v6 Chapter 100: Victory of the winner

If there is defeat in the battle, there will be victory, and there will be pain and nature. While the coalition soldiers tasted the bitter fruit, the Syracuse people enjoyed the joy of victory.

In the big account of Dionysius, the candlelight is clear, and the generals gather together to eat and talk about today's assembly battle...

"You don't want to fight! Today, the reason we can win, the most important hero should be Fibidas!" Dionysius was in the top, looking around, pointing to Fibidas and shouting: " I really didn't think that the general of Dionya had so many soldiers on their left wing. If it wasn't for Fibidas to take the right coping style, I am afraid that we will not wait for our reinforcements to arrive, our right wing. Will be attacked by the enemy!"

"The adults are right!" Fassi Pissas immediately said: "When I led the army to attack the enemy's flank, I was very surprised at that time because the enemy's array thickness... some even reached more than 50 columns. I have never seen it before... the length of the stack is enough... there is enough -" Faxi Pesas could not find a suitable adjective for a moment, and he stroked it with his hand and said: "It is longer than this big account." Can so strong force squeeze our right wing, not only did not kill the right wing, but the enemy is tired! So I led the soldiers are just a small charge, the enemy is easily defeated!..."

The crowd can't help but sigh.

Although Phibidas had some contentment in her heart, she did not boast of herself in public. This superficial approach, the Spartans will not do. Moreover, he only fights for the Syracuse, and the glory does not make much sense at all. He just enjoyed the fun of this kind of war, and he is too tired to talk at the forefront of the battlefield.

"Leptinis, this time your performance is beyond my expectations!" Dionysius watched his brother and said with a loud voice: "The mercenary attack led by Endi Dimenas was blocked. At that time, you did not escape, but bravely assumed the responsibility, repelled the enemies that came to intercept, and ensured our smooth attack on the enemy's right wing side. We can get the victory of this battle, you have contributed! In addition, your fleet is still bold and has won the first result after our victory in the battle - Trina!"

Dionysius praised Leptinies without any words, not only because of his brother's performance, but also to show his correctness to Dionysius's strategy of employing people.

"Adult, this time thanks to the help of General Leptines!" Endimenas took the opportunity to toss Leptinis, but also wanted to defend his mistakes: "I did not expect to go to the battle. In such a fierce time, the Greeks retained a unit and did not put it into combat, but a sudden attack on us..."

"So it is not easy to win this game. The Dionian general is not simple!" Dionysius sighed a little, knowing that he was seeing his elite troops behind the array of the middle road. The Nigerian Legion played back step by step. Moreover, after the post-war statistics, there were more than a thousand casualties among the soldiers on the road. This really surprised him and made him feel sad: "Unfortunately we have not been able to retain more Dionian soldiers..."

As soon as this was said, the two hiring cavalry leaders were somewhat ashamed, and the more eloquent Celtic leader Gabba argued with a quirky Greek pronunciation: "We did our best, but those of the Dionia soldiers simply Instead of running away, they line up in an array and fight with us. We lost... a lot of people..."

"Those of the Dionys stretched the array and held the river bank, forcing us to fight against them. It was very difficult for the cavalry to fight with the heavy infantry..." Axi Rita also defended.

Dionysius glanced at them, he just wanted to beat and beat the two unruly alien leaders, and didn't want to tear them apart: "In any case, you dragged more than a thousand of Dionia. Soldiers, and eventually destroyed and captured them, including a military commander, I think this is probably the biggest military loss since the establishment of the Union of Dionia!"

"Adult, it's because the time when Daionia was founded is not yet my younger son!" Another general of Syracuse, Asta Grasse, smiled and said: "Next we will give them more Failed until the alliance is completely destroyed!"

The words of Astargras caused the laughter of everyone.

In the laughter, a cold voice rang in the seat on the left side of Dionysius: "I saw the weapons left by the Daonians on the battlefield. To be honest, I think even with Dior again. The Nigerian Legion Infantry is fighting, and you can’t take advantage of anything."

This provoked dissatisfaction among the people in the account.

"Spartans, you are too high to see the Dionyns!" Astagras shouted bluntly.

"I am telling the truth." Fibidas ignored the dissatisfaction of everyone, and said unceremoniously.

