v7 Chapter 19: Selection of Chief Executive (2)

After Davers knew it, he sent the messenger to negotiate.

At this time, Syracuse was under the dwarf, and had to bow his head and dare not agree.

As a result, nearly 3,000 people left Siracusa, and the leader was the Julius. Thousands of this mighty people did not go to Leotini, and most of them persuaded Julius to come to Kataney. At that time, Katane occupied almost half of the Catania plains, lacking the labor force, and of course accepted them without hesitation. As the leader of these two thousand people, Julius eventually became the Dionysian.

However, Jules did not like to stay with the other veterans of Sicily, but rather closer to the former veterans. He used to be a prosecutor of Turui and also served in the military department. He also laid down the shelf of the veteran and actively participated in the military training of the military camp. He eventually became a captain in the reserve of the Turif army. .

In the five years of Dionia, he became the Chief Executive of Niutum. He spent three years smoothly and did not have a particularly good performance. After all, Niutum was first incorporated into the Canoria Union of Lucania. In the territory, the successive chief executives have devoted their efforts to it. Whether it is the system or agriculture, trade, and public construction, it has developed well. At the end of the term, the evaluation of the Kingdom’s officials’ management committee was “good”.

But Davers found that the people of Niutum were actually reluctant to leave his departure, which is a bit special. It is especially rare to know that Julius had been in Sicily before and had no chance to get in touch with the Lucanias, but he was able to treat the Greeks and Lucanias equally in Niutum.

So Daves once again appointed him as the chief executive of Vig City, and his traits were once again revealed in the Blutite people during his tenure. Therefore, although he has just left office for less than two months, Davers still thinks he is the right candidate for another Enno Chief Executive after NikoMarcus.

What is going on today? ! The position of a chief executive of Enona actually led to the competition of four outstanding veterans! This made Davers also spirited.

After Cornelus once again clarified the names of the four candidates to the elders, he announced that the voting began.

The veterans cut a small piece from the papyrus that they carried with them, wrote the name of the veteran that they wanted to choose, and then proceeded to the wooden table in front of Cornelus in order. A big ballot box.

Supreme Ombudsman Sesta and top judge Trito Des Moss stood on the sidelines, mainly to prevent elders from cheating and voting more.

Of course, there are illiterate members of the elders who will raise their hands. Then a sequencer and an inspector from the venue will come to his side. The orderer will write the name of the veteran whisper on the paper. The inspector is Beside him to monitor whether he made a mistake.

For veterans who are illiterate, it is a very embarrassing thing to ask someone else to write a ghost in the eyes of the public. After one or two experiences, they are often motivated to find teachers to learn literacy and writing, so as to get rid of this dilemma as soon as possible. For example, most of the veterans of the former mercenaries got rid of the title of illiterate for this reason. The veterans who do not know Greek in the venue are mainly from the Petchi who entered the Senate at the latest.

After counting the number of votes, the most votes were Adriáns, followed by Jules, again Milon, and finally Nico Marcus, which is exactly the same as Daves’ previous estimate: he did not In the case of secretly intervening, the former mercenary veteran as the largest group of veterans, most of them will vote for everyone to get along with good ally Adriennes. For Nico Marcus, even in the past ten years, the resentment of the other Greek city veterans to the Rocky people has not completely disappeared, otherwise the number of votes he won will not be very different from the other three, completely different from his ability. match.

Davers sighed and looked at Nick Marcus, but there was no frustration on his face, which was obviously expected.

When Davers announced that Adrians was the new chief executive of Enona, he stood up and expressed his gratitude to Dafos, and expressed his gratitude to the other veterans.

According to the requirements of the Senate and the trip to Enerna from Aachen, Adrians must arrive at Enona within eight days. This time is not urgent, but not too plentiful.

Before he left, he had to go to the palace to listen to some of the suggestions that King Davers had given him, to explain some tasks and requirements, and to learn from the important officials of the kingdoms such as the finance minister, the military minister, the agriculture minister, and the business minister. Details of all aspects of Nona. Of course, he can also make some requests to Dafos and the ministers, such as applying for some funds, or transferring several middle and lower-level officials in various departments that he believes to be trustworthy... If you are not allowed, see if Davers and the ministers agreed.

