v5 Chapter 90: Lead by example

The people who have long been nourished by the prosperous trade and fertile land of Tarantum feel the cruelty of war. They have no longer a long ambition with Diaonia, only hope that their homes will not be sacrificed by their loved ones.

Under the strong request of the citizens, the Senate organized a rushed citizen assembly. After a heated debate, it finally decided to use the victory of this battle to bring peace talks to the Mesapi people.

In order to prevent the obstruction of the militant consul, Diomeras, the Citizens Congress also elected the next consul in advance, and Makas was still elected. Di Si Timas once again became the consul, and he also shouldered the ambassador. Mesapi, the mission of completing the peace talks.

As for Diomeras, the Tarantum was not as radical as the Crotones and did not ask for his trial, but it would never be better to come back to Tarantum.

Di Si Timas is on the way to the camp, and Davers is returning a letter to the Dionysian Senate: I am an adult, I led the army to Tarantum, yesterday in the mountains with 30,000 Meppe The coalition forces had a battle and won, and our soldiers had little casualties, but Tarantum suffered heavy casualties...

Judging from the results of the war during this time, Tarantum’s downturn is inevitable. Therefore, Heraclea's governor, Trephias, offered me to join the Dionysian League, and Metapumpum's governor, Tudepres, was also shaken.

You, perhaps you have not realized that the Dionysian Alliance is no longer the weak city-state that has suffered from strong state aggression, but has become the most powerful force in southern Italy! Since Diaonia has become the hegemon of Nanyi and is concerned by other city-states in Nanyi, we must change the cautious and conservative style in the past and show the spirit of a strong alliance, so that the southern city can be united. Around Dionya, defending the security of Dionia, and Diaonia also guards the peace and stability of all southern Italian Greek city-states, protecting the safety of every Greek, this is our Dionysian veteran The hospital is going to work hard to achieve the goal!

Xilu, as a Greek tribe living in a foreign race, asks us for help in times of crisis. This is the time to test us. Rejecting him will make our allies and the city-states that are watching, doubtful; and accept, it will inspire the courage of the city-state that Dionia has hoped for, because Dionia is such a small for Xilu. The tribe, who does not hesitate to fight with Bruce, must lend a helping hand. Then, when other city-states are in danger, how can Dionia help him?

In addition, even if the war with the Bruti people is caused by the maintenance of the Xilu tribe, we do not have to regret it, because the war between Diaonia and Bruti is inevitable! The reason why the Xilu tribe asked us for help, because Cosenza is uniting the various tribes of Bloati to form a stronger and more terrifying alliance of the Bruce tribes, just like the original Lukaria tribal alliance. We all know that the land in the Britti region is poor and the production is not abundant. In the past, the Bruti people often climbed over the mountains and looted the Greek city-states to obtain materials and population. Now the establishment of a unified Bruce tribal alliance will inevitably expand outward to achieve greater development of its race!

Look around Brudy, not surrounded by the territory of Dionia, or adjacent to our allies. Bruce is like a beast beside Dioria. We want to tame it before he grows up? Still waiting for it to grow up and fight with it? The answer is undoubtedly the former!


Davers handed the written letter to Mariji.

After sending him away, Tormide came in and told Daves the details of the soldiers who had been attacked by the soldiers.

Daves did not expect that the soldiers had violated the military law because of their own reasons, and their hearts were touched.

He whispered: "Olivers..." It was difficult to make a decision.

Tolmide took the opportunity to persuade: "Adults, it is because the Tarantums arbitrarily insult our soldiers... and you, Olivers, they are angry, beat him. I think this thing, they are not wrong. and--"

Davers looked up at him and Tormid immediately closed his mouth.

"Yeah, for me..." Daves sighed and made a decision in his heart: "You inform Camps and Dracos, let them stay halfway in the camp and lead the rest of the soldiers to the center of the village." The threshing floor gathers and then the general judge calls."

"Adult!" Tolmide heard, and wanted to persuade.

Daves waved his hand and couldn't let him say more: "Go and execute."


