v6 Chapter 189: Bingwei Xiliting

The Hibernian defenders looked at the city with horror and watched their compatriots being easily defeated by the Lijim army outside the city. They fled and fled, but they did not dare to go out to meet the city. Instead, they closed the gate.

An hour later, more than 5,000 Li Jim soldiers surrounded the city of Hibernian.


At this time, Davers has led the army into the West Territory. In the march, he has been thinking about what kind of military action to take next, in order to completely kill Syracuse and end the war, so it has been quiet all the way.

Henipolis, who is beside him, looks very good. In the big account last night, Davers finally affirmed his thoughts and carefully conceived several proposals for him to safeguard his interests, so today he gets up early and no longer has to think about how to build the city of Laos. It feels very easy.

He was excited to talk to Tolmid, and later dragged Martius to chat. He wanted to know more about the process of yesterday's battle and he was very active.

The vast army of Dionia arrived outside the city of Silit, without any hindrance.

This was originally in the expectation of Davers. He took the **** to reconnaissance around the city: the wall of the West Riding is about seven meters high, and the perimeter of the wall is more than a mile. It has no moat, but a trench in front of the city. Three gates in the south and north, the port is surrounded by the city wall and integrated with the city. Compared with Turui and Crotone, it is not a big city, but it is a lot bigger than the towns of Bitrina and Hibernian.

According to the results of the interrogation of prisoners last night, Davers learned about the strength of Syracuse in the city of Sileing: the original garrison of 4,000 people in the city, and 20,000 civilians and slaves from Syracuse and allies. Many people, they are mainly responsible for the transportation of heavy food.

There is also a special group of people, Dionysius's knowledgeable mathematics scholars, highly skilled construction engineers, equipment manufacturers, carpenters, boatmen, etc., collected in Sicily, and nearly a thousand people, Dionysius The reason why Sis was able to break through the city of Crotone was relying on the rifles, siege towers, abdominal arches made by them... all kinds of siege equipment and facilities. This is also the group of people that Daves finally got.

In addition, the city also has Crotone and Silitary soldiers captured in the Battle of Lamato, and Dionysius has sold to a part of the slave traders, and three or four thousand.

In addition, the defeated soldiers of Syracuse are now returned to the West Chamber, and the number of people in the city is probably as high as 60,000. If Dionysius had not killed, sold, or robbed the people of the West Chamber, there would be no more people in the city.

Deavers looked at the Syracuse soldiers on the top of the city, imagining that when he gave the siege command, these Syracuse soldiers who had just experienced defeat would not maintain the calm at this time.

Of course, Davers will not rashly attack a town with more than 30,000 soldiers and possibly 20,000 reserve soldiers. He has plans to implement it.

On the head of the city, Dionysius looked at the team of people who were running fast and sprinted hundreds of meters away. The gloomy voice squeezed out of the teeth: "I heard that Dionys of Dionia is in every Before a big war, I like to see the enemy in front of me, I must have him inside!"

"Do you want to fire guns at them, hope that Apollo will bless, and let the stone bullets lie on his head." Fibidas said sarcastically, his hands and arms were wrapped around his waist and bandages. Live like a mummy, he was injured in the battle yesterday, and he escaped. After treatment, he slept until noon today. Hearing that the arrival of the Dionysian army, he still supported the city.

Dionysius did not speak, and Phibidas guessed it. He really had such an idea in his heart.

"I didn't expect that our powerful army would have lost to this young man in our mouth?!" Fibidas's exclamation was full of doubts. He fled back to the city yesterday. He had no time to explore the detailed process of the battle. So now he has not figured out how the Syracuse army failed.

"It is precisely because your deployment is fully seen by the Diaonians, they are targeted, we will fail..." Dionysius closed his eyes with pain: Dionysian left wing Temporary change, the hidden spear square behind the cavalry, and the rear attack of the right wing of the Diaonian reserve team...

He did not want to recall the scenes of yesterday’s nightmare. He was somewhat resentful and pushed the main responsibility of failure to the Spartans, but he did not want to admit the fact that the Syracuse soldiers were not as good as Diaonia. Even if the left, middle and right forces have more troops than the other side, they have not given enough pressure to the other party, so that the other party can boldly draw troops and display their own plans.

