v5 Chapter 118: Orphan

In the exaggerated narrative of the messenger: a siege device can throw a crock-sized round stone a few hundred meters away, accurately hit the city wall, a powerful impact can cause damage to the city wall, and suffer from stones for a long time. The impact can even collapse the wall; the other weapon is like a movable sentinel tower, which is built higher than the city wall. The archer at the top of the tower can easily attack the defenders on the wall, and once It is close to the city wall and put down the suspension bridge, so that the enemy can easily rush to the city... The combination of these two siege devices is simply a nightmare of any city, but they are all owned by Diaonia!

Pi'an is not only worried about Knapetia, he is more worried about Cosenza. Originally in his plan, in the worst case, he could retreat to Cosenza and use the strong walls to defend against the attacks of the Dionys until the enemy's grain retreats. However, the story of the messenger shakes his decision. He does not want to be trapped in the city. The Dionians used a dozen or so dozens of such siege devices to throw stones and keep going up... Therefore, the city of Kna Petia must be held, otherwise, once captured by Dionia, Cosenza will be enemies on both sides.

But at this moment, in the case that Scorpio has lost and Dionia's strength has a great advantage, the Brudy Union is in a difficult position. The defense alone is too passive, and the possibility of failure is too great. Therefore, Pi'an is more inclined to take risks, as long as he can defeat the main force of Dionia, all the difficulties will be solved!

His gaze turned to Bisinia, who had surrendered, because the main force of Dionya, from the center of Dionya, will definitely attack from here.

After repeated thoughts, he finally made the final decision: to send two thousand reinforcements to Kna Petia, and at the same time persuaded Bergam to return to Ambaria, and sent a messenger to Vig, hoping that Begham and Sedo The two elders of the Rum Alliance can bring as many soldiers as possible to support the battle between Brudy Union and Dionia.


In order to wait for the heavy arrival and meet the operational needs, Davers waited for two more days in Bisnia.

Do not look at the distance from Turin to Turin, but due to road conditions, transportation is more difficult. For the convenience of the next transportation, Davers learned the lesson and ordered the soldiers to carry five days of rations each time.

On the third day, Daves led the First Army, the Second Army, the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade, the Cavalry Brigade, the Hercules Allied Forces, the Castellon Allied Forces, the Bisinian Warriors, the Legion Reserves, and the Thousand Thousand Freedom of the people... In addition to a small number of legion reserves stationed in the city of Bisnia, only about 24,000 people have been counted in the battle for Cosenza, and they have grown up to the dragon and marched westward along the mountain road.

Piran's return to the detective ride was close to noon: the Daonian army entered the Cosenza Plateau and saw the eye-catching flag of the Dionysian Archon.

The news made Piaren unable to sit still. He immediately convened an emergency meeting, except for Petalo, Fiorota, and Begham and Sedrum, who had just arrived from the army last night. In Kna Petia, he struggled to resist the enemy's attack, and Nikru had already died in battle. The "seven-person elders' committee" actually only had five people, which inevitably made the people in the hall feel sad.

"I estimate that the Deonian will camp in this area after arriving in Cosenza in the afternoon." Pi's finger on the map, the Cosenza icon draws a circle around the east of the six miles, the emotion is intense. Said: "With the protection of Amala, we should use their discomfort after entering Cosenza, and they will take the initiative to attack them when they build camps, forcing them to fight!"

Sedrum understood what Pylon called "discomfort". This area where Cosenza is located is high because of the high terrain. The outsiders are here. There is no problem with normal actions. Once you exercise vigorously, it will be easy to get tired and have difficulty breathing. The Bruce warriors, especially the Cosenza people, have adapted to this environment since childhood and will not have any abnormalities in their actions.

In addition, he already knows the situation on the side of Kna Petia, so he does not have much hope for the city to defend.

He and Bergam looked at each other, their looks were dignified, and they all agreed.

So, each went back to convene the team and waited nervously for the arrival of the Daonian army.

But after only half an hour, Pi'anen once again sent someone to call them.

"Elders, just received the news, the Dionyns stopped moving near the Punat River and began to camp!" Pi'an looked anxiously.

Punat River! Sedrum and Bogham rushed to see the map in the middle of the hall.

