v7 Chapter 14: The royal family of Deonia (below)

Ivy, who was still confused before, immediately took the meat bag and bite a few mouthfuls, and let Aigony hurriedly said: "Don’t worry, eat slowly, be careful!"

"Little Bout, how is your brother, I want to lie to my sister's breakfast." Cynthia criticized and smiled.

In the face of Cynthia, Briantes did not refute, but bowed and did not speak.


Davers looked at it with a smile, and this time of the morning and evening is the most relaxed moment of his mood.

"Cynthia, after breakfast, I went to the bank of the port and listened to their financial report for the first half of the year." Clithista said with a cloth towel. Although Asuna left, but Cynthia grew up, and she is a self-family, but also more knowledge, in the past few years in the intentional training of Christovia, become her right hand.

"Okay, mother." Cynthia replied.

"Ah..." After Ivia heard it, she said, "I want to go with my sister Cynthia." Among these children, Ivya is still not at school, and she stays at home, Klis. Toya and Ai Geis have something to do, and more is Cynthia who is taking her, so she is very sticky. And today Molina called her to get up when she was too fierce, she did not want to stay alone at home.

Cynthia understood her psychology a little, so she said to Cly Stovia: "Mother, let me go with Ivya?"

Clithista looked at Ivya.

Ivya stared at her, and looked at her other mother with pity.

"Where you can be obedient, don't yell and yell." To Avia, Christovia is actually very relieved, because the child seems to be very quiet everywhere.

"Yeah!" Ivya nodded hard.

Ai Ge Nisi expressed her gratitude to Cly Stovia.

"Ivya, you can't live without a big sister, wait for the big sister to marry out, what do you do?" said Eunice.

When Ivya heard this, she suddenly became red.

"At the time, Avia can often go to see her sister, and her sister will come back often. She won't leave us..." Ai Ge Sisi was busy comforting her daughter.

At the same time, Klotok Katex coughed and sprayed milk on the table.

"I was drowned now." Klotok Katex explained.

Clithistia immediately threw a hidden look at Davis.

Davers’s heart was relieved. He has been observing since he entered the restaurant. Apart from this dysfunction, Davers basically did not find that the child showed any abnormality, which just shows that his self-control is very strong. Let Daves be proud.

"Well, Crowe, you are 16 years old now, you have to carry out formal military training, I am going to give you a set of equipment for heavy infantry. Do you have any requirements?" Davers asked.

"Diaonia's military law does not stipulate that the military equipment and equipment possessed by citizens must meet the requirements, and must not make arbitrary claims to modify the size, color, and pattern?" Klotok Katex asked in confusion.

"That means that the appearance, size and color of the weaponry should be consistent with other soldiers of the Legion, but in places where you can't see it, you can add or modify something to enhance their performance and increase the comfort of use, such as in a helmet. The addition of cloth pad can quickly absorb sweat and slow down the impact of external force on the head. For example, the amount of linen glue on the linen breastplate can be reduced and the hippo skin can be seamed on the inner lining to ensure the same thickness, but the protective ability is greatly increased. ..." Daphus explained in detail to his son some of the flaws in custom weaponry.

Klotok Katex listened carefully for a while and said without hesitation: "Father, don't have to be so troublesome, you can customize it as usual, and let my armor shield spear be the same as other citizens."

"Crow, you should--" Klystoya listened at the side, busy to persuade.

Davers was pleased to say: "Children, you are doing the right thing! Only if you don't specialize, you can mingle with your teammates. Your team can quickly form a whole. In battle, your comrades. I will not hesitate to resist the spears from the enemy in times of crisis..."

Klotok Katex listened carefully to his father's teachings.

When Christovia saw this scene, it was not good to persuade.

"Dad, I have to customize a set of shield spears like the second brother!" Briantes shouted.

"Dad is not making a set for you."

"But that's wood -"

"Because you are still young, you can't hold a real iron shield spear. Can you lift up the pair of big hammers that Dad put in the courtyard?"

Briantes shook his head.

"When you get to the age of your Klo brother, you have enough power to lift it up, and Dad will also customize a real shield spear for you, okay?" Daves patiently persuaded the child.

"it is good!"

"Bout, will you want to be a soldier or a general who will command the soldiers in the future?" Davers continued.

