v6 Chapter 96: Battle of the Ramatu River (5)

"Come on! Go away! Don't listen to orders, military law... military law disposal!!" Sobercos roared, his face was intertwined with tears.

The remaining Dionysian cavalry finally turned around.

Sobers seemed to have exhausted his strength. He fell backwards and his right fist was still firmly attached to his chest.

The blue sky, the white clouds, and the dazzling sun, the sunshine shining on the body is so warm... Sobokos’s face reveals a smile...

"Dyonia's victorious..." he muttered, and at this moment he didn't think of the Tuli, who had raised him for decades, but the Dionya League, which had only been established for a few years. .

When the enemy's spear stabbed his chest, he did not dodge, but closed his eyes. In the depths of his heart, he saw the beautiful Elysee Park that was showing him the whole picture...


In Trina, there are only about 500 civic soldiers in the city, and no other people have become an empty city.

Why does this happen?

Because when Ciprox proposed at the Citizens Congress that "the most soldiers were sent to participate in the battle," the citizens questioned him: "In the event of a war, the enemy suddenly attacks Trina, how can we keep this with so few soldiers? City?"

His answer was: "Let the people temporarily move to Kna Petia, to be sheltered by the Dionysian Union, and then return to the battle after the victory..."

In the end, the reason why the Citizens’ Congress will pass his seemingly absurd proposal is because the large camp of Syracuse is on the bank of the river not far away, and the huge fleet of Syracuse is in the bay, lurking like a tiger. In the grass, I can steal the city of Trina at any time, so that citizens can fear day and night, so they all hope that the victory of this battle will make this huge threat completely disappear.

After obtaining the consent of the Chief Executive of the Knapetiadai, Asistus, more than 40,000 Trina people took their food and belongings to the north to take refuge.

After West ProLogis led the 8,500 soldiers to leave, there were less than 500 civic soldiers left in the city. They closed the gates and monitored the movements outside the city.

"Look, the fleet of Syracuse!" A soldier pointed at the sea outside the port and shouted nervously.

In these two days, the ships of Syracuse entered and exited the mouth of the Lamato, and the Trina people were somewhat accustomed to it. But this time it came not only with cargo ships, but also with warships, and the number is amazing, it looks like no less than 200 ships.

"There are soldiers on board!" When the Syracuse fleet sailed into the Ramatu River and was close to the city of Trina, the soldiers at the head of the city could clearly see that the fleet entering the estuary was two side by side, followed by one. The ship is next to each other, and each ship is full of soldiers.

"This... I am afraid there are no more people!"

"We can't hold this city with this person!"

"Let's just retreat now. Anyway, Sipros said, 'If you can't keep it, you can retreat. Just like Athens, in the face of the invasion of the Persian army, you will give up your home and you can come back to rebuild in the future."


The Trina soldiers screamed in panic, but they soon discovered that the massive fleet was not parked on the banks of the river near Trina, but went straight upstream.

The soldiers were relieved, but the trina of General Trina, who had been overlooking the two "long dragons" in the Lamato River, looked dignified, and his heart raised a terrible thought.

"I’m riding a fast horse to the battlefield! I told the commander of the coalition that there are tens of thousands of Syracuse soldiers who are rushing to the battlefield, hoping for them--" Blomatos said here, suddenly thought of something, actually a bit Can't say it anymore.

According to the return of the previous detective, the coalition forces have begun to fight with the Syracuse people. The various units of the coalition forces should now invest all the troops. Even if the generals know the news, they can take what to stop the enemy’s reinforcements. What?

Looking at the same nervous and disturbing commander, Bromatos tried to calm himself down: "Go ahead."

"...Yes!" The commander turned and went to the city.

Bromatos said with caution: "After the news, you will stay near the battlefield. Once the battle has a result, immediately come back and tell us!"

"Accelerate! Accelerate again!" Leptines stood behind the piper who controlled the rhythm of the sailor and personally gave orders.

Under the fast-paced drums, dozens of sailors desperately paddle the wooden paddles. This is the forefront of the 50th battleship, which quickly advances on the water, naturally also drives the forward speed of the stern and the side fleet, coupled with the southeast breeze, making the entire fleet not speed It is slow because it is going upstream.