It’s the turn of Fibidas to have nothing to say. Although he hasn’t figured out the reason for the failure, his tactics didn’t work. This is a fact.

"But it was only a defeat in the battle. A few years ago, we were defeated by the Carthage in the battle. We were also surrounded by the army. Even the people were rioted. The situation is more critical than today. But under my command, in Sparta. With the help of his allies, he finally defeated Carthage. He heard that Carthage’s general, Hemilco, also committed suicide!” At this time, Dionysius looked around with his low morale, and he realized that he could no longer indulge. In the midst of failure, you must be excited, otherwise the next battle will be harder to fight. At the same time, for Fibidas, he can no longer be harsh, because in such a situation that is extremely unfavorable to Syracuse, Syracuse will rely on Sparta more: "Don't look at today's Diavians. Because of the victory, but with the blessings of Apollo, our Syracuse people will let the Diaonians who were only free people a few years ago know that the final victory will only belong to Syracuse!"

"Donnisius is right. In the past few years, facing Carthage, we didn't win first and then win, and eventually became the master of Sicily. Is Dionia stronger than Carthage!" Damocles immediately echoed.

"There are no terrible things for the Dionyns. We must re-energize the morale of the soldiers and wait for the opportunity to give the enemy a counterattack!" Fassi Pissas also said loudly.

The generals and the ministers were encouraged, and their faces began to look good. Even the frustration in the heart of Phibidas was scattered. Only in the minds of the intelligence leader Andros Tini outside the crowd: Since Dionysius Not afraid of Dionia, why should you quietly send messengers? ......


A week after Daves round the city, he returned to the army and issued an order: a camp was built one mile away from the city.

His plan is to take advantage of the enemy's new defeat and lack of morale. Now, the camp is so close to the city, and then quickly pushes the two wings and the city to achieve the goal of completely siege the city.

When the order was reached, the 50,000 troops split half of the people and began to dig trenches to build the earthen walls. The other half were fully armed and wary of the Syracuse’s sneak attack. Only Cipros led more than a thousand Trina soldiers to march west quickly, and they couldn’t wait to take back their home, Trina.

Just as Daves urged the whole army to speed up the construction of the camp, Tormide came to report: The Syracuse messenger asked for it!

"Oh, it's you!" Seeing the Syracuse messenger, Davers said with a deep smile: "This time Dionysius sent you, is he ready to surrender to me?"

"Davers, we are Syracuse's hegemon, not only have 70,000 civic soldiers, 500,000 people, but also a dozen major states are our allies, listening to our call at any time." Damocles Proudly said: "Even if we failed in the naval battle, we failed in the battle, and lost a lot of warships and soldiers, but this failure can not be anything, we can reorganize one at any time in Syracuse. The army of the army is coming to the big Greece, can Dionia do it?!"

"Since Syracuse is so strong, you should greet the arrival of your new army in the West Riding Harbour and what we are doing here!" The clerk Henipolis said sarcasm.

Damocles ignored him, but looked at Davers, and said solemnly: "Because the war between Syracuse and Dionia continues, no matter who wins or loses, he will weaken us. The power of the Greeks in the Western Mediterranean will give benefits to the indigenous forces who hate our Greeks like the Carthaginians, the Mesapis, the Shamones, I think Master Onythus, or Master Davers, would not like to see such a situation. Therefore, the Dionysius sent me to represent him on behalf of him, he proposed, 'the two sides truce Do you agree with Master Davers?'"

"It’s a ridiculous joke! Who led the army to invade the Great Greece, burned and looted, and did nothing? At that time, your lord did not consider that such brutal aggression and killing would greatly weaken the Greeks’ power on the Italian peninsula. And let the nearby indigenous people get the benefits! Oh, now I have lost, and I think of peace, to protect the interests of the Greeks - hehe!" Helipolis smirked: "I just want to know Dior." Does Nisius know the meaning of the word 'shameless'!"

Damocles avoided answering, but instead said with conviction: "The first thing that provokes the war is not Syracuse, but the South Italian alliance. If you don't want to attack Rocky, we will not accept the invitation of allies. Come to Greece -"

Henipolis smirked and said: "I know what it is now -"

At this time, Davers raised his hand and waved, and Henipolis did not speak, but hated the Carthage messenger.