v6 Chapter 124: The king returns

Davers even had a leisurely look at the spring on the southwest side of the square, and he could see that the water that Wang Dafus had never seen before was on his way to becoming a king. It played a key role. A submerged spring water that had been exhausted for five years suddenly recovered its vitality at such a special moment. Such a miraculous thing made Dafus could not help but wonder: Is there really a **** in this world? !

His eyes couldn't help but look at the white Hades Temple on the hill behind the northwest side of the square...

Standing on the platform in front of the building of the Senate's Great Hall, overlooking the first and second legions lined up in the square and the people standing on the sides of the legion, even if these Dioniya people are eager to know the answer, They still maintain relative calm in accordance with the command of the patrol team, and the habits of observing social order developed by the Dionysian League over the years have been quite effective.

Davers sighed in his heart, then shouted: "First, the warriors of the Second Legion! You traveled thousands of miles, fighting against the invading Samonais in the unfamiliar mountains and mountains that are difficult to walk. More than us, the more samurai than our former enemies, you are not afraid, bravely fighting, completely defeating them, and ensuring that the Union’s northwestern border will not be re-sown for a long time to come. The threat of the Monet, the Alliance should thank you! The Senate should thank you! The people should also thank you!

After a series of battles, you should have gone home to repair, but not now! You should all know, just as we were in Potentia, the Syracuda army invaded the Great Greece, defeated the South Italian Union in the battle, and many soldiers of the Fifth and Fourth Army were Captive, the West Riding fell, Trina was captured, Coulennia surrendered, and the Syracuse’s squadron had reached the cities of Asprostum and Crotone.

The alien cavalry they hired has invaded the Croton Plain, burned and looted on our land, and cruelly cut the heads of children and children...

The huge fleet of Syracuse ran across the seas of the Ionian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, cutting off our trade routes, slamming our ships, blocking our ports, landing on our shores, killing our people, Burning down our village...

Our former ally, Tarantum, also betrayed us in our difficult times, not only captured our ally, Meta Phattum, but also attacked Heraclea, and also sent soldiers in Amendola, our Burning and looting on the land...

There are also the veterans of the Senate, Petalu, Kadur, and Bokam, who are secretly bought by the Syracuse. (There is no such thing. It’s the three people who have long since reacted. Davers makes Thira. Kuza had a black pot. In the most difficult time, I was tempted by a part of the Blutty people to rebel..."

Daves said that the soldiers who were listening to the audience finally had a commotion. Many soldiers also learned some things during the process of entering the city, but did not expect the whole situation of the alliance to be so bad: even the veterans of the Senate There is a betrayal! !

Daves looked solemn and shouted again: "Brothers, after a hard battle, you should return home to have a good rest and reunite with your family, but in the face of countless people who have lost their loved ones and lost their homes, you can feel at ease. Stay at home?!"


"We don't want to rest, we have to continue fighting!!"

"When all of the enemy is repelled, we will trim it again!!"


The soldiers shouted excitedly.

Daves nodded, his eyes filled with tears, and some choked and said: "There is a saying that is good, 'I can know who is a city-state hero in danger.' You may not know, the Fourth Army Corps leader Dracos is After the failure of the battle in the south, in order to protect the safe retreat of other comrades, he personally broke down and eventually was seriously injured and captured... The evil Syracuse people tried to humiliate him under the city of Asprostum to fight the 4th and 5th Legion. Morale, Drax for the safety of the league... Dracos... slammed into the ground and died..."

The soldiers in the square and the people heard the news and couldn't believe their ears. Especially the soldiers of the second leg of the Dracos who had served as the head of the army shouted: "Daves adults Is this true?! The leader of the Drax team died?!"

"The head of the Dracos army, how could such a strong guy... is it dead?!"

The soldiers shouted, tears had flowed down the cheeks, and the square cried.

