v6 Chapter 113: The succession strategy of Dionysius

"Yes, it's just besieging them! Then take the rest of the troops across the Nato River, straight poker Rimisa!" Fibidas looked at Dionysius and said his suggestion: "Now Deonia The main force is still in the Lucania region, and Tarantum has just regained the Meta Pontum, and the Diaonians will definitely strengthen their defense against the north. Here in the city of Asprostum There are two of Dionya... oh... what remnants of the Legion, I think the territory of Dionia is very empty! I heard that Crimea is just a small town, I want to attack it, to you Thira. There is not much difficulty for Kuza.

After taking the Crimea, the army has been heading north, taking another small town, Castellón, and it is possible to push the city of Turui and join Turangi with Talyan! At that time, Dionys surrendered, and the Crotones were useless in the city. The whole great Greece must be conquered by your Syracuse! Having said that, even Pfeidas was shocked by the prospects he described. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: In this way, the entire Western Mediterranean is really said by Syracuse. Which city-state can cure it?

Everyone else was told by Fibidas that his eyes were bright, and Dionysius had a little bit of movement, but he knew something that two other people didn't know: First, the army of Davers gained a big name in Lucania. Victory, it is said that more than 20,000 Samonetes have been eliminated. Although he understands that the Samonais will not easily admit defeat, the time for the main return of Dionynia to Turui is greatly advanced (he has not received The news of the defeat of the entire army of Samona, and the second is that the city of Crimea has entered a new legion of the Dionysian. Dionysius has already seen the power of the Dionyrian army on the battlefield, although I don’t know. What is its ability to defend the city, and it will not be too bad to think about it. In this way, the number of defenders in Crimea will not be less than 10,000, which is not so easy to be attacked.

More importantly, the city of Crimea was originally the target of the intelligence operations of Syracuse. In the past, this area was the most unsettled place outside of the Bryan region and in the territory of Dionia. Before the war, Syracuse’s intelligence chief, Hipparinus, sent several men to the city. A few months ago, the “Crimisa public protested, demanding a civic assembly, and subsequent assassinations. The Duffs incident is all from their handwriting. Later, after the incident was exposed, under the investigation of the Daonian amnesty, some were arrested and some were hidden. By the time the war broke out, especially after the victory of the Battle of the Ramatu River, the spy activities of Crimea began to become active again.

Dionysius also constantly gets the latest information from Dionya from Crimea, such as the new two new corps in Turui, the secret training of the fleet of Dionia in the Krati River... and They also sent a message: as long as the army of Syracuse arrived in Crimea, they could open the door for the army.

It really gave Dionysius a big surprise. However, since the new army of Dionia entered the Crimea, yesterday afternoon, the news from the north was suddenly cut off. Not only is the city of Crimea martial, but the port is closed.

Dionysius knew clearly that the decisive practice of Crimea would inevitably lead to the failure of the intelligence department's efforts, and it made him feel a little jealous. He is a person who likes to plan carefully and prepare carefully, whether it is attacking west along the southern coastline in Sicily, until Motiya, or going north along the eastern coastline, then attacking west, until Soros. The consistent strategy is gradual, with few daring and daring actions.

This time, after landing in Great Greece, a series of rapid maneuvers were carried out because of the strong sea power and the larger army than the other. Even so, when he and the South Italian coalition war, the news that the Lijim suddenly sent troops to besiege Medema also really scared him. Fortunately, for the battle, he has basically won the game, but not far from Medma. With Lockheed’s tens of thousands of troops, he was calm.

Now, in order to attack Dionia, in addition to thousands of soldiers stationed in Medma, Trina, and Xi Liting, he concentrated most of his troops here. If according to the method of Filibidas, it is necessary to first trap the two towers of Tarantum and Asprostum, which have many enemy troops. The troops that need to stay will probably account for more than half of the total strength. Even if they took the Crimea and Castellón, the city of Turui was not so good. According to what he knows, after the arrest of Polixis and others, the city of Turui is already a piece of iron, not the same when Crotone was attacking Turui for the first time, and Dionya’s The main force is likely to return at any time.

In this way, once the Syracuse attack was blocked, and the division of troops was everywhere, the forces were dispersed and the rear was empty. Over time, problems in any place in Medma, Trina, Asprostum, Crotone, and Turui will be a disaster for him, so he will only be against the Philippines. Bidas’s seemingly beautiful suggestion is somewhat resistant.

