v5 Chapter 124: Pune's reserve team attack

"Sorry, everyone!" Felicius was slightly stunned around, and it was difficult to hide the joy on his face. He said excitedly: "I am late because I am going to meet the messenger from the Third Army in the Military Affairs Department. A good news -"

Filipinos looked around the elders and said loudly: "The Third Corps defeated the rebels of Picosis and Grumendum outside the city of Grumendum! Except for a few people who escaped, most of them were captured. However, there were only a few dozen casualties in the Third Army. The leader of the Hironimos army was leading the army to the city of Picosis. It is reported that the strength of the city is empty and it is only a matter of time to win the Picosis!"

The meeting suddenly boiled up: "Great! This is a brilliant victory!"

"Picosis! We finally have to have a seaside city on our own West Coast!"


The scenes that were just described by Polluxes, the elders who were shocked by the cold sweat, uttered an unprecedented cheer.

Polixis looked at these cheering elders with a stunned look. He hadn’t recovered from this sudden reversal for a while... For a long time, he was not reconciled and said: “...I didn’t expect, Hieronymus could Create a great victory like Daphus..."

"No." Felicius corrected him loudly: "In fact, this victory was planned by Daphs in advance with the Third Legion, and also got two allys of Laos and Elia. Help. Otherwise how can you win so easily!"

"Oh..." Kunogora, Cornelus, they should have such an expression, and then interested in asking about the detailed process of this battle.

Polksis did not speak.


The Punat River battle has lasted for more than an hour, and the battle line between the two sides has changed from a straight line that was originally curved to a curved crescent.

On the right wing of the Dionysian army, the team led by Trephias remained almost in its original position. The Brutier left wing, composed of more than a dozen Brutus tribal warriors, could not effectively unite into a unified force, and continued to maintain pressure on the Diagonal right-wing phalanx.

In the middle of the Dionysian road, the warriors of Vig, Ambaria and some Cosenza were very aggressive. The square of the First Legion began to gradually retreat after a period of time, causing the entire middle road to sag. The proud First Legionnaires did their best, but the long-term construction of the camp consumed too much of their physical strength. After the heavy armor was re-applied, they were already a little tired and they were not able to do so.

In the left wing of Dionya, the Second Legion and the Cosenza warriors are still fighting. The Cosenza warriors washed away the shame of the last siege failure, and took advantage of the superhuman endurance that they had been practicing on the plateau since childhood. According to later generations, there are many red blood cells in the plateau, high oxygen carrying capacity, and taller than the Greeks. Physical, long-term high-intensity offense. The Second Corps maintained its balance of power with its solid defense and full cooperation between the teams.

On the far left, it is the only place where Diaonia has an absolute advantage. The light shield led by Epiphanis gave the Brutus cavalry the first time, and in the close fight, the Bruty cavalry ate a lot of experienced Dionysian light shields. If this is not a big battle for Brudy's life, the cavalry leader has long led the remaining cavalry, but in order not to allow the Dionysian Light Shield to support other battlefields, he led his men and Dionys. The Asian Light Shields opened the distance, used the speed of the cavalry to swim around, and slammed the cold to attack the Devianian light infantry. But the Diaonian javelin and bows are not vegetarian, and the number of Brute cavalry is still decreasing.

The light infantry led by Zipert has had some troubles, although neither the number nor the light infantry ability, the Bruty light infantry can not compare with Dioria, but the angry Brutier light infantry is eating After the suffering of the enemy, they gave up the far-off attack and rushed to use the javelin and short-edged swordsmen to fight close to the body.

Chipert can completely retreat backwards and pull away the distance. This is a light infantry tactic. But Chipert, who has been following Davers for a long time, knows that the light infantry and free people he led as part of the general battle, the sudden retreat will expose the flank of Epiphanis, and will let the original enemy fight The light shields suffered huge losses. Therefore, Zipert did not retreat, and the scalp and the Bruty light infantry were fighting. There were few light shields in his hands. The free-spirited archers and the bidding guns could still cope, letting them fight with the fierce Brutus, and soon they could not support it.

Fortunately, there are still many cards in Daves. Knowing that the leftmost encounter was in trouble, he quickly dispatched the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade. These light-loaded soldiers with leather shields and short swords rushed all the way, rushed to the leftmost wing, and immediately joined the battle group, which quickly reversed the situation.

