v5 Chapter 55: Hadis Temple Completion Celebration (1)

"The temples of the traditional Greek city-states are like nobles who are on the top. They wait for the people to donate gold and silver, build a holy library, but rarely take the initiative to help the city-state people in the trap, and I imagine the Temple of Hades. The priests and the saints, they should use the gold and silver donated by the people to help the poor, help the sick who have no money to see the sick, listen to the doubts and worries of the people of the Union, use words to enlighten and eliminate their confusion... and liberate slaves every year. The ceremony is to be presided over by the temple...Plehinus, the Temple of Hades can provide so much help to the people of the Dayonian, how can the people not appreciate the temple and not believe it!"

The words of Daves seemed to open a window for Plasinhos. The practice that Daves proposed was different from the traditional temple, but he let him vaguely see the bright future of the Temple of Hades. I was excited in my heart, but I didn’t know what to say in my mouth.

"Elysee is a paradise built by Hades in hell, and his temple should be a paradise in the world, the soul of the people! At that time we have to build a city in every city of Dionia. The Temple of Diss, the people from all walks of life and all races are united around it, so what can be feared by the Dionysian Union!” Daves’s tempting voice is extremely in the ear of Plesinus Clearly speaking: "Plesinus, are you willing to help me accomplish this great cause and become the senior priest of the Temple of Hades?"

Plesinus greeted Davis's gaze, with a slight balance in his heart, and then nodded: "I am willing!"


Kanios followed Avinogis to Turui and stayed at the hotel on the south side of Victory Square. This large-scale hotel was built by the Union Senate and is designed to accommodate foreign guests. The rooms are usually rich, but now they are full of people.

Generals, prestigious parliamentarians and citizens of the city-states of the South African Alliance, such as Cologne, Trina, Siriting, and Crotone, were invited to participate in the ceremony. If it weren’t for Achilles, like Castellon, who lived temporarily in the villages of Kunogora and Cornelus, the leaders of the various tribes of Lukaria in Niutum and Grummentum scattered. Living in the homes of Wesbach, Hermon, etc., Avianogis and others in Laos even lived directly at the home of Daves, thus reducing the reception task for the responsible officials. The hotel in Turui must not be enough. .

At this time, the lobby of the hotel is very lively. The VIPs belong to different city-states, but they belong to an alliance. It is difficult to get together and take the opportunity to visit each other, contact each other and discuss the current affairs.

As an outsider, Kanios received a courteous reception from Diony, but he did not get a good response when he wanted to visit Dyce immediately.

The responsible person told him: "The Archon Dafus is busy preparing for the celebration of tomorrow. After tomorrow, he will see him indirectly."

Although he envied the laughter of others, Kanios and his men were quietly in the room, because he heard that the messenger of Picosis also arrived in Turui, avoiding conflicts when meeting. It was not until the tasting of the unique cuisine of Turui that the anxiety of Kanios was relieved.


On the morning of July 25, 398 BC, the citizens, family members, free men and even slaves of Dionia gathered from all directions to the city of Turui, with the help of thousands of Dionian civic soldiers who maintained order. They entered the city center of Turui.

In a short period of time, all the courtyards, houses, and even the roofs are crowded with people. At first glance, the mountains and the sea are spectacular, and only the vast open space on the Victory Square remains untouched.

Canos was placed on the left side of the platform directly in front of the square. It is said that the messenger of Picosis was arranged on the right side, and the careful attention of the receptionist in Dionia made him avoid the sudden encounter, so that he could Quietly appreciate the celebration.

"Oh, there are so many people! Diaonia is really daring, not afraid of turmoil, it will be a disaster!" said Kanos, worried about him.

"It’s good to have riots. In that case, Diaonia will be finished!" another person said loudly.

Kanos looked back at him like everyone else.

"Utid Moss, how can the Crotones let you enter the council! If there is a riot here, do you think we can escape?" Someone recognized the speaker and retorted loudly.

"Why do you want to escape! Isn't this the completion ceremony of the Temple of Hades! It's not good to see Hades together!" Utid Moss looked like a life-and-death.

"The proud Crotones have also begun to use the ridicule of words to satisfy their lost feelings after the defeat!" Someone immediately ridiculed.

