v5 Chapter 31: Post-war Senate Conference (4)

Everyone thought about it and shook his head. {щww{suimеng][lā}Athens may be the richest, but it cannot provide so many benefits to citizens. As a city with a long history, too many vested interests, deep-rooted legal systems and traditional ideas are impossible. Do all this done by the emerging city-state alliance Dionia. Although, it is considered to be very caring for civilians in the Greek city-state.

"Can the Persian powers of the Mediterranean do this?" Plesinus asked aloud.

The people shook their heads directly: Persia, a dictatorship in which the nobles crushed civilians and the Persians crushed other races.

"Then Dionya is the Elysian Paradise in the Greek city-state! I believe that the Greeks will definitely be more active in Dionya after knowing the rights that our citizens enjoy!" Plesinus affirmed Said.

"Pressinas's guess should be correct. Before the war with Crotone, the number of free people in the port of Turui has been growing... After the war, we fulfilled our promises and even distributed them to the reserve citizens. With the land, there will be more immigrants coming into Dionia. We have to be prepared to resettle them.” Kunogolata took the call and reminded everyone in advance.

Everyone listened, happy and worried.

"Now, please let me add another right to the Diaonian citizens." Dafos went on to say: "I just noticed that everyone was hearing that Knogorata said that there will be more immigrants coming to wear. When Olia's, it seems to be a little worried. What are you worried about? I think more about the difficulty of maintaining a good urban order in the Dionysian Union! Worried that so many immigrants enter, and most of them are civilians, uneducated, After they become Dionian citizens, the overall quality of our citizens will decline! It will drop sharply!-"

"Daveus is right!" Turin veteran Masi Sakus immediately yelled and said: "Now Turi has such a sign, especially in the port, those new with various accents Immigrants are rude and uncultivated, and they are arrogant, fighting, and fighting. I heard that the port patrols will handle dozens of conflicts a day. Is this the case, Kunogora?"

Kunogolata shook his head and seriously corrected: "It is not so serious. Free people want to be a coalition citizen. They can't break the law. According to statistics, no more than five times a day, and before the patrol arrives, most of them. They all solved it themselves."

Massi Sakus asked himself to be boring, and muttered and said: "There are many conflicts between the three and four days of the day..."

Polixis looked at Maxi Sakus and his eyes flashed.

Davers laughed: "Because of these problems, my next proposal is to set up a school in Turui. All the Diaonian citizens can get their money after paying a small fee. Children go to school to learn literacy, arithmetic, painting, music, sports competition..."

school? ! Everyone ponders this new word. At this time, the Athens Academy has not yet been established. The Greeks are mainly educated by rich aristocrats and rich people who hire private teachers, buy learned slaves to educate their children, or famous scholars to start private schools and collect It is unheard of for Filipino’s tuition fees, the recruitment of disciples, and the construction of a school by the city state to collectively educate the children of citizens! But the veterans are very interested. Most people think that this really helps solve the problem of the low cultural quality of the Diaonian citizens, so they have to ask questions.

For the school, Davers is familiar with it. The experience of previous life combined with the actual situation of the present world, he easily answered their questions.

For example, Amintas said: "What do citizens want to do in school?"

Davers’ answer is: “In the school, a class that educates adults is set up. The curriculum and education methods are different from those of young children, so it is convenient to quickly remove illiterates.”

For example, the problem of Kunogolata: “Children are different in age and have different levels of education. How can they benefit and improve in school?”

Davers’s answer is: “Establish three levels of education at the primary, intermediate and advanced levels. Children who have never studied have entered the primary class and began to learn to read, count, and read articles... for literacy and certain arithmetic foundations. The children enter the intermediate class, learn how to use words to make sentences, write articles, and have complicated calculations... The advanced class is mainly to master the rhetoric, speech, argumentation, and calculation of a lot of complicated data... This is to cultivate lawyers, accountants, Middle-level officials and other senior talents in the league are preparing..."


The veterans expressed their satisfaction with the detailed answers of Davers, and even the Kunogolata, who rarely praised others in public, could not help but marvel: "The Archon, I really think that you have received the care of the gods, otherwise it is impossible. Make so many wonderful ideas and have a complete implementation plan!"