In the dust, a commanding cavalry rushed to Daves behind the army.

Tormed was busy welcoming.

"Commander adults, Capus sent people to rush to you, the soldiers of the first legion can not stand up, they are so tired that even the copper shield can not lift up!" After receiving the information, Tormide Anxious to report to Daves.

"It seems that the first legion has reached the limit of physical strength." Davers concluded.

"Not only the first legion, but Dracos also sent people to report that some of the soldiers of the Second Legion began to feel dizzy and weak, and even dared not order the conversion before and after the team, fearing big chaos." Tormi De reminded.

"Our soldiers are tired of this, Brutie's physical strength is no better, I am afraid it is not much better." Davers looked at the front. The front is full of dust, the shadows of the people, the killing of the sound, but he seems to see the victory: "Quickly to inform Bloom and Krem the two Bisinian leaders, are they not clamoring to kill the enemy? Now the opportunity is coming! I want them to lead the Bisinian warrior to the left wing immediately, attack the enemy's flank, defeat the Cosenza people with the most rapid attack, and show us the power of the Bisinian warrior!"

"Yes!" Tolmid answered with excitement.

"At the same time, the Ryders cavalry brigade should have enough rest, let them immediately go to help Epiphanis, Ziper, they quickly defeat the enemy cavalry and light infantry, turn north, cross the battlefield, attack the enemy Behind the middle road, with the first legion before and after the attack, it will be defeated in one fell swoop!" Daves clenched his right fist and made a heavy downward stroke.

"Understood, the commander is an adult!" Tolmid led the two commanders to turn over and rush to the left, and he had to order it in person.

Davers turned his head to the far left and the two units that had not participated in the battle behind the square. The distance beyond a few miles was just a shadow of awkwardness.

After a while, Tolmide rushed back: "They have already been dispatched."

"Blow the offensive horn!" Daves immediately ordered.

"Beep! Toot! Bet!..." The sorghum's squadron overwhelmed the screaming screams and spread throughout the battle.

"It's the offensive number! The brothers insisted, our reserve team was dispatched!" Zandiparis heard the sound and was in great spirits. Before the war, Davers had told his two regiments about his battle plan, and the two regiments conveyed Daves’ tactical intentions to his captain, company commander, and team leader, so he was so passive. Under the circumstances, the defense lines of the First and Second Legion can still hold on, because the team officers have a bottom, and now they finally hope for the attack.

"Drums! Drums!" Zandiparis loudly conveyed the command with a hoarse voice.

The drum sounded and the flag was pointed. Although the soldiers are exhausted, their spirits are uplifting.

All the captains of the first and second legions are doing almost the same thing as Zandipis.


When the squad was introduced into Piren's ear He was in the right wing of Brudy, following the soldiers and pushing forward, although every step was very difficult, Cosenza warriors It is moving forward.

The Dionys are not going to die! Piane's heart flashed such a thought, although a little tired, but the desire for victory prompted him to work harder. At this moment, Dionya’s military number made him feel shocked: Did the enemy have reinforcements coming?

A sense of urgency rushed into my heart. He couldn't understand the whole situation in the battle. He could only step up and defeat the enemy in front of him: "The children of Brutus are working harder! The enemy is going to die!..." He shouted, around The guards followed and shouted, infecting other fighters... Cosenza warriors used their remaining strength to fight. ,

However, the defense of the Second Legion has also been greatly enhanced. On the contrary, the advancement of the Brutus and the right wing is more difficult than before.

Under the leadership of Bloom and Crere, more than 2,000 Bisinian warriors who had been squandering for more than an hour and nowhere to vent, ran all the way, bypassing the outside of the two sides, roaring and fierce The Brudy is behind the right wing.

The shouting and rumbling footsteps caused the Cosenza warriors to rush back, and then they saw countless Brutus warriors who were similar in appearance and face-to-face, wielding spears and killing them with wickedness.

"It's Bisinian! We are surrounded!!..." Cosenza warriors turned and defended.

At this time, the Ryders cavalry brigade easily defeated the Bruce cavalry and light infantry who were struggling to support. Just as the cavalry brigade, the investigation brigade, and the light infantrymen gave up chasing the defeat, they marched northward. Prepared to cross the rear of the enemy's right wing and attack the rear of the Brudy Army, the exhausted Cosenza warriors began to break after being fiercely attacked by the Besinians from behind...