v7 Chapter 47: Eastern Dionia (1)

This is a leader who is close to Akonis. His questioning has caused the fearless leaders to focus on Akonis.

Akonis took over the topic: "What to do?! Of course, it is to summon the soldiers, form a powerful force, declare war on Dionya, and recapture everything that our West Kelmen lost!"

The leaders were surprised again.

The old leader reminded: "The leader of Akonis, don't forget, Denia can defeat the tyrannical Syracuse lord Dionysius ten years ago, now the Kingdom of Dionia It will only be stronger! How can we tribes against the mighty kingdom of Dionia!"

Some of the leaders just wanted to nod and agree, and Arkonis immediately said: "Who said that we are alone against Diaonia! We have the same powerful Carthage support behind us!"

When the words came out, the leaders were shocked.

Akonis held his head and took a letter from his arms and handed it to a leader next to him. The other leaders ignored the identity and joined in the past.

Achilles said with a bit of self-satisfaction: "The Carthaginians told us, 'As long as we rise up against Deonia, they will intervene in this war and fight for the independence of our Sikal."

"The Carthaginians are just using us," said the leader.

"Carthage is using us, but we are also using it. Otherwise, how can Kefa Royion and Enna be so easily attacked..." Akonis sneered.

Some of the leaders suddenly realized that the Carthaginians had long been funding the Tanico tribe, otherwise the tribe that had been abandoned by the Sikels in the past would expand into a powerful tribe in just a few years, making them feel scared.

"Okay, the leaders, you are all clear, and now it’s time to take action!" Akonis looked around and said, "You are going to call the warriors of your tribe to gather here, and then we will go together." Attack Achillion!"

Attacking Achillion? ! That is the biggest town in West Kyle. The leaders are a bit stunned.

Seeing that Akonis respectfully said to a middle-aged leader on the left side of his body: "Uncle West Cops, do you see this?"

"No problem. My tribe is ready. As long as your army attacks Achillion, they can immediately cooperate with you in the city."

West Cops, the leader of the big tribe Trakler in the city of Achillion! Someone recognized him and his face changed slightly, which was remembered: Akonis was the son of former King Achilles of Sikel, and Achillion was the seat of West Kyle. Although Dionysius poisoned Achilles and destroyed the Kingdom of Sikel, how could there be no supporters of Akonis in the city of Achillion!

"We immediately went back to the tribe to convene the tribes." The leaders of the various minds said.

Arkonis said: "You don't have to go back, let your men go back to perform this task. I have a banquet in the city and invite the leaders to join us."

The bosses have changed their faces: this is to force them to force the team!

But seeing the heavily armed soldiers who flocked into the hall, the leaders were mostly obedient. In the past few years, Akonis has led several troops to break through several towns and invade many tribal settlements. The daring rebellious leaders have died under his knife. They are all living with cartilage heads, helping him to deceive Dionia. How dare to resist at this time.

At this moment, a **** hurried in, whispered a few words in Akonis's ear, and he was still smugly watching the leader's embarrassing situation, and suddenly he told him: Dionya's The Eighth Army suddenly entered Achillion!

This awkward news disrupted his original plan, and he immediately negotiated with West Cops.

And some of the arrogant West Cops had some flustered feelings, because at the same time, his confidant also reported to him that Achillion was blocked and could not get in touch with the tribes in the city.

After a few intense discussions, Akonis immediately announced to the princes: Let them send their men back, and intensify the convening of the people, and must bring the troops to Kefaro Ioian tomorrow!

In order to appease the doubtful leaders, the banquet will continue to be held.

But when the banquet lasted for a few hours until the end, the guards brought another bad news, so that some of the slightly drunk Akonis couldn't control his emotions and broke the drinking pot.

The news that "The Eighth Army of Dionia quickly captured Hena" made him messy and made the leaders panic. Several leaders from Hena were crying, and the cheerful atmosphere of the whole party disappeared.


It was already in his 50s that he had received a resolution from the Presbyterian Council, and then after talking to Agassius, he hurried to the port of Gopherian, took a passenger ship and rushed to Dionia. .

