v6 Chapter 60: Davers's strategic plan

Davers continued to say slowly: "In the period of landing here, soldiers, labor, materials... will be quite chaotic, lack of organization, Dionysius will not dare to risk huge risks landing in other places. It is only possible to land in the port of his allies, Rocky. Then, after the Ministry of Military Affairs got the news of the Syracuse attack, we can send our fourth and fifth legions to quickly reach the support of Coordinia and other allies. Convergence, using the narrow terrain of Cologne and the Ranato River in the south of Trina to build a solid camp to defend against enemy attacks, delay time, waiting for me to defeat the Samonais, then lead the main return, with tin Lacuza made a decisive battle.

In order to facilitate the unified command of the 4th and 5th Legion, I will let the Feliusius as the commander of the 4th and 5th Legion, responsible for the war in the south. ”

Daves chose Felicius because he had senior qualifications and was responsible for military affairs. He could let the reluctant Dracos and the exiled Epiphanes listen to him, but his character was not strong enough. I am afraid that sometimes I will be influenced by the opinions of the subordinates. But there is no way. The military will have more capable officers. The fourth and fifth legions are not weak, but they are similar in qualifications to Dracos and Epiphanes, such as Caps. And Antonios, etc., or their qualifications are lower than them, such as Hilos, etc., arrogantly let them go up, I am afraid that the two heads of the army do not accept, but affect the combat.

The veterans seriously considered Daves’s plan of “first defense and then counterattack”. Most of them felt feasible. After all, they were very confident about Daves’ military commanding ability. He believed that as long as he was commanding and tin Lacuz decisive battle, then the odds are great. At the same time, they also recognized Davis's commander who was temporarily responsible for the southern military. Because Felicius had always been good at people in the Senate, everyone was very impressed with him. The veterans of the Legion also have no objections, and the ability of Felicius is still there.

"Who then took over the chief executive of Cosenza? Or was it made by Filipinos?" asked Cornelus, because at this time, Felicius was still the chief executive in Cosenza.

"There was also a precedent for the Chief Executive and the Chief of the Military." There was a precedent. Hilos was the post of the Chief Executive of Asprastum and the head of the Fourth Army after the Second Crotone War. The same is true of Lumumum’s Bagul.

But Davers said: "The battle with Syracuse determines the life and death of the alliance. It is the most important event. You must go all out! Cosenza's chief executive can only find another person to take over!"

Daphus’s eyes swept over the people in the Senate, and most of the non-military elders showed their eagerness, especially the Brutier veterans. In fact, it can be understood that there are now many cities in the territory of the Dionya, but the most important are three: Turui, which is the center of the Dionysian Union; Grumendum, Lukaria The largest city is also the hub of the northern part of the Union; Cosenza, the central city of the Bruti area. Although the chief executive level of each city is the same, the chief executives of the three cities are invisible and glory.

Daves certainly understands what the elders are thinking, so he patiently explained: "Considering that once the war with Syracuse, the Bruty region, the Croton Plain will soon become the most Close to the frontier areas of the battlefield, the chief executives of these areas need to cooperate with the military operations of the military to meet their operational needs, such as resettling the wounded, providing new soldiers, transferring food to the weight, etc., thus requiring an administrative experience, Also understand the elders of the Legion operation, for the time being - "Daves bite the word "temporary" very heavily, and does not want some veterans to be too disappointed: "As the Chief Executive of Cosenza, my suggestion is that Hilos is temporarily taking this position. Position."

Daves’s proposal has not been opposed. Hilos’s outstanding performance in Asprostum’s appointment is obvious to everyone. Only Petalou, Kadurke and others are disappointed, and since Pollux After the trial of Sis and others, the number of veterans who opposed Daves proposed was much less, so they were passed.

At this time, Hilos, who had just been appointed, asked: "The Archon, I went to Cosenza to take office, so who will take over my current job?"

"I am an adult, Hironimos, I hope that you can temporarily serve as a military servant." The affairs of the military are done by Devers, and others cannot intervene. Davers has long thought of candidates. After all, The war is about to begin, and military training will naturally stop.

"Okay." Hieronymus replied softly.

Although he did not express his impassion, Daves was reassured that he knew Gironimos. Unlike Dracos, he only wanted to command the battle. Hironimos was taciturn, but he did things seriously, as long as he respected and He can do a good job of quietly using his talents.