Finally, he had to get the inaugural letter signed by the king to be able to leave, otherwise he would go to Enona, without official documents, and local officials would not listen to his command.

Although Adrians is not the most suitable candidate for the CEO of Enona in the heart of Daphus, the performance of Adrians has exceeded his expectations during the decade, giving him a lot of surprises, so he There is still a lot of expectation for his future performance.

"You adults, who else has important proposals to say?!" Cornelus asked aloud.

No one responded at the venue and it became calm.

Davers waited for a while and was ready to get back to the palace. Over the years, he gradually began to separate the internal affairs of the kingdom from the Senate, review and pass the establishment of various laws of the Dionia, and transfer them to the palace for treatment. In addition to the election of the new veteran, the election of important official positions, the discussion of important bills, the establishment of new bills, war, diplomacy, etc., he will attend the Great Hall and make the final decision. At other times, he is in the palace. The office is waiting to handle the complicated kingdom affairs.

When Davers left, like Mauriji, Mercy, and Felicius... these elders who have important positions in the kingdom will also leave and go to the palace. Because when he is not sure, Davers will send someone to ask them about something they are governing.

La Odesian anxiously touched Antonios next to him and motioned to get up and speak.

Can Antonios sit still.

Seeing that Davers had stood up, La Othian couldn’t help but stand up suddenly: "Your Majesty, I have a motion to say, please wait a second!"

Antonios hurriedly turned his head and whispered a warning: "La Othion, I am not telling you not to mention this today! You sit down for me!"

La Odesian ignored him and stood still.

Daves showed his playful expression and sat down slowly: "What important bills do you have to say about La Odrian?"

"Your Majesty, Elonor’s new Chief Executive has just been elected." La Odesian said in a hurry: "Why don’t you take this opportunity to elect the new Chief Executive of Naxos? The term of the Strompoli It’s four days to end!”

"La Odesian, what do you mean by this! Stromboli has not returned yet, you are about to start the election of the next Chief of Naxos!" Trito de Moss shouted dissatisfied because The same is the Amendora, who has worked together for so many years. His relationship with Stromboli is very good.

La Odison asked for Trito Des Moss. When he saw him unhappy, he immediately explained with a smile: "The master of Trito de Moss, the Archone of Stromboli did not write to the Senate before. Is he going to run for the next post of Naxos Chief Executive! We are here to pick the successor and go to him early. It doesn’t just make him feel free to leave him for three years. Kosos, there have been many such examples before."

"La Odrian is very concerned about his hometown, and he is very thoughtful." Trito de Moss has not spoken yet, and Davers looks like a smile: "But even if Stromboli leaves In Naxos's ten or twenty days, Naxos has no chief executive, and several administrative adjutants are there. Naxos will not make any trouble, so you don't have to worry too much. ”

"Your Majesty, you... you are right." La Odesian said with a hard scalp: "Just... just if you can shorten this time to a shorter time, is it more secure?"

"Well, you are right." Davers nodded and suddenly smiled: "Sure... but what is it safe?!"

Anthony, who has been paying attention to Davers, felt a little uneasy.

La Odesian was asked by Deverus's weird question I don't know how to answer it.

"La Odrian, as a veteran, your eyes should look at the whole kingdom, not just your hometown!" Daphus's tone was very light, but he called the veteran often called his name, like this There is very little respect for the use of "adults", and the veterans in the venue feel the same.

Davers added a tone: "The selection of the new chief executive of Naxos, after the return of Stromboli, if there is anything important in Stromboli that has not been processed, even we can Approve him to postpone his term! Ok, that's it."

Daves finished, no longer paying attention to La Odesian. Before leaving the seat, he cast a meaningful glimpse from Antonios, let Antonios mad inside: Your Majesty should know that!


For thousands of years, the Ovanto River has flowed from the west to the east on the land of Apulia. Year after year, the sediment brought from the Apennines has turned both sides into fertile land, but It became the boundary river between the Dani and the Puchiti. In order to monopolize this land, the two tribes fought for hundreds of years, and the bones of countless soldiers were buried in the land, which also compensated for the fertility of the land consumed by the crops.