v5 Chapter 36: Intention of Agassius


Phibidas readily accepted that he was just a little hungry, picked up a piece of bread, covered with honey, and chewed it.

Agassius had been patiently waiting for him to finish eating before he said, "Can you tell me the details of your last trip to Greece?"

The spirit of Phibidas rose. You know, when he came back to report to the Elders' Council, because the King of Akis died, the elders were busy with the funeral, elected the new king, and did not care about other things.

Just as Fibidas was going to finish the big Greek thing, Sparta’s new king expressed concern about Dionia, and Fyidas would immediately send out Dionya’s Speaking in detail without any exaggeration.

Agassius held his head with one hand, rubbed his feet straight, listened carefully, and at the same time he was thinking about the color.

When Fibidas finished, he said: "It seems that the Deonians have embarrassed you, and you are not very impressed with them."

"I am angry because Dionia lacks due respect for Sparta, but as far as I am concerned -" Fibidas paused for a moment, revealing a strange look, truthfully said: "In fact, I still compare Appreciate Diony..."

"Oh," Agassius is a little surprised: "Why?"

"Perhaps because of the toughness they showed..." Fibidas recalled the situation at the time and said with exclamation: "Although I was only in a hurry to make a short stay in Turui, there was no and Dionya. Citizens have deep contact, but give me the feeling... The Dionyrian soldiers are also very disciplined, and even heard that the Dionysian Senate also held a celebration ceremony for the returning generals and soldiers. Feeling... give me the feeling..."

Phibidas pondered and said: "Diagna is like Sparta in Great Greece..."

Teacher Agassi gave a glimpse and immediately joked and laughed; "You have compared a city-state alliance ruled by the lord to Sparta, which our citizens are equal and free."

"Although there is only one consul in Diaonia, and it is still lifelong, they still have a nursing home, and with my experience in the Dionysian Senate, those elders seem to be able to influence the development of the Dionia bill. The relationship between the governor and the veteran of the Senate... oh... how do you say it is not like Syracuse, where Dionysius has the final say!" Fibidas said earnestly.

"You seem to have a bad impression of Syracuse." Agassius looked at him and said.

"I want to hear who can see that Syracuse can mobilize such a huge force to attack Carthage, I am afraid that the mood will not be too good!!" Fibidas said very simply: "The tens of thousands of infantry do not What counts, the key is that he has thousands of cavalry, and a huge fleet that is not weaker than us! Dionysius is an ambitious person!"

Agslaus looked at him and smiled: "Fibidas, you can see this, I am very happy! In the later period of the war with Athens, we began to pay attention to the West, it is through with Syracuse Alliance, Sparta can intervene in Western affairs. Carthage is an ally of the Persians in the Western Mediterranean. We need an ally in the Western Mediterranean to suppress Carthage and protect the security of Sparta. This is We support Syracuse's reasons, and at the same time let our Spartan forces gradually deepen their influence in the Western Greek forces. But in the past, some of Sparta's practices, blindly let Syracuse expand, let it annex Sicily The Greek forces, in the end, may be troubled by ourselves. We don't want our allies to be too weak, but we can't make it too strong."

"Respected King Georgus, you are right! But now, Carthage still has an advantage in Sicily, and our Spartan power is concentrated in Asia Minor. At this time, we should continue to support it for the time being. Syracuse.” Pybidas understood the concealed meaning of Agassius, but he still thought about the city state and said frankly.

"We don't need to do anything, and the power to curb the expansion of Syracuse has already appeared." Agassius did not feel uncomfortable, but smiled and smiled at him and said: "It was Diononi who made you feel uncomfortable before." Ya."

“Diaonia!” Fibidas was surprised first, then shook his head: “It can’t compare with Syracuse at all, whether it’s territory, population, or trade and military power, Syracuse is strong too much. It is."

"It is true now, but Diaonia is expanding very fast." Agassius said here, revealing a complex look: "I just received news from the big Greek, Deonia defeated Croto Inside, it also forced Crotone to cede the territory and signed an alliance treaty with it..."

"What time!" Filibidas widened his eyes. Not long after he left Great Greece, Diaonia actually defeated Crotone again!

