v6 Chapter 120: Crotone's siege war (3)

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and after a quick calculation in his mind, he said in a deep voice: "The elevation angle is unchanged, the gun body is deflected to the left for one degree, the range is reduced by one grid, and the original live weight is used. ”

The gunner immediately did this.


The stone bombs roared away, and then one after another stone bombs flew out of the city...

But there are more stone bombs coming in from outside the city, the shock of "Boom! Boom! Boom!...", mixed with exclamation and screams. One of the stone bullets landed near the guns where Kurdorod was located, and the stone splattered and the sound was amazing. Courdorod was unmoved. After this period of exercise, he was not a scholar who had just graduated from the college (the nickname of the Legionnaires), and he became a qualified soldier.

The siege tower of Syracuse is far from the tower of the siege tower used by Dionia before it was destroyed by Knapetia. It is 20 meters long, 10 meters wide and 12 meters high. Trapezoid, there are seven layers. The top layer is a ring-shaped wooden disc with five archers in it. It can be placed at the top of the city with arrows. The bottom layer also has a siege hammer that can directly hit the wall; the penultimate layer is almost the same as the wall. The suspension bridge can be lowered to allow the soldiers entering the tower to rush to the city; the third to last is slightly lower than the city, and there is another terrible weapon invented by the Syracuse, the abdomen bow... This is a super siege tower that requires hundreds of people to push it behind the tower and on both sides.

The stone bombs of Dionia are constantly falling around it, splashing one after another, splashing the mud mixed with rain and hitting people, causing pain. The hit by the stone bombs is even more horrible, scaring the soldiers around to avoid. In the case of siege soldiers marching under the city, there is only a large area near the siege tower.

The commanding officer of the siege tower certainly felt a little dangerous. He urged the labor behind the tower to push the tower to speed up. As long as they arrived at the city wall, there was nothing to threaten the siege tower.

At this time, the third layer of the outer plank on the siege tower has been opened, and the two belly arches reveal the real body. Its structure is similar to that of a cannon, except that the device used for launching is a huge bow that is laid flat. Fixed to the launcher. The operator uses a rotating pulley to pull the thick bowstring and fix it, then put in an equally large iron arrow.

The distance of 30 meters is very good for the abdomen bow. The archer on the right side even pointed the iron arrow at the top of the helmet on the top of the helmet.

"Call!!......" With a huge bowstring, the iron arrow flashed with a scream, and it hit the city.

When Askamas opened the window in the siege tower, the experience of the battlefield for many years made him feel uneasy. The following conscious squatting in the city, he heard two screams and screams behind him. The round shield blocked the soldiers from the basement and the siege tower bow and arrow attacked by the iron arrow through the chest, and the powerful kinetic energy also penetrated the soldiers behind him at the same time, and finally nailed to the wall behind him, and another iron arrow once Shot through three people, the surrounding soldiers, including Ascamas, see the horror.

The Syracuse giant siege tower, which played a key role in the capture of the Carthage town of Motiya in Sicily, reveals its face. It is like a giant beast, slowly pushing towards the wall, getting closer and closer. , getting closer and closer, the defending city soldiers are panicked and confused...

At this urgent moment, a black spot such as a meteor swiftly crossed the wall, with a strong kinetic energy hit the arrow tower on the top of the siege tower, only to hear the sound of "嘭!", the hard and thick wooden board was easily A hole was broken, and the splattered sawdust was tied like a steel pin to the face and body of the Syracuse archer in the arrow, causing them to scream. But this is not over yet. The stone bullet that fell into the tower fell down the wooden ladder and fell to the third floor of the Siege Tower. A soldier who was winding the abdomen bow, he screamed, causing confusion among other soldiers. Delayed the launch of the abdominal arch.

"Hit! Hit! Our guns hit!!..." The defending soldiers cheered as if they had won the entire victory, using such a move to dispel the fear in their hearts.

Astamas sighed in his heart: the stone bullets of the rifle were quite sloppy compared to the huge siege tower, which was not enough to cause great damage to it.

Ascammas just sighed and saw the stone bullets one after another flying in succession and slamming into the tower.

Just as the soldiers sighed and did not hit, and some even began to pray to Apollo, their prayers seemed to work.

A stone bomb flew from the side and hit the side of the middle of the siege tower, causing the enemy to exclaim.

Then another stone bomb flew into the layer that was opening the baffle and preparing to launch the abdomen bow. The abdomen bow was sound and crisp, and various parts and wood chips flew in a narrow space. The screams of the soldiers and the blood of the splash.

Then another stone bullet hit the lower part of the siege tower.

Despite the constant cheers of the defenders, the siege towers that had been pierced by stone bullets and several large holes were still approaching the wall slowly. Just on the move, the tower began to shake, and the loose planks continued to fall, letting Struggling to push its laborers to panic and escape, the siege tower began to collapse from top to bottom...

