v6 Chapter 71: The status quo of Picosis

"They are far away, of course, it is too late to arrive here." Felicius comforted him and said: "The Fifth Army owes you a fourth army, and they will return it to you later."

Epiphanis sneered: "Commander, do you think Dracos is a grateful person?"


While the Syracuse army landed in Rocky, the army led by Daves had reached Picosis. Before, he had sent a messenger to inform Picosis Chief Executive Anta Orris to seal the news of the army. For this reason, Anta Orris even sent out only five small warships in the port to temporarily intercept the merchant ships in the north and forced them to Temporarily docked at the port of Picosis, complaining. But Daves, who arrived at Picosis, heard about it, but praised Anta Orris for his decisiveness and responsibility.

At this time, Anta Orris was accompanying the consul, Davis, to inspect the city and port of Picosis. Daves was very satisfied with the order and construction of the whole city. He asked: "How many wearing Picosis now? Ionian citizens?"

“There are 4,523 formal citizens, 3,351 citizens, 5,117 free people who have been registered, and a total of 12,991. The entire population of Picosis is about 53,000...” said Anta Orris.

"Hey, Picosis has a lot of people!" Daves was a little surprised.

"Adult, Picosis was originally in the Lucania region, no less than the big city of Grumendum, Potentia, not to mention the coastal city, the attraction to the Greek free people is much more than the Grumman map. The city of Lucania, such as M. Niutum, is much larger,” said Anta Orris.

"So, many Greeks who have settled here?" Davers asked immediately.

"Yes. The Greek-born Diaonia official citizens, preparatory citizens and free people add up to almost 4,230 people. This number is increasing every day, mainly by Greeks from Tampa."

"Only three years later, the Greeks of Picosis are approaching half of the population!" Daves was taken aback again and then worried: "They have more conflicts with the Lucanias. ?"

"There are some, but not too intense." Anta Orris said with a more relaxed look: "Because Picosis had experienced many defeats before joining our Dionya, the city of Picosis Lucania's young and middle-aged casualties are heavy, not only have a lot of land vacated, but most of the remaining people have lost their **** nature, and their tribes are mostly in the mountains to the east, mainly grazing, the Greeks here. They all prefer the flat land on the sea, so the two sides can still have peace of mind. And... well, the Greeks who are mainly Campania are somewhat similar in life habits to the Lucanias, and the two sides get along well. Not bad..."

"It seems that you enjoy the life here! And your chief executive is doing very well. I know very well about the situation of the citizens of this city!..." Davers even claimed to praise him while he was before him. The words that were said aroused interest, and asked: "Anta Orris, please tell me what other characteristics of the Campanias?"

"Adults, the Greeks of Campania are the Greeks who are the least Greeks except what we have seen in the Dionyrians."

The words of Anta Orris caught the attention of Davers: "Oh, how do you say this?"

Anta Orris thought about it and said seriously: "I guess it may be because the Greeks of Campania have always been surrounded by aliens (Worthians in the north of Campania and Lukani in the south) Asians, there are Samonais in the east, and the big island in the west is very close to Sardinia, so on the one hand, compared to the Greeks who like freedom in other places, Campania Very united, like to hold a group to do things; on the other hand, some of their habits are influenced by neighbors, such as eating beef and mutton, and worshiping some gods that are not Greek, such as some Campanias who have built The goddess of Monet worship Savoni (the Samonai God of War), who believes that the beasts can be avoided... In Picosis, these characteristics are also very obvious."

Davers smiled and said with a strong heart: "There are Greeks, Lucanias, and Brutiss in our alliance. Now there are Campania Greeks. There may be more. Races join the alliance. So in dealing with conflicts between ethnic groups, we must first hold a principle - tolerant, tolerate their religion, tolerate their habits; second is justice, anyone, any race Under the laws of Dionia, they are equal and cannot be partial; they also need to guide and guide them to like our way of life, entertainment, competition, military training... The most important thing is religion, Hades is Diony Don’t forget this! With the passage of time, I believe that no matter who they are, they will eventually become Dionyns!”

Anta Orris listened carefully and then nodded eagerly and said: "Daveus, you are right!"