Daves wiped his tears and continued to shout: "The head of the Dracos shouted before dying, 'Long live the Dionysian army! Revenge for me!' This is his expectation for us! As the Supreme Commander of Dionia, you will give orders to you as soldiers, and will not kill the enemy and never accept troops!"

"Revenge for the leader of the Drax Army!!!"

"Decisive battle with the Syracuse people!!!"


The soldiers in the square were very excited. They took out short swords, patted the long shield, and made a loud noise of "Boom! Boom!", and all the snoring finally turned into the same voice: "Revenge! Revenge!! Revenge!!!... ..."

This shout from the bottom of my heart is like a thunderous thunder, enriching the anger and sorrow of the soldiers, ringing every inch of the land that was smashed by the enemy...

The other people present were also in a state of turmoil. Even the Kono Gorata, Cornelus and other veterans who stood silently in front of the Senate couldn’t help but scream for "revenge," Daves Waving the right fist and roaring with the soldiers.

For a long time, Davers recovered his fists and the soldiers gradually recovered their silence.

Duffus swallowed, screaming with a hoarse voice, ready to continue to deliver a speech, and this time his goal is the people on both sides of the first and second legion array: "Denian people! The alliance has evolved from a small Amendola to a modern Dionya. Although it is only a short period of four or five years, we have experienced many dangers. We have faced many threats from powerful enemies. In the end, they defeated the enemy and overcame the difficulties. When they came over, they would have today's Dionia.

Today, a more powerful enemy is in front of us. Syracuse it ravages our rapid rise. It wants to kill us completely to prevent our alliance from growing into a country that can threaten its hegemony. You have to understand that this is not the question of whether we stop fighting and not surrender, but the key to survival of ‘not you die, that is, I live!’ Therefore, the Syracuse people mobilized all their mobilized forces, spent a lot of money and resources, and launched this massive war. It must completely destroy our alliance, occupy our land, and turn us and our children into slaves, just as they destroyed the West Chamber! ”

Davers paused, the dead silence in the square, whether the soldiers or the people thought of the tragic scene described by Devers, they were pale and chilling.

"People!" Daphus's voice was slightly softer: "I know that in this war that just started, some of you lost your loved ones, some lost friends, some lost their homes, some Lost the land...and then we may lose more. But we have no choice, in order to prevent us and our children and grandchildren from suffering such a tragic fate, we must bravely fight the cruel Syracuse In the end, as long as we are united, the people who have food in this difficult time will help the hungry people, and the people who live in the house will help the people who have no room to live. Everyone helps each other like a family to spend this difficult time together! Davers, the consul of the Alliance assures you that you will soon hear the news of victory one after another! After the night, it must be bright, overcome this difficulty, and wait for the Dionysian alliance to be more brilliant. Tomorrow!!"

The final promise of Daves made the depressed people excited again.

"Daveus, we will never be slaves, we will fight with you to the end!"

"Daveus, as long as you are there, I believe we will win!"

"That's right, Davers is a god, and there is Hades' blessing, we won't fail!"


"Don't forget, Hades gives us the gods!" In the excitement of the crowd, a voice suddenly reminded everyone: "Pluto said, 'Only when Davers is the king, we can get the last Victory!'"

"Yes, he also uses divine power to resurrect the spring, to urge us to achieve this god!" another voice shouted


The Legionnaires listened a little stunnedly to the people on both sides and excitedly said something like "God...Davers is a king."

Antonios vaguely guessed something He looked up at Davers on the front platform.

And Daphus’s calm blessing overlooks the square that has become somewhat boiling.

The Kono Gorata, Cornelus and other veterans behind him are nervous.

At that moment, a word that shocked them shouted in the mouths of countless people: "Let Master Davers...be a king!"

"Let Davers adults be kings!"

"Dave Davis!"

"Dave Davis!!"

"Daveus King!!!"


The reason why the shouts are getting bigger and bigger is because the soldiers have joined the ranks. Although they still don’t understand the reasons for this, they let the consuls they love, the commander of the victorious Dafus as the king. It seems to be a matter of course to continue to lead them to victory.