v6 Chapter 107: Sudden change

Although Oliver is not a veteran, his character is active, he is good at making friends, and he has more contacts with Prote Silos during the period of Amendola Lara. They are still familiar. This time, when the war was about to hit, the two met more and more cordially.

"Welcome to you, the head of Oliver's army! The arrival of you and the soldiers has made us feel relieved in the whole city!" Prote Silos said earnestly.

"Proté Silos, the sixth legion, was ordered to come to defend against Crimea, and you have to rely on your full support to fight against the abominable Syracuse!" Oliver also said sincerely.

"Full support for your defense of Crimea is the most important task for me and my subordinates. Tonight, I have prepared a banquet for you in the mansion. We will talk while eating and know the officials of Crimea..." Teslaus saw Oliver's gentle attitude and relaxed his heart. After all, he was the first to cooperate with the army.

"The banquet is not necessary. Because the military law has regulations, I can't violate it. However, I would like to discuss with you in detail how to defend the Crimea..." Oliver said as he looked at the city of Crimea. For the first time since the second Crotone war, he came to the city on the southern border of Dionia. It seems that Scamblas and Prote Silos have not been idle during these years. The walls are not only thickened, but also increased by at least two meters (the first is mainly to guard against Crotones). ).

"I have placed your camp in the square. The support of the Sixth Legion should be supplied by the Ministry of Military Affairs of Turui, but the Crimea City Hall will try to provide you with some fresh meat, fish and vegetables. ...to improve your diet..." Protto Silos introduced Oliver's preparations to Oliver, leading Olivus into the city.

Oliver listened carefully, and he was satisfied that Prot Syros had fully prepared for the presence of the Sixth Legion.

But just after passing the gate, he heard a lot of noise coming from the front.

"You can't let these soldiers enter the city, they will only bring war! Bring death!"

"The Turais are getting out! The Crimea people don't welcome you, get out!"

"You guys and the lives of our loved ones!"


Oliver heard this and suddenly changed his face. He turned and asked: "Prot Sirous, what is going on?!"

Plot Silos also changed his face and was preparing to explain.

At this time, the first brigade captain who first entered the city rushed in and hurriedly said: "The head of the army, there are many people in the front of the Crimea jam in the street, to stop us from entering the city!"

"It’s these guys again!" Prote Silos looked angry and sighed and said: "Before, the case of Poliquesis and the assassination of His Majesty involved many citizens of Crimea. Some have been severely punished by the alliance. Since Syracuse’s invasion of the Great Greece and the defeat of the coalition in the West Chamber, some families of citizens have protested in front of the town hall in the past two days, demanding the release of their loved ones... but I Unexpectedly... they dared to block the army into the city!"

Relative to the anxiety of Prote Silos, Oliver, who has been fighting for many years, is much more decisive and vigilant, and loudly reminds Prot Syros: "We should immediately send troops to arrest these people!"

"How can this be done! They are all people of Crimea!" Prote Silos shook his head again and again.

"At a time when the alliance is facing a crisis, they dare to obstruct the army from entering the city. This is a betrayal of the enemy. It must be severely punished! And at this time, this kind of thing happens. I suspect that there must be enemy enemies in this! Krimisa is about to face The attack of the Syracuse army, if there is such a chaos in the city, will bring us disaster! So I suggest military management of the city of Crimea!"

"Military??" Teacher Protexi looked at Oliver in surprise.

Oliver looked serious: "If it is not strictly controlled, when the Syracuse army arrives, these people who are sloppy and hate us will probably not pay attention to us, quietly open the gates, welcome them in, let us Both became slaves to Dionysius!"

This made Prote Silos think of the tragic days of his imprisonment by Lucania in Amendola. He couldn’t help but shudder and then hesitated and said, "Okay... well, but I hope not to hurt the people of Crimea..."

After getting the consent of Prote Silos, Oliver immediately issued an order, and the first brigade quickly surrounded these troubled Crimea people, no matter how they cried, they were detained.

The Sixth Corps was able to enter the city smoothly.

Soon, the City Hall issued a circular: the implementation of military management throughout the city, the port and the city gates are prohibited from entering and exiting, and the residents outside the city are called to temporarily move to the city to cope with the upcoming war.


