v5 Chapter 69: Dedicated to Deonia

A Daves body leaned back on the back of the chair, did not speak, and grief instantly enveloped him... In this era, Daves never stopped killing, and he has long been used to life and death, even if it was once suffering The mercenary soldier fell in front of him, and it was difficult to stir up in his heart. But when he heard the news today, he was out of order...

In fact, Achta did not spend much time with him, but the two men saw it at the time. This gentleman who is seven or eight years older than Daves, like the generous big brother, has given Daves several times. At the time when Daves was still unknown, Achta, as the veteran of Tarantum, the general who went to the army did not complain about helping him to defeat the Lucanias; after Daves captured Amendola, Achi Not only did the tower not be dissatisfied with Devers's deception, but he also actively let Tarantum and Amendorara alliance, and persuaded Daves not to use violent means to seize power. The Dionysian Union could develop so quickly. How much benefited from his advice; although Tarantum and Diaonia began to alienate, Achetta was still actively mobilizing for the friendship between the two states, making the port of Turui blocked by Crotone. Still can buy food from Tarantum...

Daves was immersed in the memories, his eyes began to wet, he suddenly took a long breath, and looked solemn, Polidorus said loudly: "Diaonia is an ally of Tarantum, helping the allies to defeat the enemy. The invasion is the responsibility of Dionia. I will immediately apply for the Senate meeting! I firmly believe that all the elders of the Dionysian Senate will not hesitate to send troops to rescue our friendly allies!"

Polidorus’s mind is big: 攸Marcas is right, the relationship between Achta and Davers is extraordinary. It is said that the Dionysian Senate is the Senate, which is controlled by Dafos. Get his permission in advance, this time there is no problem in asking for help!


When Polydorus told Tarantum’s request to the elders in the Senate’s Great Hall of Deputies, there was Davers’s statement, and almost no one opposed it.

Most of the veterans from Amendola and Turui remember their help from Tarantum during the most difficult times. Kunogolata and others said: Keeping promises has always been the norm that the Dionys believe in. Diaonia is already a strong alliance of the great Greece. It should be brave enough to assume the responsibility of defending the Greek city-state of South Italy and show it to the surrounding city-states. Our sincerity!

These words said that the hearts of the people, the Senate voted through the "dispatch reinforcements, rescue Tarantum" resolution, but there is controversy in the number of troops.

Some of the veterans headed by Cornelus and Burkes believe that the season of the fall of September will soon be reached. If too many young and powerful laborers are involved in the battle, even if there is slave assistance, the harvest of the field will still be greatly affected. Impact, it is recommended that the number of people sent should not exceed one legion.

A small number of Turui veterans headed by Polluxs believe that the Dionya League has had too many wars in the past two years, and the people are already tired and need to recuperate. Moreover, Tarantum has the help of Meta Phutum and Heraklia, and the strength of his army has not been greatly weakened. Dionynia only needs to send three or four thousand people, indicating that our sincerity is enough.

The military veterans such as Antonios and Capps raised objections. They believed that the Mesapi and Puchettis were strong together. If Daionia sent too few reinforcements, they could not help Taran. The Tum quickly ended the war. The war lasted for a long time, but it affected the return of the Daonian reinforcements and caused dissatisfaction among the people. Moreover, the number of people sent out can lead to dominance in the war and avoid being arranged indiscriminately by Tarantum, causing the soldiers to sacrifice in vain...

They suggested that it would be better to send two legions to Tarantum.

The military veteran's opinion convinced most of the veterans, but the huge number of 14,000 people in the two legions still made the veterans somewhat hesitant, and eventually everyone gave the decision to Davers.

Davers certainly agreed with Antonios's opinion. He said: "Since you have agreed to send reinforcements, you must maximize the sincerity and courage of Dionia as a Tarantum ally. The two regiments plus the tower. With the assistance of Rantum and its affiliated allied forces, we should be able to quickly repel the enemy so that citizens can return as soon as possible and take care of their farms..."

When Davers spoke, he consciously and unconsciously placed the army of Dionia in the position of the main force, and forgot to go to Tarantum, he was only a guest. No one in the veterans feels different, but instead takes it for granted.

This time sending troops, Melsis is not awkward. When Polidorus learned that Dioria had sent a large team of 14,000 people, he was overjoyed and said to Daves: "The food and supplies of the Dionysian reinforcements are of course provided by Tarantum. !"

