v6 Chapter 129: Taranto Sea Battle (1)

"Well, let's take a look at our little Eunice, right?" Asuna bent down and whispered to the little baby in the small wooden wheelbarrow.

The quiet little Eunice saw the familiar person approaching her, and immediately called "Yeah", flicking her hands and feet, and the thick wool covered on her body was opened.

"Madam, you see, even Eunice is protesting!" Asuna said as the baby was covered with a quilt. That is to say, to treat the servant and the good Daves House, and because Azusa is the confidant of Christovia, I dare to speak like this.

Clithista looked at her daughter, and the bright light shone in the alum. She remembered something and sighed and said: "Little Crow was born without seeing his father, who called Dionia. It’s a war..."

When the three were sighing, the front yard heard a cry.

It is a small clo! Both Agnos and Azuna changed their faces, and Azna was busy saying: "I will go see."

"You don't have to go. There are Heni and Cynthia, there is nothing to worry about." As her mother, Christovia is much more calm than loves Grace and Azusa.

Due to the expansion of the war, Diaonia has been continually mobilizing young and middle-aged people to the front line. Many institutions in the whole of Turui have ceased to operate because of the lack of manpower. The same is true for schools. Guards and instructors do not join the new legion, or become sailors or Join the transportation team. Although the teachers have special laws and regulations for the purpose of protecting high-quality talents, they do not need to go to the battlefield, but they still go to the places where they are needed under the arrangement of the city hall to contribute to the war, such as becoming The statistician of the military department, the accountant of the heavy transportation...

As a result, the teaching of the school has stagnated. And without the protection of guards and instructors, the safety of the students could not be guaranteed, so Ansitanos had to announce that the school was temporarily closed.

For safety, Cynthia, Adoris, and Little Crow were ordered not to go out. The little guys who had been smashed at home saw the long-lost big brother Henipolis returning, and he was excited to play with him. child.

The childlike Heinepolis had to take their rugby throwing game on the playground in the atrium of the front yard (because the children were big and energetic, Davers simply put the front yard atrium The pool was knocked out and the whole was changed into a small sports field so that the children could play happily inside and exercise the body at the same time.

Xiao Kelu, who is more than four years old, is also excited to follow her brother and sister. I accidentally fell to the ground and cried.

Adoris is playing on the head, and some impatiently said: "There is no bleeding, there is nothing to cry!"

Cynthia glanced at him, and Adoris did not speak at the moment. He was always afraid of this two-year-old sister.

Cynthia rushed over, raised the crying little clo, gently patted the dust on his body, and then softly said: "Little clo, you are a brave warrior, the warrior will not cry."

I often listened to Adoris at home, and I wanted to be a heroic soldier. I immediately smacked my face and said, "I didn't cry!"

"Okay, take a break first." Henipolis gasped and sat on the sidelines. Unlike the citizens of the Alliance who often carry out military training, he spends most of his time in the college to check the materials, practice writing, and lacks exercise. He just played as a robbing player and followed these energetic children back and forth. Just exhausted my strength: "I tell you a story."

“What story?” Adoris immediately asked with interest, and Henipolis would tell the story and used to tell the children.

"The story of Hades' wife, Parishine and the sea monster, this was the last time I went to Sicily, and you certainly haven't heard it."

"I want to hear!" Adoris shouted immediately.

"I want to listen too!" Xiao Cluo shouted louder.

When Cynthia didn't speak, she sat quietly around Hennipolis.

When Aristilas entered the house, she saw three children sitting around Henipolis and listening carefully to his vivid storytelling.

Seeing this warm scene, Aristiras naturally remembered the news about the "Arobomas rebellion" that she just got, and she couldn't help but sigh.


In the early morning of December 6, the weather was fine, and there was no cloud in the clear sky with a breeze.

Davers gathered all the soldiers of the First and Second Legion in the military camp, and then led them to the foothills of the Temple of Hades. There were already many people gathered here, as well as the veterans of the Senate.

Davers took the lead to go up the mountain, followed by the Senate and the two heads of the army.

The priest Plesinus had already waited in front of the temple, and a Dewes-led man walked into the Hell Temple of the Temple of Hades.