At this time, see Dionisius, who has been silent, said: "Adult, for General Fabilidas, I disagree! Motia - Carthage is the most important in Sicily. The military town, also across the bay, we can all attack, not to mention the other cities on the island of Sicily that we have captured. Although Croto's inner city is larger, it is far from being difficult to attack, and the city is far from Too big is not conducive to their defense. It is also in the plains, it is more convenient for us to besiege. Adults, you see -"

Faxi Pesas drove the horse to the wall again, see Dionysius followed, the wall of the finger 100 meters away, continued: "its wall is still the old wall, the gap between the stones should be compared Large, the mortar is not filled tightly, and the stone looks old, it seems that it is not repaired frequently, and some places may still be loose, which is not comparable to the cities we captured on Sicily (because of Sicily Carthage and There are frequent wars in Syracuse, and the ability of the two big states to attack the city is very strong. Therefore, in order to save their lives, other city-states are very careful in repairing the city walls. Unlike in the big Greece, the siege warfare occurred very little, or according to A few decades ago, the way to defend the city was to maintain the city wall. As long as our guns continued to be bombarded, it would cause it to collapse! And now we have enough manpower to build the barriers, approach the battlements, and build the towers and Siege hammers, to destroy their walls, occupy their city... a variety of methods to use together, will certainly be able to break through the city of Crotone, open into the territory of the Diony Way! "

After listening to his heart, Dionysius carefully observed the city wall in front, and looked more relaxed. Then he turned and asked: "Fibidas, what do you think of this siege plan?"

Phibidas did not change his mind and said stubbornly: "I still insist on my opinion. We don't have to waste time under Crotone. When Dionia is conquered, Crotone will naturally surrender. ”

"Adult, you don't have to talk to the Spartans about how to attack the city. They even have more than a few hundred defenders, Pratia, have to be trapped for more than two years to get it, and there are any good suggestions!" Astagra Sneek.

Pfeidas changed his face.

In the fifth year after the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta led the coalition forces because they could not break through the long wall and broke into Athens. They had to turn to the allies of Athens and Pradia in the Piosia region. The Pratia people did not see the big things, and they evacuated a large number of people, leaving only a few hundred people to defend the city.

The result was that the Spartan coalition forces, who were dozens of times more than the soldiers of the Pratia defenders, took more than two years to capture the city. Finally, the Spartans killed the defending soldiers and handed over the city of Pratia. It was the then Allies of Thebes. The key lies in the most important battle in the Hippo war decades ago, the Battle of Platia. The Greek coalition forces, which were fully supported by the people of Pratia throughout the city, finally defeated the invading Persian army, King Sparta Paulania. After the victory, Sri Lanka led the Greek coalition to make an oath: to maintain the independence of Platia forever!

Therefore, when Pratia was ruined, the Spartans personally violated their vows, which immediately triggered an uproar in the entire Greek world, forcing Sparta to discuss the matter in China. The Presbyterian Council had to send an ombudsman to question the expedition. The king of Sparta outside... So, it is still the child's Filibidas is very impressed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Astagras can be said to be the scars of the Spartans.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Dionysius glanced at Astagrass and then said to the seemingly angry Fjidas: "No city has dared to fight with Sparta. But in the siege On the other hand, I have more experience in Syracuse, and I decided to take the city of Crotone inside!"

Phibidas snorted and stopped talking.

When Dionysius finished his words, he was too lazy to care about the mood of the Spartans. He said to the crowd: "Fasisas, Astagras, you organize all the siege technicians, Craftsmen and soldiers began to make siege equipment and build earth embankments, trying to measure the thickness of their walls... ready for all siege!"

"Yes, adults!" The two generals were excited and answered in unison.

Dionysius looked at the two alien leaders again, and his eyes were full of sternness: "The leader of Axi Rita, and the leader of Gabba, you can't help you, but you can't idle, you can lead you. People crossed the Nato River, rushed into the territory of Dionia, burned their villages, plundered their people, and robbed them of their wealth. I want the Diovians to be upset day and night, complaining about the incompetence of their Senate and the consul. !" Dionysius said hazy.