The words of Kunogora are recognized by the veterans.

Davers smiled and continued: "I propose that Ansitas will be the head of the school."

"Agree!" The veterans have agreed. The most profound knowledge in the Senate is undoubtedly the Ansitanos who was a disciple of Herodotus. Of course, some people think that the rumored illiterate, but the **** of the Pluto, has always been mysterious Daves, its Learning is hard to estimate.

"Ah? I..." Ansantas, who was sitting in the back row and wandering outside, was awakened and hurriedly refused: "I can't, I don't have time! The Athenian Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War "It has been completed, it is said that it is highly praised by the Athenians, and my "Greek History" has not been written yet!!"

Under the repeated requests of the veterans, even Daves and everyone made a promise: all the veterans will try their best to contribute materials for his creation. He wants to interview someone and will try his best to cooperate...

Ansitanos reluctantly accepted it, but he immediately began to complain: "The adults, not that I just did not want to manage the school, you must know that the Dionysian Union is only the city of Turui, the citizens of the Republic of Dionia. There are thousands of children! And the governor, you just said that you want them to learn Greek writing, arithmetic, painting, music, etc. How many teachers do you need?! The Dionysian Union could not find such a Many teachers come to teach the children!"

According to him, everyone immediately realized that this is indeed a problem. But Daves apparently thought about it for a long time. He said without hesitation: "The teachers of the Union of Dionya are not enough, but there are other city-states. We urgently need the eucalyptus leaves, we can specifically reduce tariffs for it. In order to motivate the Cyrena merchants to transport it into the port of Tulare for sale. We lack teachers, and of course we can also make a preferential bill for them to promote the outstanding scholars of the Gentiles to come to Dionys. Ya... Are you right?"

If the veterans were thoughtful, Ansitanos asked: "What kind of bill?"

"My proposal is that all Gentiles who come to the profession of teachers in Dionia, even slaves, will immediately receive Dionysian citizenship! But the premise is that they must first pass the assessment of our specialized institutions in the Senate to determine them. Have the ability to be a teacher... um... This assessment can be led by Ansitas, but they have citizenship and become a teacher at the Union School. They must be committed to teaching children’s knowledge throughout their lives, if they change midway. Then citizenship will be immediately lifted and deported! In addition, coalition citizenship is only applicable to the teacher himself, and his children are not allowed to inherit unless they are also engaged in the profession of the teacher..."

The people were moved by the Daves proposal.

At the beginning, Ansitanos, who did not care about being a school administrator, said with some excitement at the moment: "Since then, the adults of Plesinas and Kunogora think that the Greeks envy the Diaonian citizens, To become a Dionysian citizen, then I think that the lack of teachers in Deonia will soon change!... I remember that there was a coalition bill that was specifically designed for doctors, and now it’s in the interest of teachers. Their proposal. The adults, doctors and teachers are two sacred professions besides the priests of the gods, one healing the human body, one raising the human mind, and I thank the consuls for their vision! I also hope to receive your support! The Dionysian Senate fully demonstrates respect for knowledge! It will make our alliance not only prosperous in trade, military, but also culturally brilliant! The Dionysian Alliance will be a great City-state alliance!!"


The meeting went to dusk There were two people who said that there was a proposal to say that the veterans had to let the guards put candles on them and proceed.

The first speaker to speak was Scombrus. He said with apologetic first: "I am sorry, I have delayed the time for everyone to go home for dinner. I have consulted Darius Max, Capus, Hiro in detail. Nimouss, I learned that there is a big swamp in the north of the city of Crimea, especially in the spring when the rain is flooding, the swamp is expanding outward, affecting road traffic, and also encroaching on farmland... I just think about us. Can you put in a lot of labor to fill the marshes and build a dam for the Lakoeli River? This will ensure the safety of the territory, prevent the disease, and add a large piece of fertile land!..."

"Your old man has just been elected as the chief executive of Crimea. If he has not taken office, he will start your management of Crimea!" Prote Silos laughed and teased.

"What? Your kid has opinions?!" Scambras blows his eyes at Amendola, the junior who grew up watching him.