The passenger ship drifted along the coast on the west side of the Peloponnese peninsula. The next morning, the Adriatic Sea sailed across the Adriatic Sea and landed at the top of the “heel” of the Italian peninsula. City of Drum.

After a night's rest, Resops regained his spirit, and after the port landed, he was quite leisurely wandering around the port.

Once a city-state of the Mesapi, Odrum used to be close to the Adriatic, but was rarely known to the Greeks, because the famous sea-trades of the Mesapi are Brindisi and Mesa. Nie, and Odrum is inconvenient to transport because of the surrounding terrain, so few Greek merchant ships are willing to stay here, until the Dijon conquered the Mesapi area, the town gradually became famous.

Chris Thorpe saw a lot of merchant ships moored in the port, and even some crowded. The laborers on the docks rushed back and forth, and kept moving the goods. It seemed a bit busy, and occasionally some mistakes were made. From time to time, the ship owner was next to him. The amnesty, and even caused some small conflicts, so the patrols have been maintaining order at the docks. Obviously the Odrums have not fully adapted to such busy port affairs.

Heresops also noticed that there are many Illyrians in the port. These unpopular barbaric races, which the Greek natives call "robbers" and "pirates", appear so much here. Curry Thorpe is curious.

The city of Odrum is also very lively. The Gentiles can be seen everywhere on the street. The Cretans, the Corinthians, the Epirus, the Kequila... There are quite a few businessmen from the Peloponnese. However, Chris Sopras was not surprised. After all, the vast territory, the populous and resource-rich Kingdom of Dionia provided huge business opportunities for Greek merchants. These greedy businessmen were eager for it, and Odrum was from Greece. The nearest town of Dionia.

The most shops in the city are actually carriages, and Thorpeth understands: Now that Odrum has gradually formed a vague concept in the impression of the Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean, it is from the Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean. On the land, head to the starting town of Turai or other places in the centre of Dionia, and it is cheaper to take a carriage here, probably because the Mesapi area is also rich in horses.

Kerry Thorpe hired a car in the city to go to Tarantum.

The coachman is a Mesapi, and he is not very talkative about the stuttering Greek, but he also said a lot of information when he was asked by the customer Sophos.

Initially, when he was annexed by Dionia, Odrum's Mesapis resisted the rule of Dionia, and a relative of the coachman died in a riot. But the swords and spears of the Dionian soldiers made them taste the pain. The Odrums gradually changed their way and chose to fight against silence. Even the Odrum Chief Executive, Niko Marcus, appointed by Dionia, declared that "according to the laws of Deonia, the tribes are to be abolished and the independence of the Odrum people is given..." Just believing the letter, and waiting to see the Daonian jokes, because the Odrum people are few, according to Nico Marcus’s "Dyonia Law," each person will be divided into five. If the land is acre, the narrowness and poverty of the land of Odrum will not be enough.

But the short-sighted Odrum did not think that the chief executive really gave them points, and it was not a barren mountain but a plain land not far from the Odrum people, those land before They belong to other city-states. Now, under the rule of the unified Kingdom of Dionia, they belong to Odrum. For the first time, the Odrum feels the benefits of joining Dionia.

Then, the second benefit came one after another. “All Mesapi people who became citizens of the Dayonian are tax-free for two consecutive years!” In addition, Chief Executive Niko Marcus also told them, “All will not plant land. Don't worry, the Ministry of Agriculture will send special personnel to teach them. If there is not enough labor in the family, you can go to the newly established Kly Stoia Bank in the city to go to the loan, and then go to Tarantum to buy farmland planting experience. Slave."

Tarantum, that is the deadly enemy of the Mesapi people. The two sides can only kill you when they meet. Now they are all under the rule of Dionia (the Mesapi people don’t understand the meaning of “free city”, thinking that Tarantum has been fully integrated into Dionia)!

The daring Odrums really went to the Christopher Bank loan and went to Tarantum. Although the Tarantums glared at them and even had embarrassment, they rarely did it. The patrols were very nervous to guard their safety, and finally these people successfully bought slaves. Back to Odrum, after the incident spread, the people in the entire town were sensational: that was Tarantum! The city that Mesapi people have been trying to capture for centuries is so easy for them to go to the city to go around. ! !