"I am just moving, but you have already done this in the management of the city, right?" Daves laughed at himself: "If you want to speed up the integration of these races, it is best to find them. The commonality. During this time I discussed with Ansitanos and found a secret -"

Davers looked at Anta Orris and saw that he was listening intently, adding a tone: "Hercules, the Hercules is very famous among all ethnic groups in Italy, and some tribes even claim to be his descendants. Descendants... I am going to propose in the Senate, 'Building the temple of Hercules in Turui and starting his celebrations, let the people of all ethnic groups of Dionia celebrate this god...' ...oh, just because the war broke out and it was temporarily suspended. I think Picosis can try to do it first. What do you think?"

"Adult, you are a good idea!" Anta Orris praised sincerely: "In fact, there are already several altars of Hercules in Picosis, Lucania and Campani. There are both sides of the Asians. I will try my best to build a large temple of Hercules, and make Picosis the center of the region to worship Hercules!"

"Are you ready to grab the limelight of Turui? I am afraid that Kunogora will fight you hard." Dafos joked and said, the two laughed.

The two men talked and laughed on the way back to the city hall. In this harmonious atmosphere, no one mentioned Eric Pups and Pule Ades. In fact, there is no need to mention it because it has become a thing of the past.

Back to the City Hall, the head of the First Army, Antonios, and the head of the Second Army, Amintas, have been waiting there.

"Adults, the camp has been built, the soldiers have begun to rest." Antonios saw Davis coming in and immediately reported: "In addition, the messenger from the Third Army has heard the news, the Third Corps is already in the skin. On the way to Corsis, it is estimated that he will arrive at dusk."

"You talk about this Alexis and the Samonais have not yet faced the frontal battle, they were scared to withdraw from Potentia, which is too shameful for our Dionyrian army!" Amintas I was dissatisfied with the sneer.

"If the third army map is really hard and the Samonai army is hard-hitting, I am afraid that now I can only take less than 20,000 of your first and second army groups to face the huge force of more than 40,000 people in Samona. Now, how can you fight?! Alexis abandoned his reputation for the victory of the whole war. This safe approach is undoubtedly very correct! It should be worth learning, especially your Amintas! Daves said in a positive color. The encounter of the Third Army in Potentia was a few days ago, and Davers learned the detailed passage from the mouth of Anta Orris.

Amintas muttered a few words without convincing, did not dare to speak loudly.

"Adults, this Samonet seems to be more fierce. First set up, then take the initiative to send a large army to attack, not giving the Third Army a chance to breathe." Antonios interjected: "If we know that we are ready to attack Bossaid Nia, will the Samonets send another army to kill?!"

"The Samonets dare to come, they are afraid that they will not come!" Daves began to carefully analyze the plans he had been considering for the past few days to the three people in the living room: "Based on intelligence display ~www. Mtlnovel.com~ The Shamones used to fight with the Lucanias. They have always been more and less rewarded, and the Campanias have been attacked by them for many years. Presumably, the Samonets have always been very capable of fighting. Pride. Plus this time is the first time that the Samonets have dispatched so many fighters, which may have contributed to their arrogance, including the credit of the Syracuse people -" he said, glanced at it. Anta Orris.

Anta Orris nodded and said: "The ships that patrolled our port in the past few days have repeatedly said, 'I found a large number of cargo ships in Syracuse going north and entering the port of Poseidon. 'I think they are very likely It was for the Samonai to transport food."

"Damn Syracuse!" Amintas screamed and shouted: "Adult, we should squat on the Samonet. We don't know that we arrived, quickly captured Posenia, broke Sa. Monet's food supply!"

"This is a solution." Davers did not nod and continued: "But Anta Orris told me that the Samonais have their own port town in the south of Campania - Irna Otherwise, they will not dare to dispatch a army of more than 40,000 people before they have captured Poseidon. Only taking down Bosnia and Herzegovina is just adding some grain to the Syracuse. Trouble, it will extend the time we repel them. Not to mention that Dionysius in Syracuse is now preparing to invade the Great Greece, so we cannot engage in a long-lasting war of consumption with the Samonet!"