v6 Chapter 5: Caldians

"We don't have any other cities in Crotone. It's a bit wasteful to use the treasury's money to open a mail truck. It's a bit wasteful. If...Asprostum still belongs to us, you can consider it. But in that case, we The roads and bridges have to be built like this." Stasis smashed. Indeed, Crotone's rugged dirt roads make it easy for horse-drawn carriages to fall apart.

"Aspustum!" Speaking of this, it was the pain in Crotone's people's heart. Nick Stratus snorted and didn't swear: "It's all blame!" A few years ago, it belonged to our Croton Plain, which was a fertile land! Now it belongs to the Dionyns..."

"We should set off, otherwise we will not be able to rest in Crimea tonight!" Stasis turned the topic and reminded the two.

“How far is it from Crimea?” Nick Stratus asked with his thigh, and he was a little tired when he didn’t go out.

Stasis stood up and looked at it carefully. He said to the front of his finger: "Lukassus, how come you can see the stone monument and go to Crimea?"

"Is there a distance on the stone tablet?" Lucassus walked over with doubt.

After a while, he pointed to the stone tablet and shouted: "Crimissa 20, is this?"


"And... the next line engraved a small house, wrote 5 miles, what is it?"

“That means there is a station in the front five miles that can provide short breaks, meals, and even accommodation.” A pedestrian next to Lucassus replied.

"Oh, thank you!" Lucassus was very polite and thankful.

"You are a doctor?" The man asked his medical kit and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I went to Turui with my teacher to participate in a ... 呃 ... medical forum."

"Diagna's doctors are highly skilled, and they are blessed by Pluto. They can save the dying people. You go to study, but you find the right place!" The man's look: "It’s so good! I am also going. Turui."

The man's words made Nick Stratus feel uncomfortable. He stood up and said, "Let's go, let's hurry."

The pedestrian walked on the sidewalk.

Outside the sidewalk is a field of wheat that is being ploughed, just like the sights seen before. The difference is that the diversion channels are criss-crossed, wider and deeper; and the slaves have higher enthusiasm for labor. They even sing in the work, their masters not only have not stopped, but some even sing. Compared with the sluggish Muna of Crotone's slaves, the Dionian slaves are more like normal people, and this is not an individual phenomenon. Almost the Dionya slaves that Lucasus saw were in this state.

Lucassus did not understand this. He came from a farmhouse and was very familiar with the life of the farmer. Crotone's farmers usually have one or two slaves, and they can't afford them any more. Because they need labor to do farm work, they rely on slaves, so they don't crush them like the workshops in the city. Treat slaves as part of the family.

When Lucasus was a child, he was taken care of by the slaves at home. He always thought that the honest old Thrace man was more like a father than his father.

The Crotone farmer is already good enough to treat slaves. Is it better for the Dionyns to be slaves? Lucassus felt that it was impossible. He wanted to ask Stasis, but he turned to see that Nick Stratus was discussing medical problems with Stasis and had to give up temporarily.

The corner of the eye was just a glimpse of the man who spoke before, not far behind them, and his heart moved, slowing down: "My name is Lucassus, from Crotone, just thank you for your reminder."

"My name is Caldians, Silitese." The man smiled softly. "I have a lot of trips to Turui. I still know more about the things in Dionia. What do you understand about this city-state alliance?" Please ask me."

The man seemed to see his mind, and Lucassus was embarrassed to ask, "I don't understand why these slaves are so happy?"

Caldias followed the direction of Lucassus's fingers and saw the slaves who sang in the wheat fields. He thought about it and said: "That is because they have hope."


Caldias looked solemn and his voice was low and long: "The great Pluto once said, 'Everyone has different fates, some are born rich, some are born poor, some are unfortunately slaves, some are lucky to be nobles, but As long as you always have good thoughts, don't give up your efforts, and wait until the end of life, the trial of the prison, facing the golden balance of justice and selflessness, the status and wealth of life is only illusory, and truly determine the soul of everyone is to go to the beautiful Elysee. Is it a terrible hell? It is what you have done in your life. Good people go to Elysee, evil people go to hell, life-long strugglers can enjoy music and food, and good people will always suffer hard labor..."

Lucassus heard a stunned voice: "You... you mean... these slaves are so enthusiastic about working in the future to enter Elysee?"

