v5 Chapter 64: Attacking Brudy?

Another strong country in Greece, Libim, is far from Italy’s “on the tip of the toe”, neutral to the dispute over Greece, and more concerned with shipping trade than hegemony; Locke now has a hatred with Dionia, but it’s wearing There is also a South-South alliance between Oonia. It is enough for a Crotone. It can only be eaten with a little reinforcement. It is too short for the back of the Syracuse behind him. During the time, I was still entangled with Carthage, and there was no room for attention to this land in the north of Sicily. Ωヤヤヤ圕梿梿梿梿ノ亅丶哾メWWW. .kàn.sHu.ge. lA So Daves wants to turn southern Italy into the most stable base of the Dionysian League. The only thing to consider is the Bruti.

It is said that the area in which the Brutus people live is high in terrain, the land is not fertile, and not in the sea. It is not coveted, but because of its existence, it leads to the territory of Diaonia from Aspirus. Tum went to Grummantum and its shape became a slender "s" shape. Especially in the east, Asprostum, Crimea, Allied Castron, Turui, Amendola, one city lined up along the coast, forming a narrow corridor. For the Greeks who love the sea, this is normal, but for Davers, who has been immersed in more than 2,000 years of history, he feels deeply uneasy: such territory is too flat, not deep, the coastline is too long, once there is The invasion of powerful foreign enemies is easy to become the target of enemy attacks. The Diorian army has carried out military rescues in the narrow territory, which has lengthened the supply line of the army and become another target that is easily attacked. In the war with Crotone, it has initially shown its drawbacks. Therefore, while the formation of the Dionysian Navy, Davers turned his attention to the mountains of Brudy.

Although the traffic between the mountains of Brudy and the territory of Dionya is not very convenient, if you have it, the territory of Dionia in Nanyi will be a piece. The valley trail to the north of Asprostum, the northern part of the city of Turui, and the mountain trail on the south bank of the Krati River can be converted into passages for Dionya and Brudy, not to mention Grummentum Soldiers in Niutum can travel directly to the west coast of the Bruty Mountains and reach Trina faster. Moreover, the Brutys are weak and ununited, and are more likely to be conquered.

Daves was originally prepared to wait for the three new territories of Aspru Stum, Klimissa and Grumendum to join the alliance, and then start the plan for the Bruti people. Some time ago, Davers also asked Izzam to send people to Brudy to inquire about the news, but did not expect the Brutiers to be heavily guarded, and Izam’s mountain reconnaissance team would not basically be Brutus, not only When I got the news, I lost a few people. Daves had to suspend reconnaissance, and did not expect Trina's messenger, Cypress, to bring him amazing news.

"Bruti is different from Lucania. It is surrounded by Greek city-states." Cipros said earnestly: "Therefore, some Greeks or slaves flee every year for a series of reasons, including crimes and political persecution. Brudy, and gradually formed a unique tribe there... Many years ago, our trina had a close relationship with the tribe, we secretly sold some goods they urgently needed, and they passed us Some news in the mountains. By relying on this tribe, Trina has prevented the invasion of the Bruti people in advance.

And this time... they contacted us many times, very anxiously, because the joints of the various tribes in Bruty threatened their survival, so this news should not doubt its truth! "West Pross once again stressed.

Davers was surprised: "What is the name of this tribe?"

"Siro, meaning '希伦'."

Daves nodded, no need to ask Cipros, he can also guess that such a Greek-made tribe can survive in that mountainous area, certainly using the tribal disputes, and may even act as a mercenary Or the role of the black market trade, after the completion of the integration of the Bruti people, the tribe of this alien will lose the soil for survival.

There is another question in Daphus's mind: "Why does the Brutus people not form an alliance like Lucalia, but concentrate their power? Can other tribes not object?"

After listening to Xipulos, he showed a bitter smile and looked at Dafoss. He said: "The specific reason, I don't know much about it... maybe... it is stealing from its neighbors, maybe. At least So far, the Brudy area has not heard of any major turmoil."

Davers heard the embarrassment in the words of Cypress, and his heart was shocked: the organization of the former Lukaria tribal alliance was loose, and the tribes had their own interests, and it was impossible to truly concentrate the forces. The danger to Dionia is much smaller. But if you can concentrate power like Dionya, it is worthy of Denia's vigilance!