But considering that this is a big battle, the pressure on the logistical logistics will be great. Davers still wants to find him a helper: "Mersis, you have to go to help Hieronymus!"

Melsis immediately screamed: "The things I am responsible for are too busy, so many cities' fiscal taxes..." In the face of Davis's silent, his voice gradually became smaller, then helpless Shrugging and saying: "Okay, okay, I try my best."

Davers then asked: "Is it great to have Herod Muss, Turui and I have no reason to know how many Legion Reserve soldiers are there?"

"There are about two hundred and two hundred people." Hieronymus was very dedicated to his job and blurted out without thinking.

Davers nodded and then looked at the crowd and said loudly: "You adults, I propose to establish two reserve corps in Turui. Once the war breaks out, you can use these two corps to defend our city and cope with it. The situation."

"I have no objections," said Kunogolata.

"I agree." Cornelus also agreed.

Even the two veterans who usually oppose the war have expressed their consent. Not to mention the other veterans. The key is that after the departure of the first and second legions by Daves, the violent Turui made them feel unsafe. With two new legions, I feel more practical in my heart.

"The number of soldiers in the new army is sufficient, but they do not have uniform new military equipment and weapons. They may not even have old-fashioned equipment. It is necessary to know that these reserve soldiers are mostly citizens and registered free people. I am afraid there is no such thing. So much money to buy," Hieronymus reminded.

Davers thought about it and said: "You and Melsis convened Tios, the arms of the Legion and other weapons traders, and the manager of the Christopher Bank, to discuss a feasible approach. To solve the problem of the weapons and equipment of the New Legionnaires and try to be unified."

"I understand." Hieronymus answered simply.

Melsis mourned: "It costs money! It costs money!"

At this time, Kunogolata said: "If the war with Syracuse broke out, it will be a huge war, and all aspects will cost gold and silver. Therefore, I suggest that it can be replaced by the Senate. Soldiers, reached an agreement with the arms dealers, temporarily let the soldiers owe money to the weapons merchants to buy weapons, and wait until the end of the war, then give them interest back... I believe the credit of the Dionysian Senate is worth the money. of."

"Cournor Gorta, your suggestion is very good!" Melsis immediately gladly said, "As a Diaonian citizen, these weapons merchants should make this for Dionia." contribution!"

"I don't care how you solve the new army's weapons and equipment problems, but you must not force them, or Trito de Moss will talk to you," Daves reminded.

"The governor is right, the citizens' property is protected by the laws of the Union, and no one can infringe!" Trito de Moss warned.

Melsi's fat face piled up with a smile and said: "Reassured, the judge is an adult. As a veteran, the nobles of the Diaonian citizens how could make such a mistake."

Daves did not pay any attention to him. He went to the center of the venue, stood up and looked around, and encouraged him with a passionate voice: "The adults, the Union of Dionyas can have the power of today in just a few years. Prosperity, you can't do without your efforts and dedication! Now, we have encountered the biggest test since the establishment of the alliance, Syracuse - this Greek city-state that has dominated the Western Mediterranean for a hundred years is like a big mountain block in our wear In front of Onya, not only must we stop us from advancing, but also crush us! The elders of Diaonia, the elites of the citizens, the leaders of the people, we are willing to succumb to this mountain and be it Crashing? Or face it bravely, after hard work over it?!"

"Turn it over and there will be a flat avenue in front of Dionia!"

"Destroy Syracuse, and Dionia will not have a strong enemy in the Western Mediterranean!"

“Even if all the citizens of Dionia are shrinking and dieting, they must defeat Syracuse!”

"Under the blessing of Hades, even more difficulties can be overcome, and even more powerful enemies will eventually be defeated by us!"


The elders, under the leadership of Davis, were all enemies, and they all expressed their willingness to fight with Syracuse.


Just as the Dionysian Senate received an emergency report from the Third Army, the situation in Potentia has changed: the Samonais, who were still gathering soldiers, suddenly turned to the Potentia territory. Launched an offensive. As the great leader Pu'amut has issued an order to the various tribes of Potentia to "retreat into the city", the Samonets have not been blocked, and the speed of the advance is very fast. Some troops even bypass the wave. Tentia City, marching south...