"Brothers!" Daves stood on a haystack of one person, facing thousands of Dionysian soldiers, and said loudly: "You have worked hard to fulfill the covenant of Dionya against Tarantum. In this strange land, fighting heroically, repelling the fierce Mesapi, Puchetti, I and the Senate and all the people of Dionia, thank you!"

The soldiers stood up proudly one by one.

Daves paused for a while and continued: "But a bad thing happened in the process, and several of our brothers beat a theater master of Tarantum. At that time..."

The soldiers raised their ears and listened carefully. Although they were limited to the military regulations, they could not move, but their eyes turned around and they were guessing who did it.

"Although the other side is provocative, the Daonian military law is not a display. If you hit someone, you will be punished." Daphus shouted seriously: "The military judge!"

The military judge next to him said loudly: "According to the laws of the Dionyrian military law, during the war, soldiers bullied or beat the Allied people, depending on the circumstances, at least 20 sticks. But because the other side repeatedly provocative, verbal words, forced to be present. The soldiers furiously shot... After I negotiated with the chief commander, I made a penalty decision—the soldiers who committed the crimes each beat the ten sticks!”

The soldiers were relieved. For those who often received military training, the ten sticks were very lightly punished.

"Olivers is out." The military judge then shouted.

When Oliver went to the queue, the soldiers had another small commotion. They didn't expect a big captain to participate in the incident.

Leo Tizides was also quite surprised. He did not expect the Diaonians to defend the military discipline. Just because they had a citizen of an ally, they could not hesitate to punish the squad leader! Because in his memory, the equally disciplined Spartan army can't do it. They are only disciplined in combat. But in the common land, the soldiers' actions are not strictly bound, so they are rampant, local. The public has great grievances, such as Collins and McGilla. At the beginning, Leo Tizides, as King Abyss of Sparta, did not have much treatment from the prince. He also participated in the battle as a soldier many times, so he knew more about the situation of the Spartan army.

Oliver Steinan walked to the front of the queue, and after he was beaten, he was ready to be punished.

After the military judge called the name of the murdered soldier, Olivers saw Davers on the haystack beating his eyes, and then he heard him say: "In addition, there is another person who is being led by the military law, that is me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole army was in vain.

Senior generals such as Capps, Dracos, Antonios, Alexis, and Amintas heard this sentence and were shocked. For a moment, they forgot to restrain the soldiers. Under the reminder of Davers, It is easy to restore the order of the team.

"Why should I punish me?" Daphus pointed at the murderer in front of the queue. He said with a sincere voice: "Olivers, as the captain, don't he know that hitting people will violate the military law?! Other brothers don't know Are you suffering from the sticks?! No, they certainly know that no Legionnaire is familiar with the Dionyrian military law Why in Crotone, in the West Chamber, in Caloundi When the brothers of the First Legion did not have such problems, did they make mistakes in Tarantum across the bay?! Because the Tarantums are mainly insulting me, Olivers are trying to defend me. The prestige of this army commander was shot in anger! And as the governor of Diaonia, your commander, led you to help Tarantum, but did not win the respect of the Tarantum for you. Let them slow us down and insult us! This is my fault, it is my responsibility! So if you want to punish them, you must first punish me, otherwise -" Davers patted his chest: " Here upset, can not forgive myself, so we do not come to dissuade me! I want this and several brothers together to face the music of ten Jungun! Supervision of the execution by the de la Costa, not fake! "

Davers said, the silence on the threshing floor.

Every soldier looked at their commander with excitement and his chest was up and down.

Oliver only felt a hot eye, and tears flowed down his cheeks. He couldn't help but shouted: "Our Davers wins!"

He took the lead, and the huge sounds covered the whole village, which was also mixed with the praise of "Diaulia Victory!" and the curse of "damn Tarantum!"

Daves looked calmly at everything, and he reminded the equally excited military judge: "Prepare for execution."

When he finished, he walked down the heap and stood next to Oliver.


When Di Si Timas arrived at the Tarantum military camp, he immediately called the civic soldiers. First, he announced the resolution of the Citizens' Congress, dismissed the position of the governor of Diomelas, and let the guards "escort" him back to the city. Then talk to 攸Marcas about how to reach peace talks with the Mesapi.