Davers re-sit back to the chair and look at Cipros. He said in a positive color: "Trina sent you to tell me this news. Is there any advice?"

Sipros had taught Dafoss' style of speech last time, so he no longer circled. Frankly said: "The Trina Council hopes that Dionia can take the lead and lead the South Italian alliance to Brudy. People take the initiative to attack, and before the tribal alliance of the Bruti people has not become a real threat, it will be wiped out, and the people of the big Greek city-states will have peace!"

"Southern Alliance..." Daves whispered, touched his chin, and indulged for a while before saying: "Starting a war is a big deal, especially for the big forces like the entire Bruti people! Not to mention wearing It’s not long before Oonia has just ended the war, so the Senate’s decision on this issue may take some time...”

Sipros nodded and understood.

"In this case, Cipros, you will live in Turui for a while, and feel the life of the Dionyrians. It is also convenient for us to discuss the issue of attacking Bruce with you at any time."

Daves issued an invitation, and Sipros immediately agreed. He laughed: "Tuli is a completely different city from other Greek city-states! I like its architecture, neatness, and more importantly, there are Food not available elsewhere!"

Davers laughed and laughed until he sent Sipros. He didn't ask Sipros what he said in the Cristoya restaurant. What is the flaw in the political system of Dionia? ‘Because, for the time being, he does not want to let others know that Davis is in the eyes and ears of Turui, because no one likes the feeling of being monitored at any time.

In fact, this practice of Davers is not the first of its kind. As early as 70 years ago, the successor of Syracuse, Glenn, had implemented the "special service system" and caused great resentment. Dave, who cares about fame, certainly won't be stupid to expose these dark sides. Actually, he doesn't have to ask. He knows the biggest problem of the government that Dionia is running now.

After the Dean’s Senate intends to hold a citizen conference, ordinary citizens have no chance to participate in politics. If you are in Persia, this is not a problem at all. But this is the passion of Greek citizens to participate in politics in Greece. It is famous among Mediterranean countries and city-states. Even the most conservative oligarchy, Sparta, allows its citizens to express their opinions on the laws and proposals. The way to vote, but to use the strength of the voice to support "yes or not." The reason why Dionia is now stable is because the Greek cities in the Dionya have experienced a sharp decline in the population after the war. The rest of the population is still busy repairing their homeland and fear of war. To make them eager to get strong protection, the army under the command of Davers can give them a great sense of security; the majority of the original free people have always been marginal people in the city-states, they are busy with their livelihoods, and they have no rights. Participating in the affairs of the various city-states, so they have not developed the habit of participating in politics, and their enthusiasm for politics is not high; not to mention those Lukaria citizens, they have been judged by the elders and the chiefs in the tribe. Now, in the league, there are the Senate to decide everything, and they have nothing to adapt to.

Davers knew that such a stable situation would not last forever. When the alliance is stronger and the people are richer, they may have higher requirements. But Daves is not worried about this, he has already had the corresponding measures to deal with. Now, let the people of Diaonia continue to be familiar with the existing system until they become accustomed to it...


At the end of July Dionysius led the Syracuse army to start a full-scale attack on Carthage in the core town of Sicily, Motiya.

The causeway they built from the coast has connected the small island of Motiya in the bay, and the siege equipment can be transported directly to the city, so the fierce siege war begins: the Moatians burn with bows, javelins and throws. The asphalt to kill the Syracuse soldiers; the Syracuse used dozens of artillery shells to bombard the walls of Motiya, forcing the defenders to stand above the walls...

After a few days of fierce fighting, the siege hammer used by the Syracuse people smashed a large gap in the wall of Motiya. The army of Syracuse rushed in and the wall of Motiya fell.

Dionysius is very excited. He thinks that victory has already arrived. Who knows that the **** battle has just begun.

Since the previous Carthage reinforcements were defeated by guns in the bay, the Motuan residents witnessed all this and realized that they would fight alone. The Motiyas know that the decades-old conflicts and wars between Carthage and the Greeks in Sicily have accumulated countless hatreds, and there is no way to surrender, so they decided to fight for a battle.