Davers looked up at the statue of Pluto with a double-stranded fork, black hair and glaring, and there was a kind of intimacy in his heart: from his rebirth to the present, he had a close relationship with Hades, but now it is He rested with each other. As long as Dionia always existed, the Dafus royal family would have to be a family with him, to offer him, and to be blessed by him...

Thinking of this, Devers devoutly bowed down and then whispered: "The selfless Goddess of God, your earthly god, Dionya is being surrounded by war, in danger, your children and grandchildren ( That is, Daves himself) will soon lead the army and the Syracuse to a desperate battle, hoping to get your blessing and win the game!"

After that, Davers stood up and lit an oil lamp, respectfully placed on the table in the middle of the statue.

Then, Plasinhos took a black calf, which was specially selected from many Lucania cattle. It seemed to know his fate, but when Davers pressed it with his left hand, it didn’t call it. jump.

Davers took out his short sword, touched his back neck, squatted down, and stabbed it in with a forceful sword. The calf screamed and fell to the ground and died.

The priests quickly lifted it to the ceremonial table, cut open the abdomen, and took out the internal organs for viewing. How can the internal organs of healthy calves have lesions? Therefore, after the divination priest carefully looked through it, he said aloud: "Auspicious! It is a good sign!!"

Everyone's expression is one of the loose, revealing the color of joy, singing Hades's carols, watching Plesinas solemnly offering fresh blood food before the statue...

In addition to the Temple of the Hell, Daves also worshipped the spirits with the two heads of the army...

"Hey!... Hey!..." The mountain’s nine long bells rang loudly, and the strong people and the soldiers at the foot of the mountain were excited.

"It's a good fortune! It's a good sign!!..." When Davers and his party came down from the mountain, the mountain had become a sea of ​​joy, as if it had already won.

Just as Davos led the first and second legions to the military port, in the military port, Sekelly was mobilizing for nearly 30,000 sailors before the war: "Brothers, you have been training hard for so long, and today you are finally at sea and enemies. Yesterday, I was taken by Dafoss... I was asked to discuss the naval battle. There were also several heads of the army. They even dissuaded their Majesty not to fight the Syracuse at sea and say 'our navy. Just formed, no experience, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Syracuse. I argued with them, but they were reprimanded and said, 'Our Navy has no merits and is not qualified to speak with them...'"

Seclín’s words made the sailors feel angry. He shouted and shouted: “Fortunately, the wise King Duffus said, 'He believes that the sailors of Dionia will fight like the civic soldiers and fight for the league. Come to victory! 'Brothers, let us not let down our expectations, tell the proud army with a brilliant victory, we are also the heroes of the hearts of the people! With this victory, we can also be like the Legionnaires Get citizenship faster (because a large part of the sailor is free)! Get the share of distribution faster! Brothers, for your good life in the future, let us do a good job and defeat Syracuse Navy!"

"Destroy the Syracuse Navy!!!"

"Dyonia Navy Wansheng!!!"

"Duffus smashed 10,000!"


The speech by Sikelyan said that the **** sailors shouted, and the shouts let the people who got the news and rushed to the coast look at them. www.novelhall.com~ Even Davers in the middle of the road heard them. The shouts, could not help but smile: "The morale of the Navy is very high!"

Although there was some quarrel with Seklelyn yesterday, before the battle began, Amintas also threw those small disputes behind him and said happily: "This is very good, and we have increased the odds."

"Now I am ordering--" Seklely looked around the sailors, sighing and shouting: "Tugboat into the water!!"

The sailors immediately rushed to the dock where they were responsible for the battleship they were responsible for.

The warships that are not in combat are stored in dry docks, and the sun is exposed regularly, so that the ships that are extremely damaging to the ships cannot survive, and the spoiled ship plates are replaced and maintained, thus ensuring the life of the ships. Therefore, the military port of Turui is different from the commercial port. It does not have a dock. Instead, it builds the river bank into a sloping embankment with a certain angle, and builds a dock on the embankment. After the warship enters the port, the sailors will drag the warship along the **** of the causeway into the dry dock for storage.

Since the military port of Turui was built in a hurry, without careful planning, not only did each dock be simple, but the land was also cramped. It moved from the temple of Hera to the east and extended to the outside of the market. On the banks of the river, the banks of this section of the Krati River are densely packed with large and small docks.