v6 Chapter 203: Customer's suggestion

"Now the vicinity of the ruins of Achillion has become the largest gathering place for Katanay, Naxos and other city-state exiles. After the death of Achillas, the Sikels have been suppressed by Dionysius. The new kings were not elected, and the towns of the West Kyle could no longer be united, so the threat to the settlements in Achillion was not great. It was the Sikuri, Taoromeon, and Kata who came from time to time. The mercenaries of Nai have a great threat to them.” Sherifinnis continued to add: “If these exiles can come to Meyaro, then you can add four or five thousand soldiers to the adults!”

A group of unconstrained rabble from various city-states is not as good as a group of slaves. Antonios thought about it, but did not say it. He looked at the position of Agilent on the finger of Shenovens: it is located on the west side of Mount Etna, starting from Mayalo and going along the Alcantara Valley. Go west and you can get there. However, in this way, the location of Tao Luomeniang is a threat to this passage. Will it be less if only 200 soldiers are sent to defend against the Tao Luomenian people?

So Antonios asked: "If I lead the troops to attack Taurogen, can the slaves and free people there cooperate with us?"

Sheriffinius shook his head and said: "This is probably very difficult. Dionysius gave Tauromenian to the Campania mercenaries, although their number is not large, but the city of Tauromenian does not Big, and there is very little arable land. They don't need too many slaves. They often sell the exiled exiles to Katane and Sikuri, and the free people will not go to Taoromeon, where both There are no ports, no arable land, and what do they live on?"

What Xie Fennis recalled, his face was scared: "I used to go to the city of Taoromeen, it is above the mountains, the terrain is steep, only a winding path can be reached. Our soldiers have to attack it, I am afraid It will pay a lot of money, but also --" He did not finish, but apparently not optimistic about the first legion can seize the mountain city.

Antonios listened and was slightly disappointed.

Serophonis followed closely: "However, if you attack Sikuri, adults and slaves there will certainly help! Dionysius destroyed several city-states, now southeast of Sicily, except Thira. In Kuza and the surrounding city-states, there are many people in other places. As far as I know, not only many slaves in city-states are exiles, but many free people are exiles, as in the case of Meyaro. They are always eager to overthrow the rule of Dionysius and rebuild their homeland. The citizens of these city-states also know this, but they have not taken effective measures to stop because of their newly acquired land and port needs. A lot of people come to take care of..."

Although the situation described by Shepherd Fennis is tempting, Antonios is not prepared to do so. The reason why he wants to win Taolumenian is because he wants to cope with the Syracuse attack, and it is best to ensure the safety of the north side of Meyaro, otherwise the Syracuse attack from the south, Tao Luo The mercenaries of Menion came from the north, and even the colonists of Rocky and Medma in Messina sent reinforcements, and Mayalo was in danger of being completely surrounded. As for the capture of the city of Sikuli, it seems to be very beautiful, but when the enemy is about to come, dispersing his own forces, leading to possible two-sided combat, this is the taboo prescribed in the "Diaonia Military Law", Antonios Of course, you will not make such a mistake.

Antonios silently thought: It seems that only the strengthening of the defense of Meyaro, waiting for the arrival of those exiles, depending on the situation, then decide the next plan.


When Spartan messenger Resops returned to Sparta, Teacher Agassi had received an order from the Presbyterian Council to go to Corinth, take over Praxitas, command the Spartan Alliance army, and continue to attack Collins.

The customer’s report will be reported to the Council of Elders.

These 60-year-old Spartan elders were amazed at the reluctance of the Dionyns to face such a dilemma and actually want to defeat Syracuse, and even more surprised that Diaonia actually defeated the tin. The unfortunate result of Lakuza’s navy made the elders look at each other.

After a while, the elder Diopetis asked in a deep voice: "Guris Sophos, the Diaonians arrogantly rejected our Spartan friendship proposal, so that the Great Greece war will Keep going. You have just returned from Great Greece to understand the situation there. What advice do you have?"