The Punat River, which is said to be a river, is more like a creek. It eventually flows into the upper reaches of the Krati River. The area that flows through it is relatively flat. The key is that it is located in Bisinia and Cosenza. intermediate.

"It’s so far away from Cosenza, it’s still so early, is it time to start resting?!” Bergham muttered in confusion.

"The traitors of Bisinia! The great **** Amara will punish them!" Firotaru said with an angry look.

Sedrum understood the reason for the anger of the high priest. In his memory, the terrain on the Punat River was not high here, and the impact on people was not obvious.

He hurriedly looked at Piren and asked, "What is the big leader ready to do?"

Pi'anen also cursed with the big priest. He also believed that the actions of the Dionyns must have been secreted by the people of Viennese, destroying his pre-designed plans.

He thought about it, then looked at everyone, and said with a serious look: "Now, Kna Petia is being attacked by the enemy every day, and may be attacked by the Dionians at any time! And we are here to let the enemy Slowly advancing, gradually adapting to and familiarizing with the weather and environment here, or are you determined to concentrate on attacking them?! Choose by you!"

Sedrum and Begham looked at each other again, and their eyes gradually shone with perseverance: "Do we still have a choice!"

"Amara is bound to bless our children of Brutus!" Firotta sings loudly...


Daves chose to camp near Punat, indeed because of caution.

When Baalilipi reminded him that 'there would be some discomfort when the outsiders entered the Cosenza area,' a word immediately appeared in his mind - altitude sickness: the higher the terrain, the thinner the air, the less oxygen, People will be tired of lack of oxygen. Of course, compared with Tibet in the far east, this height of the Cosenza Plateau is nothing at all, but in the fierce battle, it is likely to become a decisive factor.

Davers is now in the right hands. He doesn't have to take risks. He only needs to steadily advance to Cosenza, let the soldiers gradually adapt to the altitude sickness here, get familiar with the geographical environment, and gradually put pressure on Cosenza. He did not dare to split the troops to support Knapetia.

Although he was unable to grasp the battlefield dynamics of Knapetia in time, he believed that in the trust of Hiros and the Fourth Army with two siege devices, he believed that in Knapetia, the fourth army figure was absolutely Advantages, once the city of Kna Petia is broken, the Dionian army is facing things, not only the advantage is greatly increased, but also the entire Brudy area will be shocked, which may directly lead to the disintegration of the Brudy Union, even without fighting. Can make the Bruti people yield!

Although the concept is beautiful, Daves did not relax his vigilance. According to the provisions of the "Dyonia Army Law" in the battlefield area, he did not let all the soldiers put into the busy camp, but only let the first legion and The soldiers of the reserve team began to work first, the free people assisted, the second legion and its allies, and the Biannia warriors were responsible for guarding.

"Why did this camping let us come first? We are the first legion of Dionia!" Hite Barus stared at the second legged soldier who was sitting in front of him, excavating and squatting. Unreasonable complaints.

"Perhaps because the second legion just ended the battle with the Bruti people the day before yesterday, the commander adults gave them rewards!" Pecias guessed.

Leo Tiddides listened to the words of his teammates and thought about it: although the Spartans paid more attention to the camping camp, they did not pay attention to what he considered to be paranoid. When the troops arrive at the place, the first thing is to consider how to build an extremely strong camp even engineers to measure, accept, and be punished if they fail... even if he is in the boot camp, after many times Practice, also practiced in Tarantum, he is still a bit uncomfortable.

"If we replace the Second Army with our first legion to attack Bisinia, we will do better! It is not because the commander is unfair, and this key task is given to the Second Army, and it is directed to us. The first legion was not climbing, or marching. I didn’t know how many roads I went these days. My feet were soaking!..."

Hite Barus whispered and sighed, and then his head was patted: "Hite Barus is not nonsense, work hard! If you slow down our camp, lead our team to lose To the squad of Oliver, the team of Matonis will never spare you!" Captain West Tarsis yelled.

When he mentioned Mattonis, Heitbarus did not dare to say it again.

Leo Tizides had some emotions: Matonis, the mighty captain of the team, was very fond of the soldiers, even arguably extremely short. Leo Tizides had seen him several times because the soldiers were disciplined by the military, and they argued with the soldiers who considered the "terrible" soldiers. Even one time they argued that Davis was there, and his power was amazing. The craftsmanship is superb, so the soldiers love and respect him.