Fibidas looked incredulous: "Crottone's strength is obviously stronger than that of Dionia, and this time the Crotones should not make another mistake, how can it..."

"100 years ago, before the battle between Sobaris and Crotone, many Greek city-states thought so, but the result was that the weak Crotone won!" Agrislaus exclaimed: "Guris Sophos Indeed, Davers is a military genius. Although Sparta regretted missing him, it is not bad to let him lead Dionya against Syracuse."

"Diaonia will definitely have a conflict with Syracuse." Phibidas also thought about how Deonia beat Crotone, and some were absent-minded, so the call was not too much attention, with a strong Skeptical tone.

Agrislaus did not care, saying: "Since Syracuse has now occupied the eastern part of Sicily, with our support, it has accumulated so much strength to drive the Carthage forces out of eastern Sicily, and It’s not too big a problem, it’s even possible... to completely expel Carthage from Sicily, even if it can’t, Syracuse will definitely become the lord of the Greek city-state of Sicily. As you said, Dionysius It’s an ambitious person, will he be satisfied?” said Agassius, using his fingers to lick the porridge and draw a simple map of Sicily on the table.

Fibidas shook his head.

"Does he lead troops into Afrika?" asked Agras.

Filbidas shook his head hard. Just kidding, that is the base camp of Carthage, which has been in operation for hundreds of years. Syracuse dared to send troops to the land of Afrika, and Carthage will definitely let them go back, just like Sparta a hundred years ago. It was the same army led by Dolce, the brother of King Kleinmen.

"The only place where Syracuse can expand its power is here--" Agrasus drew a rough outline above Sicily: "Great Greece, he and Sicily are only separated by a narrow strait, and both It is a Greek city-state, and Dionysius has always been cruel to his Greek compatriots..."

"You are right." Filibidas nodded and said yes. He and Agreslaus never thought about the Greek mainland to the east of Sicily. They thought that Dionysius would not dare to offend these long-established powers on the Greek mainland.

"Dyonia is now surrendering to Crotone, Crotone is going south, and the powerful city-states are left with Lockley and Lijim, while Lockley and Syracuse are allies, and Crowe Tony is a deadly enemy, and Crotone is now an alliance with Dionia, so it is a matter of time before and after the conflict between Dionya and Syracuse..." Agassius analyzed.

Fibidas stared at the table and shook his head and said: "Diaonia is still too weak."

"As long as the troops of Dionysius set foot on the land of the Great Greece, except for the Rocky League and Tarantum, I am afraid that other city-states will unite around Dionia." Agslaus said solemnly: " We don't want a Syracuse to appear in the Western Mediterranean, but as long as Dionia can make enough trouble for Syracuse, I believe that Davers can do it, so Dionysius can't be short. Time to conquer the Great Greece, then it is time for our Sparta to come out to mediate. Don't forget, there is also a Tarantum in Great Greece is our friendly friend of Sparta."

Fibidas remembered his experience in Tarantum and said, "Talantum may not necessarily listen to us."

"When Dionya and Syracuse are strong, it will listen." Aggerus sneered, holding out three fingers and supporting it at the table: "Syracuse, Dior Niagara and Tarantum are the three important city-states that maintain stability in the Western Mediterranean. www.novelhall.com~ This is the elders’ council knowing that the Syracuse army is attacking the west of Sicily, and Dionya defeats Croto Afterwards, discuss the results, so you should stop entangled in the case of Dionia."

"Respected King Georgos, I understand!" Fibidas understood that the indifferent old man in the Elder Council did not care about the entanglement of a young general, and Agassius came to comfort him. In this regard, Phibidas is extremely grateful.

Agassius smiled a little, as if it was just a little effort, he said: "I told you to come, there is one more thing."

Phibidas immediately leaned forward and looked a serious look.

Note: Agassius and Fibidas are timid by Dionysius. In history, Dionysius really sent mercenaries to fight against Greeks, not Sparta, but the sanctuary of the whole Greeks, Delphi, trying to rob the Temple of Apollo and accumulating hundreds. The wealth of the holy sac of the year to make up for the emptiness of the treasury caused by his long years of war. 46 () "Greek Hegemony of Ancient Greece" only represents the author's point of view. If it finds that its content is inconsistent with the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only devoted to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!