The face of Uttem Moss changed immediately.

Kanios was unwilling to pay attention to the conflicts of speeches between these people. He just carefully observed the squares: it is reasonable to say that there are so many people here. But people sit or stand, try to keep quiet, rarely move around, maybe they get the warning of the Alliance beforehand, but for the Greeks who admire themselves and pay attention to freedom, this performance is quite amazing! Yesterday, when Kalios entered the city of Turui, he discovered this and now reinforces his impression.

At this time, the bright military numbers blew together, announcing that the ceremony was about to begin, and people consciously stopped talking and focused their curious eyes on Victory Square.

I saw hundreds of men wearing Greek armor entering the stadium, and Plesinas led ten male "voicers" and 50 women all dressed in white robes and marched at a solemn pace. The platform.

The style of Dionia is relatively open. Many people outside the square watch their celebrations with their wives and daughters, but dozens of women are also present in the public, especially in such sacred occasions, even Hera or There are not so many priestess in the Temple of Aphrodite, so it is not only the people, but even the spectators from the allies in front of the square have begun to whisper.

The neat military number resounded throughout the city, and the square was quiet again.

Plesinus’s high-pitched and long-sounding voice: “In the first year of the 95th Olympic Games, in the Persian Kingdom, thousands of miles away, a group of Greek warriors accepted the Greek Cypress Prince of Cyrus. Recruiting, ready to overthrow the brutal Persian king. However, after a big battle, their employers died, and the mercenary leaders were deceived and captured by the Persians. The entire mercenary team fell into despair, but great Hades did not abandon them..."

The voice of Plesinus just fell, and more than a dozen harpists on the platform began to pluck the strings. 50 women in white robes on the stage opened their mouths together, and the ethereal songs blew the audience like a breeze.

Carrios was so excited that he felt that the hair on his skin was erected. The traditional ode to the Greek temple was obviously not able to be bathed in beautiful and harmonious songs as if it were trained with modern vocals. Washed.

The rest of the audience, like Kaneos, was completely immersed in the song, and in the sigh of assault, they were also infected with the heavy.

The soldiers on the field used exaggerated physical movements to show crying, helplessness and despair. Only one person in the center was lying on the ground, motionless.

At this time, the song gradually weakened to silence, and the soldiers on the field began to fall asleep...

Just when the people were lost, a high-pitched voice rang again, like lightning striking the night sky, cheering up the spirit of the audience.

I saw a man from the martyrdom. He was tall and strong, with long black hair, thick black beard, black robes, double-stranded forks, and a majestic approach to the center of the square...

Someone in the audience exclaimed: "Hades?! I know he is Hades!"

There was a small commotion in the crowd More people were staring at the field, and they were already attracted by this unique performance.

I saw "Hades" coming to the center of the field, standing next to the person who had been lying still, waving the double-stranded fork, seems to be using the power of God...

The song disappeared again. "Hades" retired, causing people to turn around and chase.

"Hey! Hey!..." The quiet square rang with a crisp drum. The man lying down turned and sat up, began to wake up other people, waved his arms, encouraged them, and finally everyone was surrounded by someone who put him on. The helmet with the red crown, then arrayed in front of him, and led hard under his leadership...

Seeing here, anyone who has heard of the legendary story of the governor Daves is now faintly aware: the incomparably dazzling head of the field should be the Daves who once played the Persian expedition!

"Duffus seems to have forgotten that he was more than a mercenary leader in Persia." Tormmid, who was also watching the celebration on the sidelines, complained.

"Yesterday, Defster found me and said this. He said that this is a need for performance. I hope I can understand." Zandiparis shrugged and looked calm.

"Well, here is Dionia, he has the final say!" Tolmid said helplessly: "But this performance is quite interesting!"

The sound of the drums sounded from the dense to the dense, with the military number in the middle.

"Wow!" With the audience bursting into exclamation, there was a team of soldiers, cavalry, infantry, and archers. They wore robes, long shields, and loose formations. Under the command of the generals wearing the golden scales, they approached the Greek mercenaries who were in the square...

"They are 'Persians'!" Someone in the audience couldn't help but shout.