"Of course it is a general, how powerful it is!"

"Then you have to study at school right now. Learn literacy, you can understand the orders issued by the commander; learn the arithmetic, you can know how to arrange the troops; learn the debate, you can convince the soldiers to obey Your order. So after school, you must study hard, don't play, you will be a general in the future, okay?" Daves also took the patience to persuade Briantes, his child is old. Still small, but the energy is too strong, courageous, went to the school for half a year, disturbed the class is not peaceful, the teacher has responded to Christovia several times.

Briantes seems to understand the nod.

"Apo, don't patronize snickering, you have to go to help your younger brother. If the tests at the beginning of his school are not good, I will find you to settle the accounts!" Daves said seriously.

"Ah?!" Apox looked blank, but his mouth was still stained with grease and scum, which looked quite funny, and suddenly the brothers and sisters laughed.


After breakfast, Clithista took Cynthia, Cynthia with Avia, and took the carriage to the port. And A. Grace sat in another carriage and rushed to the Temple of Hera in the east of Turui.

Croto Kataks and Apox, Eunice, and Briantes, escorted by guards and slaves, traveled to the Delta of the River Delta in the city of Turui. But when I got there, my younger siblings went to the Turui school, and Croto Kataks had to go to the Dionysian Academy.

After Daves sent his wife and children, he went to the Dionysian Senate under the protection of the Palace Guard.

When the Dionysian Senate was built more than a decade ago, it was only the highest authority of the Dionyrians, but now it is the place where the power of the most powerful kingdom is represented by the Greek powers of the Western Mediterranean. Of course, the later construction of the Royal Palace of Dionynia divided some of its glory.

When the Senate was built, its magnificent appearance was amazing, and it made the outsiders feel funny: a newly established alliance of less than two or three cities actually built a big parliament that is not commensurate with its strength!

No one dares to say such a strange word today, but instead sighs the foresight of King Davers.

Although the territory is expanding, the number of Dionysian veterans is not always growing. After the case of Polksis, and the loss of the South Italian war, the number of elders also dropped sharply. Even when the meeting was held, there were only a few people in the big conference hall. Everyone was not on the battlefield, but shouldered the heavy responsibility and was busy in stabilizing the domestic order. ... It was a period of the most difficult period in Dionia, and it was also a period in which the elders played an important role. In the end, Dionia came over and ushered in another great development of the kingdom.

Leading by Ruos, Trina, Castellón, Crotone, Cologne, Heraclea, Meta Pontum, the alliance city states have actively joined the kingdom; Rocky, Mai Dema, Heberian, the three former Lockley League city states were forced to merge into the kingdom; West Riding, Enona, Copsa is the territory occupied by Dionya; Naxos, Katane, West Curry and Taoromeon have also become part of the kingdom.

In the following decade, while the kingdom was striving to restore the population, agriculture, and trade of newly acquired land, it also used the Meshapi and Puchettis to tear up the agreement and attack the free city of Taronia, Tarantum. By declaring war on both regions at the same time. In the Brindisi conference, Davers led five legions and two cavalry regiments to successfully defeat the Meppe coalition. Taking advantage of these two fierce race losses, www.novelhall.com~ The Kingdom of Dionia began an annual planned and step-by-step encroachment campaign.

Until the beginning of the previous year, there were no more independent towns in Mesapi and Puceti. This also makes the Diaonian Senate's Great Hall no longer so empty, the number of elders is more than two hundred, occupying 1/5 of all seats in the venue, so the normal order of the Senate is maintained at the meeting, becoming the highest An important task for the Ombudsman and his men.

"The king drove!" the order officer shouted, and the original noisy venue suddenly began to calm down.

After Dionya became a kingdom from the Union, the biggest difference between the Great Hall and the past was that there was a leather chair at the back of the center of the venue surrounded by a semi-circular veteran seat. The seat of the King of Onia. There is a gate at the back of the wooden chair, which is dedicated to the passage of King Daves.

Four armed guards armed with shield spears entered the venue at a neat pace, standing on either side of the leather chair.

Then wearing a white, embroidered black pattern of Bolton, wearing a gold-like crown resembling a willow leaf (the symbol of Hades is a poplar), and holding a half-man high gold scepter Dever Step by step and enter the venue.