, but work together and courageously fight! The soldiers fought bravely in front, fearlessly sacrificed, and became heroes; and you worked tirelessly to deliver supplies in the rear, but also to avoid the raids of the enemy fleet, tolerate the grief of losing loved ones, and support the battle ahead of us!

Today we are victorious. This is the result of the joint efforts of all the citizens of the Dionysian Union, the reserve citizens, and the free people. We will use this victory to comfort the warriors who died on the battlefield, hoping that their spirits will reach the Elysées in Hades! I, the consul, Daves, will also use this victory to tell you that the day when the Dionysian Union is being insulted has passed, and you will have a better future! The Dionysian Union wins! ......"

"Dionysian Union victors!!!"

"Dionysian Senate Wansheng!!!"

"Daves Archon Wan Sheng!!!"

"Duffus wins!!!"


At that moment, there was a cheer on the square, and the city of Turui became a sea of ​​joy!


After the sacred festival of King Abad of Sparta, after a period of preparation, the Spartan Elders Council finally decided to elect a new king of Sparta to avoid the stagnation of the throne and lead to political instability in the country.

This, the 29 elders of the Senate in Sparta City entered the venue early, and two other king candidates were present. They were the sons of former Sparta King Akis, Leo Tizides, and Akis's brother, Agassius.

The rotating speaker, Kleostida, announced: "The sacred election of the kings begins! First, the candidate states that he should be the king."

The young and energetic Kreis Tidad stood up and spoke to his uncle: "Agassius, the ancient law clearly stipulates that 'the first to inherit the throne should be the son of the king, not him. Brother. If the king happens to have no children, it is his turn to be his brother's successor. 'If you don't want to lose face, leave early."

Agassius did not face his nephew, but toward the crowd, with a respectful attitude and a low tone, but affirmative: "Elder dear elders, the successor to the king should be me, the only pro-Akis pro Brother Agassius!"

Leo Tizides jumped his feet and screamed to interrupt the words of his uncle: "Agassius, don't think that you are a blind man, you can pretend to be stupid! Listen, the sacred Spartan law has already stipulated, as I am the only son of Akis, I should be king, you should not be noisy again!"

Agslaus turned his head and looked at the ruthless Leo Tiddides. His face scorned: "Yes, the law is so stipulated, but the premise is that you are indeed the son of Akis! But I heard the person you called his father more than once. 'You are not his son!'"

"You Hu!" From the big to the big, there are always similar rumors passed to Leo Tizids, becoming a nightmare that plagued him, and also became the inverse scale after he grew up, at this time his face swollen instantly red, jump jump from his seat, rushed over, grabbed Agesilaus, angry shouted: "!! **** lame do not think you are my uncle, I will not beat you."

He tried to suppress the anger, and his teeth squeaked: "Listen, my mother knows more about the truth than my father! Until now, she has been 'I am the son of the king! I am the son of Akis!' ......"

"Quiet! Quiet! The Senate is a sacred place, not allowed to fight, or expelled!" Speaker Kreis Osta warned.

Agslaus opened his hand and looked calmer. He solemnly said: "The distinguished elders, you may remember the earthquake in Sparta that year, Akis left his wife and led the guard. It’s been nearly a year to go to the disaster relief. The anger of Poseidon made the Spartans full of awe, and this **** also made the most powerful testimony for Leo Tiddides not the son of Akis! Time! Leo Tiddides was born ten months after Akis left his wife!"

When he said this, the elders thought about it, and some people’s expressions became solemn.

"You Hu!" Leo Tizides thundered again and was assisted by the already prepared guards. He could only roar with one strength.

"Well, the candidate's statement ends here." Speaker Kreis Tidda quickly said: "Do you have anything for the elders?"

Diopetis stood up and said: "You, as you know, before the meeting, I have been authorized by Paulanias to represent Delphi, and to Apollo. Taking the gods, he warned us, 'Spartans should beware of the king becoming a blind man!'. So I think that Apollo has given us warning that if you let Agassius become a king, you will definitely give Sparta Dada brings danger!" He passed the sheepskin in his hand to the crowd, and some elders nodded as they looked.

Dio Pettis smugly glanced at Leshande, who was sitting in front of him, and then made a soothing gesture toward Leo Tiddides.

Aggerus's face remained calm, but his hands were tight behind him, because he saw the elders glance at his feet from time to time, and he subconsciously retracted his left foot.

At this time, Laishande stood up, his influence was great, and he focused on the eyes of everyone: "As everyone knows, the **** of Delphi Apollo has always been esoteric. If you only understand it literally, often It is the wrong conclusion!” Laishande looked around at everyone, and sighed: “At that time, King Lydia got the **** of 'a great power will perish,' thinking that Persia will be defeated, but the result is that his kingdom is ruined; Athens Before the Persian invasion, if you really built a wooden wall according to the literal meaning, it would be impossible to defeat Persia in the naval battle...so we should understand this **** more deeply! If we choose The king is not the blood of the real Akis, then we are proud of the two king system, the sacred blood of the inheritance from Hercules, do not lack legs!!"

The words of Laishande should be thought-provoking, and his influence will lead the elders to whisper and talk non-stop.

Leo Tizids screamed at Laishande, but he did not dare to swear as much as he did before. Although the power of the Peloponnes was deliberately weakened in the years after the end of the Peloponnesian War, he was still a hero of the Spartan people, and his appeal was amazing. He was a heir to the throne.

Another Spartan king, Paulines, has no obvious bias towards the two heirs of Akis, but he is very hateful and wary of Laishande who once wanted to shake the "double king polity", so all that is supported by Laishande He often opposes it. However, in the election of the new king, according to tradition, another king can attend, but does not have the right to make suggestions and vote. Because Sparta is a double king, he wants to achieve mutual checks and balances, so the king must avoid suspicion. Paulanias can only signal to one of the elders he trusted, Herpididas.

The elder had to stand up in a hurry and stuttered: "Sparta is now a Greek hegemon, but if... Sparta is a king... um... people with physical disabilities will only cause other city-states. Sparta secretly ridiculed, thus reducing their awe of Sparta, not to mention our Sparta has never had a physically unsound king! Never!"

He just finished Laishande immediately said: "Yes, Agrislaus is a blind man. But he is brave and heroic, and he has always been respected by our elders and the people. A traditional and pure Spartan warrior does not humiliate the reputation of the royal family! But please take a closer look at Leo Tizides. Who do you think he looks like?"

Leo Tizides is strong and handsome, and his appearance is more inherited from his mother, but under the guidance of Laishande's words and the influence of rumors all the time, the older the elders, the more he feels like the handsome Athenian - Abyssed.

Seeing the look of others, Dio Betis was a little anxious, and said hurriedly: "The rumors about the birth of Leo Tiddides are just rumors that some people spread in order to achieve their own purposes, and there is no conclusive. Evidence! And...and in history our honest Spartans have never let the heirs with the first inheritance inexplicable lead to the throne because of false rumors!"

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