The urgency of the northeastern border of Dionia not only shocked the people of Amendara, but also aroused the vigilance of the Turais: the pace of the war is approaching the core of Dionia, awakening them to a few years ago The tragic memory of the war destroying homes, the enemies that are now committed are more and more powerful, and Dionia seems to be able to defend only and cannot fight back. Such a grievous situation has caused the people of Dionia to start worrying. They are looking forward to the ruling. At the same time as the official Daves returned, the "God" about Hades was getting more and more rooted in the hearts of the people.

This night, Daves intelligence officer Aristilas rushed in the residence of the East Side (that is, near the pier in the city, near the Grand Arena area of ​​Denia, which is the famous entertainment district in the city of Turai). Knocking at the door.

The alert Aristilas had not waited for his slave to rush to open the door, and he had already gotten up in his clothes.

The person who came was Tratus. When he saw Aristilas, he said in a hurry: "Adults, our people saw the veterans of the Senate, Petalu, Kadur, and Bogham. In the evening, I quietly took the entourage out of the city!"

Aristilas was shocked and asked, "The city guard did not stop?"

"The security officer Matonis went to Heraklia, the other is the veteran, and they went out from the east, west and north respectively, and did not cause much doubt. The city guard has no support, how dare to stop!" Latus said helplessly.

After the departure of Davers, the current political structure of Dionia exposed many ills as the war continued and worsened.

Although the Senate had proposed "the martial law of the whole city of Tuli in the war to prevent accidents," it was not passed because some people thought that such an approach interfered too much with the freedom of citizens. After all, the war was far from Turui. There is no need to make the atmosphere so tense.

Although the case of Polluxs gave Daves more powers to the Ombudsman to strengthen the management of the veterans, and at the same time, through the "establishment of the public security officer" to carry out the bottom-up supervision, but this is still just beginning Implementation. Even if some of the veterans have no real power, their status is very lofty. Once Davers is absent, how can the average person dare to control it.

Aristilas didn't think so much. He was so nervous because after the assassination, Davers invested more money and manpower into the intelligence department he was responsible for, asking for each of Diaonia. The city strengthens monitoring. After the war was discovered, he was asked to cooperate with the city security officers to ensure the stability of the city and prevent accidents.

Petalou, Kadulke, and Bogham, the three old Brutus elders, complained about some of Dionya’s bills some time ago. They were involved in the Polissis case and supported the proposal of Polixis. Although nothing happened, it also allowed Aristilas to pay close attention to them.

During the period after the outbreak of the war, the three men had several private meetings, which made Aristilas more vigilant. Unfortunately, at a crucial time, Tarantum’s sudden destruction and invasion led to Matonis’s Leaving, let Aristilas be caught off guard. The intelligence department he led was, after all, a private organization of Daves. Without any public power, it was even more impossible to stop the high-ranking Dionysian from leaving...

Thinking of this, Aristilas further asked: "Are you sure they are going to the Bruti area?"

The only fluke in his heart was quickly shattered by the words of Tratus: "I sent people to see that they had crossed the Bisinian wooden bridge."

But Tratus's next words made him feel a little loose: "But after they left the city I immediately sent a horse to the city of Bisnia, once he confirmed Petalou Their route will immediately ride to Cosenza on horseback, first to inform the ancients of Hilos."

Aristilas did not care about his own self-assertion. He cares about whether this long-distance report can succeed. Although Turui has already built a boulevard in Bisinia and then in Cosenza, riding horses in the dark and running between the plateau and the mountains is definitely a dangerous move.

“Who are you sending?” Aristilas asked with concern.


"Oh, that clever guy." Aristilas was a little more relaxed.

Once he was insulted as "Bruti and Greek hybrids" Adpiguis accompanied Anta Orris to Cosenza, and as one of the guides, followed the Dionyrian army to conquer Bruce He said that his identity and his ability to demonstrate in these two operations allowed Aristilas to find him. In the following years, he built the Brutus Intelligence Network, stifled the insurgency, and stabilized the Bruti area. And many other aspects have made great achievements, and he was promoted to the intelligence officer of the Britti area by Daves.