The farm department of Burkes has to be busy, ensuring that every farmer who is going to be a soldier can get better care when the owner leaves.

Grummentum, Crimea, and Asprostum have just returned, and it is not easy to send troops to fight. As the most stable rear of the Republic of Lucania in the territory of Lucania, Niutum is also responsible for the stability of Grummantum at any time. Under special circumstances, the citizens of the city will not be transferred to the tower. Rantum. Therefore, the citizens who Daveus chose to levy are in the cities of Turui and Amendola, which are very close to each other, that is, the first and second legions. This also saves time and effort for the farmland supervision work in Burkes.

At the same time, the Senate began to recall the soldiers belonging to the First and Second Legion, who are about to travel to Collins to participate in the Isthmus Games.


The Isthmus Games is one of the four major sports events in Greece. It was held in the second summer and autumn of the Olympic Games in Olympia. It is a celebration of Poseidon.

Daves didn’t quite understand this. It was Crotone’s chief general Lucyas who lamented him after the Hades celebration and lamented the excitement of the Dionysian football game, and inadvertently mentioned Crowe Tony was about to line up for the Isthmus Games, and Daves got his heart.

Nowadays, the mercenary led by Daves has not only rooted in the big Greece, but the Dionya League he created is also one of the best alliances in Greece. It is not much more than the exuberant Sebalis a hundred years ago. . But there are still many people in Dynia's deeds in Sicily, but from Sicily to the east of Greece, it is basically unknown, and then to the Ionian islands of the Aegean Sea is even more unknown. Don't mention the Greek states of Asia Minor.

With the current strength of Diaonia, it has already passed the dormant stage. It needs to strengthen its ties with the Greek city-states of the Eastern Mediterranean. Whether it is to promote trade or attract free people, it will be of great benefit. Therefore, Daves proposed in the Senate. The proposal to organize athletes to participate in the isthmus games won the enthusiastic response of the elders.

The enthusiasm of the Greek city-states in the Western Mediterranean to participate in the four major sports games in Greece is not lower than that of the Greek natives, and far more active than the city-states of Asia Minor. The main reasons for this are: First, the four major sports events are not held in Poloben. The Nissa Peninsula, near Corinth, is closer to Greater Greece and Sicily, and farther away from Asia Minor. Secondly, these colonial city states in the Western Mediterranean are superior in location, fertile land and rich in minerals, so most of them are richer and far more abundant. In the motherland of Greece, there is no opportunity to compare. At the Games, the “Municipal Locals” of the Western Mediterranean have shown off the stage of luxury. They donated a lot of gold and silver to the Temple of the Games, held a large banquet, and banquets for the city-state athletes... ...and so on, let the people who live in Greece's native life look stunned, and the Greeks who ridiculed the Western Mediterranean for the sake of jealousy are "poor people who have nothing but gold and silver."

The Greeks in the Western Mediterranean are not only showing off their wealth at the Games, they are also very good at the Games. Crotone is a famous professional champion of major sports games. Syracuse is another. The athletes of Tarantum, Lokri and Agrigento have won many championships. Both Lie and Naples also achieved excellent results at the Games. They are keen to show to the mothers of the Greek natives through the Games: Although they are only colonizers or descendants of the colonists, they have done much better than the citizens of the mother state.

Davers’ proposal was only to inherit the glorious tradition of the Great Greeks After the announcement of the Games was announced in the cities, the Dionian citizens enthusiastically signed up, forcing the Alliance to hold a trial and finally Ten people were qualified to participate in Collins, including: Teginos to participate in the wrestling, Matonis to participate in the javelin competition, Amintas signed up for the "armed long-distance", the coaching of Sobokos ...now they must all return to the first and second legions and prepare to go to Tarantum.


Although the Union of Guinea has stopped the war, it has only been in the past few months, and the enemies that will be faced are quite strong, but it has not affected the enthusiasm of citizens. Apart from the war, they can make their achievements, obtain citizenship or land, and The establishment of the Yingling Temple and the Xianren Temple in the Temple of Diss also greatly stimulated their pursuit of honor.

Just as the citizens of Turai and Amendola Lara were actively preparing for the expedition to Tarantum, at the governor’s residence, Daves, military officer Felicius, and two captains Caps and Germany Lakos is listening carefully to the detailed description of the two major forces of Mesapi and Puceti in the Apulian region by the ambassador of the Talumpum, Polidor. "I think several adults have heard of a long time. s story……"