Despite the rapid progress of the fleet, Leptinies still looks dignified: as a naval commander, the fiasco of the sea battle with Carthage a few years ago almost made him lose the trust of his brother Dionysius, so this time Since the beginning of the war, he has made up his mind to be ashamed of himself, to Dionysius, and to the Syracuse who ridiculed him to sit on this position only by blood, not by skill. So this time the battle, he must arrive in time, can no longer let his brother Dionysius disappoint, let himself be ashamed!

"The front is the confluence of the river!" The sly lookout on the mast yelled.

Leptinis stalked to the bow, in front of him: a few meters wide and calm river with forks, one to the left and one to the right.

Lep Tignes’s tight face finally showed a hint of excitement: “Ready to turn to the left!”

In fact, he did not have to order it, and the experienced helmsman was already adjusting the course of the ship.

Watching the ship steadily turn into the river on the left and continue to wave the waves, Leptinies finally smiled. According to the map that Dionysius sent him yesterday, he knew that he was in front of him. On the right side of the outer river bank is a large flat beach, which is where he determined the fleet landed.

In order to ensure a smooth landing, he did not even have a three-layer paddleship in the fleet he was carrying. Because the three-layered hull was too large and too long, it was not only difficult to stop at the beach, but also easily hindered the navigation of other vessels. .

"En Amenas!"

"Adult." The head of the Campania mercenary on the ship responded.

"Be prepared, you will see you soon!" Leptinis motivated.

Most of the landing forces carried out by the fleet of Leptignes are Campania mercenaries. Compared with the politicians of the city-states, these perennial mercenaries are experienced and can fight alone without relying on dense squares. It is also the reason why Dionysius chose to let them land. For this conference battle, Dionysius can be considered as deliberate, and some details are considered.

But Leptinies does not like these mercenaries, especially the Celts and Numisians. He believes that these indigenous people are barbaric, bloody, indiscriminate, looting, not listening to the command, if not for this. He did not want to be close to them when he won the war.

"Ha ha ha! Brothers have long been eager to play the big Greeks' ass, this can be said that we are the most relaxed for the adults of Dionysius!" Enmanus laughed loudly, but he was lame I’m so excited, I want to make a great contribution and get the appreciation of Dionysius. Masias, also from Campania, who was also a mercenary, turned now into a disciple of Dionysius, was his example.

"That's right, the leader. We only need one charge, and we can let the enemy surrender!" The mercenaries on board were confident.


Dionysius did consider it very thoughtful. But what he didn't expect was that he repeatedly reminded the Numibia cavalry chief and the Celtic cavalry chief to assist the right wing before the battle, but these militant aliens relapsed and they were busy after defeating the coalition cavalry. The pursuit of killing, killing, and looting the spoils have already left the orders of Dionysius behind.

The right wing led by Fibidas is constantly retreating in the absence of support, and the entire right wing, which is still struggling to support, is about to be squeezed out for a semi-circle.

What Dionysius couldn't think of was that in the middle of the road, the 15,000 Syracuse elite heavy infantry that he had the most high hopes was in the confrontation with the number of similar Dionyrian soldiers, except at the beginning. After a period of time, it is slowly retreating. The retreat of the middle road also affected the left wing.

After getting an urgent report from the left, middle and right, Dionysius now feels that the entire front is back. Yes, the entire array! He no longer had the leisurely mood of the victory at the start of the war. He ordered his adjutant Damocles and the attendants to stand behind the array of the middle of the road, shouting loudly to the soldiers and encouraging them to cheer up. The enemy's attack is going back.

However, in the huge roar made by the roaring, screaming, and gun-and-shield joints, the role played by is almost negligible, and the middle road is still slowly retreating.

"What happened?! Why did Faxi Pesas’s reinforcements not arrive yet?!" Dionysius was anxiously questioning, and his irritated mood also infected his majesty, and he kept swaying his head. Low sound.

"Adults, the commander has just returned, and the troops led by Faxi Pesas are one mile away from the right wing." Damocles immediately replied.

"You go!" Dionysius pointed at him: "Guiding Faxi Pesas directly led the army to speed up to the right wing and attack the enemy's flank!"


"Where is the fleet of Le Putinies going?"

"The position of the left wing has already passed, adult."

"That is about to land. Lep Tinies, this guy, this time is fast!" Hearing the news that the reinforcements are about to enter the battle, Dionysius’s mood was slightly relaxed: Get up, blow the military number, let the soldiers not only hold on, but also start preparing for the attack!"