"Dearly elders, Dionysius is determined to conquer the Great Greece. Davers is bent on revenge for the people. The two sides are like a pair of red-eyed rams. It is impossible to stop them by words. And we, Sparta, now, apart from words, if there is no other way to mediate this war, the war in Great Greece will continue until one side falls down..." Customer Thorpe answered truthfully. The implication is that Sparta’s prestige is not enough to capture the two forces of the Western Mediterranean. They must come up with practical things to obey them, such as the army.

The elders were silent for a while: now most of Sparta’s energy is bet on this war in Corinth, and a small number of troops are in Asia Minor, where there is still room for another battlefield.

For a long time, the elder Lucypus sighed: It seems that the Syracuse people could not help us in the short term! ”

Praxitas, as the regent of Sparta King Agassipolis, replaced Agassipolis at the Presbyterian Council. At this time, he asked: "Guris Sophos, you think Syracuse Who will Dha Tha and Dionya win in this war?"

When this problem came out, the other elders looked at him with amazement, and the meaning expressed in his eyes was obvious: This is still used! Although Diaonia won the naval battle, the final victory will still be resolved on land, but the strength gap between the two sides is obvious. The final winner is Siracusa. It is very likely that Dionysius will lead. With 80,000 troops, Sparta has never had such a powerful military force!

However, the appearance of the guest Thorpeus was hesitant. He thought for a while and said: "Although Dionysius has a clear advantage in terms of strength, Dyonia has Daves. Before, Every war in Dionia, watching the situation before the war, we all think they can't win, but in the end they all win, so Dionia will become a one in a few years that we have to The city-state alliance that is valued. Now, Davers repels the Samonet in central Italy and returns to Turui. It is said that under his command, the fleet of the Republic of Mexico has miraculously defeated the far more than Their powerful Syracuse navy. Now he leads the army of Dionia to face the Syracuse army of Dionysius, and it is really difficult to judge the outcome!"

"Dionysius is not comparable to the stupid generals that Dionia had encountered before!" An elder retorted: "He defeated Carthage!"

"Davers!..." Diopetis sighed: "Hope Thorpes, I remember that you suggested to the council that he would be accepted as a VIP of Sparta."

"Yes, I made this proposal to the council." Customer Thorpe answered truthfully.

"I didn't expect the young people who were inconspicuous a few years ago to become the ones that made us Sparta have a headache!" Dio Petes turned to face the elders, and looked calmly: "We need to seriously consider the guest Thorpe Sis inferred, and should consider how the Sparta should respond if Dionia really defeated Syracuse?"

The elders heard this and, in surprise, they fell into meditation. As a result, they found out that although Sparta had little contact with the Dionysian Union, the relationship was not very good. Instead, I heard that Dionys Asia and Sparta’s mortal enemy Athens signed a friendly agreement. Once Dionia won the Great Greek War, Sparta used to think that the rear of the security - the Western Mediterranean was pulled out of it by a big hole, Sparta In response to the hegemonic challenges of traditional powers such as Athens, Thebes, and Collins, they will also guard against the hostility of the powerful city-state alliance in the west. The pressure on Sparta will undoubtedly increase dramatically!

Many elders thought of this and their faces began to become gloomy.

Some elders pretend to say easily: "This is just a hypothesis Deonia is unlikely to win!"

"We simply let Dionia have no chance to win!" Another elder said with impetuosity.

"What can we do? Send troops to Grand Greece to support Syracuse?! Now most of the fighters are concentrated in Collins. We can still send troops there! Let other alliances help? Unfortunately, we used to The attention and support of the Western Mediterranean has been invested in Syracuse, so our understanding of the Great Greece is not as good as Athens!” Praxitas was angry with the elders and removed him from the Spartan League command. The official position, thus ridiculously ridiculed: "Oh, yes, there is a Tarantum, our sub-state, but unfortunately, when Dionia won the victory over the Syracuse sea battle, it easily defeated They are! Hey, this is the Western Mediterranean plan that you have developed over the past few decades, a bunch of shit!"

The elders were said to be speechless at one time.

At this moment, a quiet voice was heard in the venue: "Maybe... we can have a friendly talk with Dionia."

The eyes of everyone immediately gathered on the guest's body.