He strode out of the seats, despite the strange eyes of others, put a heavy infantry offensive posture, serious, said: "According to the traditional habit of heavy infantry battle, left buckler both to defense, can also be used strike; while the right hand of spear guns, I can it hold high across buckler to poke rival; once broken spear guns, then pulled out a curved sabers were hacking ...... However, Daiaoniya Legionnaire warfare with we are different, I brought a long shield and dagger Daiaoniya Legionnaire use, but was forced to stay in the off-balance guards. "

Here, Feibidasi did not forget the dark satire about Dionysius, because Dionysius skilled in the assassination, while others are wary of being assassinated, in the past he has repeatedly assassination, and in this regard He was very cautious and had stipulated that anyone who wants to meet him and talk to him must be searched by the guards. The weapons are not allowed to be carried.

Once, he, another brother (he was sent as a tyrant subsidiary neighbors) to the palace to see him, when they talk about an important matter, shoving the guard to come spears, ready to portray a map on the ground, the results of Di Onisius was furious and immediately executed the guard.

At this time, Dionysius did not care about the irony of Fibidas. He was more interested in what he was going to say next, and generously ordered: "Go to bring in the short sword and long shield of Dionya." ”

When the short sword and the long shield were placed in front of Fibidas, he took the long shield in his left hand and protected it on his chest. He explained: "Diaonia's long shield is long enough to better protect the soldier's body. So the soldiers don't have to concentrate on worrying about defense, but they can focus on **** the enemy."

Phibidas said that while using a short sword to make a sniper action, after a few spurs, he inserted the dagger into the wooden table and listened to the sound of "嗤". The entire tip of the sword was completely plunged into it.

"Good sharp short sword!" Leptinies, sitting next to Fibidas, exclaimed, curiously pulled out the short sword and looked carefully: the sword of the short sword had some small gaps. The tip of the sword is also a bit curved. It can be seen that after many times of weapon impact, it still makes people feel chilly.

"This short sword is too short! Before the Diaonians used it to stab my soldiers, we had already stabbed each other with a stab gun!" Astagras forcedly retorted.

"Yes, it is relatively short. But the Diaonian soldiers have this long shield protection, the stab guns may not hurt him, and once the two sides are pushing, the stab guns have been unable to open, and this is short The sword can easily stab the other side...” Pybidas took a long shield and looked at the short sword in the hands of Leptinies. The mood was very calm: the Greek squad’s round shield with a stab gun, this After several hundred years of inheritance, the heavy infantry tactics proved to be so effective and difficult to match in other countries in the Mediterranean. And a city-state alliance that has just been established for a few years can develop another new heavy infantry equipment and tactics in such a short period of time, and can compete with the traditional, which can not help but make him feel terrible!

It turned out to be because of weapons and equipment! Dionysius was a little excited. He thought that his most elite army was not as good as the new legion of Dionya. He was really hit in the heart. Now he listened to the analysis of PybidasHe suddenly realized : As long as it is not a question of the quality of the soldiers, it can be made up.

"Fibidas, do you think that if we encounter the Legionian infantry next time, how should we deal with it?" Dionysius humbly asked the Spartan.

"From the perspective of these weapons and equipment of the Dionysian soldiers, there is no advantage in the case of the middle distance and our heavy infantry. But once the two sides are close to being close to each other, the short sword and the long shield can To play the biggest role. This requires us not to take the tactics of pushing when we play against the square, but to set a certain distance for the top soldiers, using the intensive gun array to make the Devonian infantry. Don't dare to be too close, so that the Syracuse soldiers can use the skillful stabbing technique to gain the upper hand in both punctures..." After a careful reference to the battlefield, Fibidas has been thinking about how to deal with this new type. The impact of heavy infantry. After all, he didn't really face each other and fought against the Dionysian Legion, but with a speculation based on his years of combat experience.

But this is enough to make Dionysius breathe a sigh of relief. The generals under his opponent said: "Have you heard it? Next time I will fight the soldiers of the Dionys, we will follow the method of Filbidas. Deal with them!"

Syracuse, Astagras and other Syracuse will be called after the lead, of course, this is mostly reluctant to cope.