On the soil barrier outside the city, Dionysius looked at this scene with his face, and he knew that although under his supervision, Faxi Pesas concentrated nearly 10,000 people and undertook construction work under the command of engineers. The tower, and built three in a few days, but too rushed time, making the siege tower not too strong, the violent impact of the stone bombs is bound to destroy the internal structure of the siege tower...

"Adult, look! The engineering tower has passed the moat!" Damocles shouted excitedly to divert Dionysius' attention.

"Our siege hammer has arrived under the city. I think the wall of Crotone will tremble under its impact!" Another man said, not to be outdone.

Indeed, the walls of Crotone are full of Syracuse soldiers attached to the ants, who attracted most of the attack by the defenders, making the siege tower, the siege hammer, and the Yucheng car (that is, the former moat section) The wooden wheeler, after it reaches the city, the people in the car can use tools such as crossbows to dig up the hardest shell of the city wall - the stone is collapsed and the wall collapses.... These large siege devices It reached the city smoothly. A siege tower was knocked down and could not affect the battle. Once these siege devices are launched together, the walls of Crotone can be a big problem.

However, Dionysius looked up in the sky with anxiety, the dark clouds in the sky grew thicker and thicker, and the rain became bigger and bigger, so that he couldn’t open his eyes quickly: the rain would go down like this, but...

As if in response to his concerns, "咔嚓!!!...... bang!!!..." A dazzling light flashed through the sky, followed by a thunderous thunder, overshadowing all the shackles on the battlefield, and was shocked. Many soldiers who lived on both sides looked up and looked up in the sky.

The wind is big...

The rain is bigger and it quickly turns into a downpour...

Lightning, thunder, squally winds and heavy rains have become the protagonists of this world.

The soldiers are no longer strangled, but they cringe and hide under the city walls or in the towers, because a lightning bolt that ran through the heavens and the earth hit the ground and turned a huge siege tower into two halves!

The people who saw this horror were shocked.

This is the king of God Zeus is angry! The soldiers on both sides shuddered and began to pray to Zeus.

"Adult, it's too dangerous here, let's go on!" The followers all advised Dionysius.

Dionysius looked at the front very unwillingly, but the rain was too dense, and the vision was all white.

He was helplessly ordered: retreat immediately!

In such extreme weather, the sound of the military squad could not be transmitted. Fortunately, the Syracuse soldiers did not need to order, and they had already consciously retreated backward. The Crotones did not dare to pursue the city in such a terrible weather. A grand siege war was just beginning, and it was aborted under the intervention of nature...

Dionysius just got down the ground, and used thousands of people to spend two days to build up the barriers. Under the violent rush of the rain, he slowly collapsed. He reluctantly said: Crotones are lucky!"

"It seems that Zeus is blessing them this time." A follower said casually.

Dionysius immediately looked at the fierce swearing past: "Close your mouth! This has nothing to do with Zeus, but it is a coincidence."

Ascamas in the city is praying to Zeus devoutly.

Crotone has not many rainy days in winter. It can be said that this heavy rain today is rare in the past few years, so Crotones believe that this is the blessing of the gods, although it is being washed away by the storm, Everyone's morale has been boosted.


The war between Syracuse and the South Italian Alliance has always been under the attention of many forces because of the hegemony of the Greek city-states in the Western Mediterranean.

It is not necessary for Carthage to say that they are hateful to Syracuse who has been fighting for himself for a hundred years. But the helplessness is that the reality of the dilemma makes the Carthage Senate reject the Dionysian alliance request Of course they hope that the Syracuse army suffered setbacks and even suffered heavy losses in the Great Greece war. However, the news has been that the Syracuse people have won, even Crotone and Dionia are in danger under the fierce attack of Dionysius, Carthage to Syracuse The strength of the tie is more fearful.

Margo, who was in charge of defense in Sicily, wrote several letters to the Senate to ask for a small attack on the Syracuse League to divert Syracuse’s sight and slow down Dionysius’ attack on the north. After preventing him from conquering the Great Greece, he integrated a more powerful Syracuse.

The Senate, headed by Hanno, rejected his proposal. In order to prevent him from coming to the chaos, the Senate also sent an ombudsman to the Lily spleen to supervise the movement of the Sicilian army.


The Carthage Senate is worried about the progress of the Great Greek War, and the Battle of Collins on the Peloponnesian Peninsula continues.

However, the physically guilty Agassius returned to Sparta and handed over the command of the Spartan coalition in Corinth to Sparta’s other new king, Agassipolis’s uncle, Plaque. Sitas, the army brought back by Agassius from Asia Minor also stayed in Corinth.