"It's not entirely because of this." Caldians whispered: "Daves, the governor of Hadias who has the blood of Hades, was enlightened by the Father and passed a bill in the Senate, 'every year in Kazakhstan. At the celebration of Diss, the city-state slaves who performed well in the year will be given freedom. 'And Daves will also be free to perform well on the slaves he owns on this day. Because Daves is deeply loved by the people of Dionia. They are influenced by the consul, and in the case of spare capacity, they will also consider giving private slaves who contribute to the family freedom...

I remember that last year, a Nubian slave was sent by his master to the port market to buy goods. In the Kelti River, two drowning children were rescued. Not only the child’s father was willing to pay for the redemption, but the people of the city Unanimously demanding freedom from it...so you see that there is such an atmosphere in Dionia that these slaves can not express themselves! ”

Lucassus nodded. Although Crotone had given slave freedom, he never made a bill like Dionia, and the number of slaves was so frequent and so many.

In fact, there is another reason. Calderas does not understand: although the age of the Diaonian citizens and the reserve citizens is mainly young and middle-aged (because Dioria receives a large number of immigrants), citizens must participate in the military. The number of trainings is more than ten times that of Crotone, and he has to undertake some defending tasks. They have no more energy and time to take care of their land and rely more on slaves. Therefore, they do not regard slaves as a part of the family. It is also to let it have more autonomy in labor, which is more conducive to efforts to exert the enthusiasm of the slaves.

"In the past two years, the slaves of the Cirtin have sneaked into Kna Petia from time to time for this reason." Caldians added another sentence.

"Ah... we also had a large-scale slave escape in Crotone:" Lucassus remembered: "But not just to Kna Petia, but not far from Crotone. Spruztum. At that time we also opened a citizen assembly and sent people to protest to Asprostum, asking for the return of the slaves who escaped. They quickly sent the slaves back..."

"If Silitine and Crotone do not change on the issue of slavery, such things will be inevitable in the future." Calderas said with a sigh, as a Silean, he does not seem to worry about it, but rather has some fun. See it.

Of course, the young Lucassus didn't think so much. He asked another question in confusion: "Yes, what you just said... the words that Hades Hades said, I never heard of it. ?"

"There are too many things you haven't heard about the gods." Calderas' eyes widened: "You know, the **** Zeus and his brothers and sisters worked together to overthrow their father, Crow. North, when he wants to divide his father's power again, as the eldest brother, Hades can choose the sky or the sea as his **** domain, but he would rather choose the dark and wet hell, thus staying underground, for the weak human soul. Is it not great to create a fair and selfless place to ensure the stability of the earth above the world!"

"Yes... is that true?" Lucassus said suspiciously: "Everyone knows that Hades is the **** that was forced to choose."

"Have you ever thought about the facts that you know who passed down?...If there is no permission from the Lord of the Gods Zeus How can such hidden things make us ordinary humans know? Zeus rules the gods of Olympus, and of course he will let the content of the rumors benefit himself. Hades Hades is introverted, looks a little gloomy, the Greeks do not like him, so they believe the rumor." Caldi Aspen said seriously: "In fact, among several of the main gods, Hades is the most loyal to his duties and guards his duty. Zeus, debauchery; Poseidon, violent and ruthless; Ares, Crazy and bloody; Hermes, playful; Hevistos, drunkenness; Apollo, proud and insidious... Only Hades, have you ever heard of anything bad about him?"

Lycausus listened to Caldius's words and felt that his brain was a little worried. He rubbed his forehead and said for a long time: "He... He robbed Demuel's daughter, Parse Fone, as his wife. ”

Calderas’s look of “I knew you would say this”, he explained in earnest: “The bad underground environment makes no goddess willing to go anywhere. Hades can’t help but have to I married a wife."


The description of the road stone in this chapter is not from the modern concept. In the early days of the Roman Empire, there was a humanized design of the road stone. It was very similar to the current sign. The Roman merchant also sold an iron cup to sell. The travellers are engraved with detailed road maps of various provinces to facilitate travel.

In the previous chapter, Darius and Atosa had no blood relationship, but the son of Cyrus, Gambisis, did indeed protect his two sisters, Atosha, in order to ensure that the noble bloodline of Cyrus was not polluted. Roxanne. After Persian fell into chaos, Darius won the Persian regime by his groom, and he took over the sisters of the pair and made his throne more orthodox. The next Persian king Xerxes seems to be born of Atosa.